<p>The supplement says "students applying as freshmen to Johns Hopkins using the Common Application plus the Johns Hopkins Supplement must submit either the Common Application essay OR question 1 below." Does this mean that if I did the common app essay, I don't have to answer question 1? And if so, do I have to upload my common app essay onto the supplement? Maybe this is a stupid question, but I just wanted to make sure. Thanks.</p>
<p>I don’t think you have to upload it again.</p>
<p>I did not answer Question #1, and just uploaded my Common App essay in the Q1 section. In the end, JHU received two copies of my CommonApp essay: the one from the actual application, and the one from the supplement Q1.</p>
<p>I got into JHU as part of ED, so I don’t believe it’s any trouble.</p>