Class of 2011/2015 Decision Thread


<p>W GPA: 4.28 UW GPA 3.95
SAT: CR:710 M:750 W:670
SAT2: Math2:770 Chem:740
AP's Chem, Physics, Calc AB, Eng Lit, Eng Comp
DE: Programming</p>

<p>Heavily involved in EC related to Engineering, internship, & professional certifications.
National awards</p>

<p>Applied to Honors College</p>


<p>W GPA: 4.64/5 UW GPA: 3.95/4
Rank: Top 5%
SAT: M:780 CR:600 W:700
8 AP’s by graduation
Good EC’s
OOS, MD</p>

<p>I wasn’t expecting to hear back so soon. I won’t be attending, but it’s nice to know I was accepted.</p>

<p>Accepted: Engineering
GPA: 92.27/100
ACT- Composite(31), English(28), Math(32), Reading(30), and Science(33)
Good Ec’s
OOS, NY</p>

<p>Also, if I do go, I’m going to join the Corps of Cadets.</p>


-SAT: 690 Math, 720 Reading, 700 Writing
-SAT IIs: Bio M 750, Chem 720
-GPA: 3.5 UW, 4.2 W
-Rank: Does not rank
-Other stats: EC including being captain of my HS’s FIRST Robotics team, XO in marching band, jazz band, pit orchestra, and JSA.</p>

-Essays: Great essays
-Teacher Recs: Good… I think
-Counselor Rec: See above
-Hook (if any): FIRST Robotics, band… because music+engineering=AWESOME</p>

<p>Location/Person: State or Country: New Jersey
-School Type: Public
-Ethnicity: White
-Gender: Male</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted for Computer Science / College of Engineering</p>


<p>SAT: 600/750/680 (CR/M/W)
SAT II’s: Math Level II - 780
ACT: Composite: 30, English: 30, Math: 32, Reading: 29, Science: 30
AP: 11th grade- AP US History: 4. 12th Grade - Chem, Lit, Gov, Computer Science
GPA: 4.32 W
Rank: 31/465 or Top 7%</p>

-Essays: Good essays (Wrote 2, top 5 reasons and diversity)
-Teacher Recs: Great by Computer Science Teacher
-Counselor Rec: Great
-Hook (if any): FIRST Robotics member, International Student</p>

<p>Location: Northern Virginia
School Type: Public, pretty competitive school.
Ethnicity: Indian
Gender: Male</p>

<p>Got invited to Honors, applied for that and for the Dean’s scholarship. Still anxious to hear about those decisions! Definitely going to VT regardless.</p>


<p>GPA: 4.1/4.0
SAT: 740 Math
700 Reading</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted University Studies</p>

SAT I: 800CR 770M 800W</p>

<p>GPA: 4.2-4.3</p>

<p>Only submitted one essay-my copy and pasted UVA essay.</p>

<p>Generic ECs and Recs.</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone who got in!</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted University Studies (Chemistry)</p>

<p>SAT: 800/800/740 (CR/M/W)
SAT II’s: Math Level II - 760, Chemistry - 800, United States History - 770
APs: 14 AP courses
GPA: 4.00UW
Rank: 3/420</p>

<p>Location: Central VA
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Female</p>

<p>Did not expect such early notification! Feels great to be admitted somewhere. :)</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted University Studies</p>

<p>W GPA: 3.68 UW GPA 3.41
SAT: CR:640 M:640 W:590
Rank: 82 out of 452
7 AP Courses (AP Scholar)
IB Diploma Candidate
IB English, Spanish, History of Europe, and Biology HL
IB Math Studies and Computer Science SL (6 on both)</p>

<p>Great ECs (EoC of Yearbook, Class Officer, Student Government Committee Chairman, Historian of City-Wide Student Government, Leadership Workshop Staff among other things)
Lots of volunteer work
No Teacher Recs submitted
Two essays submitted (Own topic and 5 reasons)</p>

1st Generation</p>

<p>Location: Hampton Roads
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Female</p>

<p>Plan on applying to RLC.</p>

<p>raychillee: did you apply to university studies or were you offered admission to university studies second to your first choice school?</p>

<p>@brycdf27 I applied University Studies. I’m not quite sure what I want to do with my life at this point, haha.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted for Computer Science / College of Engineering</p>


