***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

D started to receive emails with offers for NMF from OU and few others. Do they know the cut offs already or just target high scored juniors.

My D got a NMF email from OU too. I think they are just targeting high scores.

(Class of 2015 NMF here) I got mail from OU for a long time. Get used to it, haha. They really market, especially after you make NMSF.

I’ve had a chance to re-read that OU email titled: “Congratulations on your incredible score on the PSAT!”

And I don’t think they have the actual PSAT scores for individual students. What I’ve read elsewhere is that collages buy data from the College Board (this might be limited to students that check the college search box, I’m not sure) and that although they don’t release individual scores they do release information about score “ranges” and they can even request a data set with other criteria such as mailing information for all high school juniors in California with PSAT off 220 or more with a self reported GPA of 3.5 or better

When we visited OU the woman in the Scholars Office was very aware of the different states minimum cut offs and that they vary some what from year to year. I’m guessing that OU and other colleges don’t know any more about the cut offs than we do but are targeting their marketing to those they think are likely NMF.

The email was carefully worded, “You may qualify for our National Merit scholarship, or other academic merit-based awards at OU!” Not you will qualify…

D’s gotten lots of college literature but I think OU is the first to actually mention PSAT scores.

The thing is, 220 will not make a cut off in California. At least it is very unlikely. 222+ might. That is why I was surprised to receive this email from OU. D is on the bubble in California with score higher than all prior year cut offs, but too close to be comfortable.

Well, there’s a reason they have 750+ NMF going to OU. Methinks the marketing plays a big role in that. My college offers a good scholarship, but they didn’t market to me until I expressed interest in them. (That’s probably why they only have around 5-15 NMF going there.)

@seal16 I pulled 220 out of the air for an example of what they could do. I’m sure OU has carefully looked at what they think the cut will be for CA and other states and sent letters to student they think will make the cut.

Agreed @albert69 OU targets their advertising for NMF so getting their NM scholarship mailings is a good sign but alas not a sure sign for someone “on the bubble”

I am curious if collegeboard gives the names based on last year’s cut offs.

Did anyone get a letter from OU despite not meeting last year’s cutoff for their state?

@texaspg Oldest son was 2 points under cutoff and OU heavily recruited him for the NM package before we found out cutoff scores. Even after not making NMF, with all the scholarships added up he is on a full ride at Boise State:)

@hsmomof3 did the cutoff increase by 2 points that year?

@texaspg It increased by 4 points that year.

Sounds like OU is using reasonable cutoffs based on historical data then?

@hsmomof3 are you in Texas? I have dear friend that has a D that was caught in that unheard of 4 point jump too! She was Val at a very competitive high school so it was a big shock. @texaspg I do think OU uses historical data, why would they waste money marketing to kids that they don’t think will make NMF?

I go back to my original question:

“Did anyone get a letter from OU despite not meeting last year’s cutoff for their state?”

@3scoutsmom We are from Texas originally, however we moved to Idaho where the 4 point jump took place 2 years ago. This year middle son is a few points above the highest ever so we are hoping for good news! He just received first OU recruiting package a few days ago.

We haven’t received anything yet; probably our son would toss anything from a school he’s not already interested in at this point. I’m hoping we don’t have a 4 point jump in MD this year; that would take him out of the running. The cutoff would have to be 2 points over the highest ever for that to happen, though.

mstomper…what was the cutoff in MD last year?

I must stop checking this thread obsessively!!!

Buckeyeinmd, it was 221. Highest ever is 223.