Class of '20 ~ Who's Applied and Who's been Accepted?

Scheduled tour on 3/29 through the Honors College. Looking forward to it!


Are you a NMF?

Anyway…as far as housing is concerned, any of the honors suites housing are excellent. If that’s what you’d want, then you would likely want to get involved with the UA FB group for your incoming class to find someone to pull you in.

Do you need any advice for restaurants, things to do, etc, during your visit?

Also, if you have any premed questions, let me know. My son was premed at Bama and he’s now a 3rd year med student.

NMF? I’m sorry, I haven’t heard that acronym before. I’m definitely considering UA for pre-med. My other option is Boston University. Tough choices, but due to price and perks, it might be UA! I need plenty of advice about visiting Tusacloosa and what to do. I’ll message you! @mom2collegekids

NMF = National Merit Finalist

A significant perk for an OOS premed at Bama is the “tie” it creates to the state for a better chance of admittance to one of it’s two med schools.

I pm’d you some info about Tuscaloosa.

Others here can chime in with more in regards to Things to Do.

Student gender: Female
Home state: North Carolina
Date applied: September
Date accepted: October
Have you visited the campus? Yes, in November
Major: Chemical Engineering
Applying to the Honors College? Yes, already accepted in November
Career goals: Not sure, probably in pharmaceutical research or industrial research.

My daughter just committed to Alabama over the weekend! We are excited and looking forward to our next trip to Tuscaloosa and another dinner at Mugshots. Thank you to @mom2collegekids and everyone else who helped with all the information.

Student gender: Female
Home state: Tennessee
Have you visited the campus? Yes
Major: Electrical Engineering, interested in STEM to MBA
Applying to the Honors College? Yes, already accepted

Hello (short time lurker and first time poster here)! My daughter was accepted with a Presidential Scholarship ($25K/yr) and an Engineering Scholarship ($2.5K/yr) to the University of Alabama and the Honors College, with a proposed major in Civil Engineering. We live just outside of Boston and I always assumed she would go to college in New England or New York. Unfortunately, due to a combination of being waitlisted or rejected at some schools and not getting sufficient financial aid at other schools (even though she got the Rensselaer Medal Scholarship at RPI), we are looking at fewer options than I might have imagined a year ago. She attended a vocational-technical school, so I guess it was always going to be a roll of the dice re: how selective colleges viewed her application. This is the first–and last–time I will be sending a child to college (she’s an only) and I really feel like I need some hand-holding. I don’t need to be sold on UA’s quality. I already get that. I’m just very reluctant to send my daughter to a place where she will know no one. We don’t have family there, and the cost of airfare means that her visits home would be fewer than if she were in Troy, NY. If something goes wrong, we are very far away. I would love to hear from any other parents on this forum who live in New England (Massachusetts in particular but also New Hampshire or Rhode Island) and are expecting to send a child to Tuscaloosa this fall. I just need reassurance that we are not making a big mistake. Thanks.

The money saved in tuition covers a lot of airfares home…that’s how we are looking at.

@SumusPrimiQS PLEASE, please, please post whatever questions or concerns you have in new threads (or other, existing threads), so that other parents and families can offer their advice to you. (They might not be seen here in this thread, is what I’m saying.) Once you have >10 posts, you can also send and receive Private Messages through CC, and that might help you. Most of all, welcome! and rest assured that you are not at all alone here - many are sending their kids far away, knowing no one (altho you will see very soon that that will change as you become familiar with people from your area who attend UA!), and have similar concerns. Good luck with your decisions!
PS: If nothing else, you already have “cat” in common with me! :wink:

One way to see some existing students who are attending UA from your area is to look at the Dean’s List. See here:


I think we met you there! Good luck on your decision, Alexa is booked and going this fall:)

Welcome all. Yes, please post question in new threads.
@sosconcern is not from your area, but she has a DD in CivilE.

@robotbldmom and @Chardo are from Long Island. @ldinct is from Connecticut There’s a mom here from New Hampshire, but I can’t remember her exact screenname off the top of my head.

In the UA Facebook parents group, there are more NE folks that you could talk to. If you’d like to join, let me know.

If anyone needs info about Tuscaloosa, places to eat, places to stay, things to do…please let me know. You can PM me or make a new thread. To PM, click on my name, and then click on message.

Anyone interested in more info on DD in CivilE, I have posted a longer bit on another thread. Any questions, can message me.

@SumusPrimiQS we are likewise from just outside of Boston (30 miles south) and DD has committed to UA in the Aerospace Engineering. Our circumstances are somewhat similar — while all schools applied to offered significant merit scholarships none where as generous in the total percentage of the cost of attendance as UA. It was a bit difficult to turn down Purdue but alas they just did not come through with enough to make it a reasonable choice for this out of state student. Plus the addition of a beautiful campus (with no snow) and the proximity of major aero industry made selecting Alabama a no-brainer for our girl. Although it is a LOOOONNNGGG way from home it will be a great adventure full of seemingly limitless opportunities. Roll Tide!

D Decided last night that UA would be where she spends the next 4, in doing so passed on these schools:
U Michigan, Case Western, Tulane, UMD CP, U Miami, George Washington U, SUNY Binghamton. In the end it came down to Tulane and UA with Binghamton a distant 3rd. Very happy that she had so many great schools to choose from. She is ready to put this part of the journey behind her and is looking forward to the adventures that the next 4 bring. ROLL TIDE ROLL…

My son shared his decision to choose UA a few days day. He will receive the Presidential Scholarship. He passed on a full tuition scholarship at IIT and full tuition and room at UA Huntsville. His sister will be a 5th year senior at UA in the fall. Roll Tide!

Now that he is committing, I will comb these threads to connect to others from our area who may be in his class, and encourage him to meet his future classmates online.

Student Gender: M

Home State: Illinois

Date Applied: early fall, 2015

Date Accepted: early fall, 2015

Have you visited the campus?:

Major: Computer Science

Applying to the Honors College?: yes

Student Gender: F

Home State: Tennessee

Date Applied: August

Date Accepted: August

Have you visited the campus?: Yes

Major: Biology

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes, and have been accepted.

Career goal(s): Physician

Any else you’d like to mention:
Offered membership into The University Fellows Experience.

Congrats!!! To both admission and UFE!!!