<p>SAT: N/A
ACT: Composite: 33, English: 33, Math: 35, Reading: 30, Science: 32
AP: US History - 3, English Lang - 3
GPA: 4.2 W
Rank: 47/860 or top 6%</p>

-Essays: Great
-Teacher Recs: Great
-Counselor Rec: Good</p>

<p>Location: New York
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male</p>


<p>Decision: College of Engineering</p>

SAT: (760/600/560) (M/W/R)
SAT II: Math-720
AP: Gov-3, Calc AB-4, Environmental Science-4
GPA: 3.4 UW, 4.1 W
Rank: 110/350</p>

-Essays: Buttrape
-Teacher Recs: None
-Counselor Recs: None</p>

<p>Location: Chapel Hill, NC
School Type: Public (#1 in the state)
Ethnicity: Asian (Indonesian)
Gender: Male
Body Type: Sexy</p>

<p>*Applied as International Student</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted to College of Engineering
SAT: Math: 670, Reading: 760, Writing: 710
SAT II: Math 2: 670, US History: 800
ACT: 30
AP: APUSH: 5, AP World: 5, APLANG: 4, taking BC Calc, Physics, Comp Sci, Govt
GPA: 4.2 W
Rank: top 5%</p>

<p>Band and other extracurrics

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I find out next friday on whether or not I got accepted to tech, but I am really worried and was just wondering my chances</p>

<p>-GPA: 3.94 (weighted)
-SATs: 580 math, 540 reading
-3 APs this year, AP Language and Comp last year (along with 2 sciences, regular physics and human anatomy/physiology, regular precalculus, regular history, spanish 4, SGA), took honors courses 9th and 10th grade
-I have been in SGA since 10th grade, and have held an office since 11th grade
-I also have been assistant manager lifeguard for a year over the summer, and am currently working as a hostess during the school year
-jv soccer 9th and 10th grade (captain 10th grade)
-national honor society (9th-12th), spanish honor society (10-12th grade)</p>

<p>My biggest worry is I had a 4.0 both 9th and 10th grade (because of the .5 weight on honors courses) but I got a 3.77 my junior year. I got a 4.1 my first semester of senior year because of the weights, which makes my GPA a 3.94.</p>

<p>Will they be disappointed in my drop junior year and not accept me and the fact that I took no honors courses? I am also worried about my sats not being high enough, and the fact that I only wrote ONE ESSAY. I feel like I should have written 3. </p>

<p>Sorry for rambling, but what are your thoughts? I applied for my major as Human Nutrition and Exercise Sciences</p>

<p>you probably should have written at least two essays, plus the SAT is pretty low. but on the upside, your GPA is high enough now that your drop junior year probably will not matter too much. your EC’s look fine as well. in my opinion, you are in, but it’s not a definite. you just have to wait until friday (like me) to find out (it’s agonizing haha).</p>

<p>ahh i know waiting is agonizing! i really regret only writing 1 essay. when i was doing the application i wasn’t interested in going at the time, but now i realllllly want to go haha. what major did you apply for?</p>

<p>Accepted, Engineering
SAT: 2370
GPA: 3.99-ish UW, 4.49 W
Courses: 6 AP’s plus Computer Info Systems
AP’s: 4 tests taken, all 5s
EC’s: involved in about half a dozen clubs, leadership roles in 3
100 hrs. volunteering (Habitat for Humanity)
Essays: nope, completely blew them off.
actually, i felt bad because i applied with no essays at 11:47 PM on January 15th (i had completely forgotten to apply up until that point), so it really looked like i wasnt taking the app seriously…</p>

<p>Virginia Resident- yeah, i rep the commonwealth… specifically NoVA</p>

<p>anyway, tech was kind of my safety. seeing as i was just accepted to Washington-St. Louis last Friday and am waiting on some of my other top choices, me going to tech isn’t looking likely.
However, some of my best friends are going to tech and really looking forward to it, and I’m glad i appplied there as it offered me some needed security for a few weeks once i was accepted there. Thanks Tech!</p>

<p>Accepted! They may wonder about the correlation between your high GPA and the lower SAT scores. You might expect higher test scores from that GPA. Have you tried the ACT’s , so people do much better on them. I think VT takes the English grade and Math grade and changes the to comparable SAT scores. In my D’s case it moved her from a 1330 to a 1410.</p>

<p>Blueiguana. Have you been made aware of or received any merit scholarship money yet?</p>