<p>Are there any Claremont McKenna transfer applicants?
Just wondering what people's majors will be or if any are coming from a CC like me.</p>
<p>I would dual major in EEP (at CMC) and geology (through pomona). What would you major in?</p>
<p>Philosophy. I wonder if the admit rate for CMC is dependant on prospective major. CMC is known as the government/econ/poly sci school, which usually draws people to that school for that reason, but for us, will the same competition apply?</p>
<p>I was on the CMC forum and read a post that stated that this year they have 20 transfer spots which means they’ll accept about 30, down from last year when they accepted 80 which was due to the construction of the new dorms.</p>
<p>yeah I got that email. If they’re only planning on enrolling 20 I doubt they’ll consider major too much its not like one more person in a department is really going to matter. Their admissions seems to be based completely on how you “fit” the school (with certain minmum academic qualities of course). since the rates are so sketchy I flew out there and did an interview to boost my chances.</p>
<p>it’s just so disappointing. i wouldn’t have considered applying if my chances were that low. i had applied last year, and when i interviewed i asked what it would be like for proceding years and they had told me they expected admit rate to be the same as this year(this was 2008)</p>
<p>hopefully the freshman class underyields…I still would’ve applied, you might as well try</p>
<p>Yeah, a few bucks is worth a yes or a no, considering that a yes would most likely change which school I choose to attend(assuming financial aid was on target)</p>
<p>from what I hear CMC is pretty generous with aid, I really don’t think it could be any worse than this year for me…hopefully they don’t base transfer admissions of off financial aid though.</p>
<p>i applied too as an econ major…
17 days till we find out
hope we all get in!</p>
<p>yea definitely this year transfer app is ridiculously competitive.</p>
<p>I think the fact that they started doing the common application for transfer will also increase amount of applicants. If applicants go off based on last years acceptance rate which was around 20-30 percent, the number of applicants this year must be greater than last year.</p>
<p>so yeah…sometime this week…i’m pretty nervous lol</p>
<p>This guy I know is applying…the only school he’s applying to.</p>
<p>that’s crazy, unless he’s at another 4 year school, that’s risky.</p>
<p>He transferred from a state school to a community college.
And he got a lot of awards and scholarships, including this USA 20-scholar thing. The last person from my college to get that national scholarship, she transferred to Stanford.</p>
<p>impressive, but considering the number of transfers they’ll accept this year, he might as well transfer to stanford. the acceptance rate will be below 10 percent this year.</p>
<p>i’ve already been accepted to ucla, and berkeley, leaning towards ucla at this point, but if claremont kicks in, there’s no questions about it i’ll enroll(assuming financial aid is generous). now if usc accepts me, they better match my ucla offer, which is free tuition+books supplies with all the grant money ucla gave me.</p>
<p>That’s really great, liek0806! I couldn’t apply for finaid due to my visa status (my parents’ business visa…we pay a lot of tax). :(</p>
<p>Stanford rate is 2%, actually! Yikes, right? :P</p>
<p>I got into UCSD, UCLA, and UCB, definitely leaning toward the latest. Also applied to other private schools but…I don’t know. A girl can hope.</p>
<p>Yeah, if I get in it’ll be between WUSTL and Claremont McKenna. Haven’t heard from Northwestern yet but not considering it that much regardless.</p>
<p>Cal just really isn’t an option for me(unless they granted me more aid). I can’t justify taking out over 10K per year in loans for a humanities major, especially when I still don’t know what I want to do with my life and I already have debt for an art school I stopped attending.</p>
<p>That sucks about the financial aid and visa, if you’re going to have to pay full price, might as well do so for Berk.</p>
<p>^ Exactly. And it’s far from home. UCLA is too close, I have to live at home.</p>