Class credit for an unpaid internship

<p>Does anyone know how a student goes about receiving class credit for an unpaid internship? I remember reading a post here recently about how it is the law that if a student is not being paid, they must receive class credit. Thanks for any information regarding this! :)</p>

<p>That is a federal regulation for employers. it is against the law for an employer to not pay interns, unless the internship meets the criteria the Department of Labor sets out - one of which is that the person be receiving college credit. (There’s a lot more.) It doesn’t work the other way - “I’m not getting paid, therefore somebody has to give me college credit.” </p>

<p>Here’s the link to the DOL fact sheet: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks, AmicaMom! The two internships offered to my son are with our governor’s office, and both positions seem to fit the criteria stated in the DOL fact sheet. So… if I understand things correctly, my son does not need to receive class credit. Whew! I wasn’t looking forward to paying out of state tuition! :)</p>

<p>Oh wow, I wasn’t even thinking about out of state tuition for the 1-3 credits. Not that S has found something yet, but there is always next year. So great, they don’t get paid & we have to pay for the credits, eek.</p>

<p>If you are required to earn course credit to participate in an unpaid internship, there is no rule that says you can’t earn the credit at another school and transfer it to UA. That said, I seem to remember there being a way to put a summer internship class on ones fall semester bill.</p>