***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

Here’s enrollment by state at OU:

Enrollment by Country:

And By County in OK:

For the Norman Campus enrollment in state is 16,539, OOS 8,741 and International is 1,998 total enrollment 27278

I say that’s a good draw but keep in mind that 4,885 of those out of state are from Texas:-)

Wow! That is encouraging. I was really thinking she was borderline with only about a 50% chance. I am keeping my fingers crossed because she definitely needs the financial assistance. We have blown our college nest egg putting her and her two siblings through private school. My thought was to have them get an excellent high school learning experience and it would help pay for their college (in many more ways than just financial), and it looks like that may work out.

I never know what to think of OU, mostly because of the overly intense focus on football; makes me a bit leery of their priorities. And then to top it off, I am an OSU graduate and we know how those rivalries go, LOL. It greatly encourages me to know that you and your son were so impressed.

One of the other schools my D has been considering is Washington University in St. Louis. I do not see that they provide much incentive for NM scholars, but I might give them a call. She visited the campus two years ago and liked it, but the school dropped the ball on giving her group a tour of the specific departments they had planned to visit.

I have to say she seemed to enjoy the OU campus a bit more.

Thank you so much for running the numbers for me. Maybe my daughter and your son will run into each other on the OU campus if that becomes their choice of schools. That would be rather funny, LOL.

I’m sure National Merit helps with the draw from other states.
“Our Fall 2014 class of 313 National Merit Scholars includes students from 39 states”
I couldn’t find a breakdown of enrollment of National Merit students by state but I’m sure many of them are OOS


http://www.nationalmerit.org/Merit_Sponsor_Leaflet.pdf lists all of the sponsering schools. My first born went to Northwestern. They give her some money for NMF, but not like OU. Washington University is on the list. Every little bit helps. Good private schools tend to give nice financial grants unless you are very well off.

My son is likely to take advantage of one of the scholarships and also avail himself of one of the public school honors programs. Seems like the best of both worlds. Smaller classes, more attention, but yet the advantages of a big school (and yes my son wants to go to a school with a good football program) along with good scholarship money.

Oh, the correlation coefficient isn’t super high with the OK cutoff calculation, but it is decent. It certainly isn’t a sure thing that 208 makes it, but I would put it at much better than 50% chance. My bet is on 206 or 207, but caveat emptor…

@charlie295 Your alma mater has a very nice National Merit package you can be proud of.


My younger son has a 214 in Florida so fingers crossed. while he did not do as well on SAT, I believe its enough to qualify for finalist - my question is does national merit use the ‘super scores’ like the florida universities do to come up with the qualifying score or does it have to be from one sitting? both will probably qualify(using just the writing subscore without the essay times 10), but one would be 2050 and the other 2100. using superscore, it would be 2130. should I call national merit? all else would qualify him - IB student, all A’s thru junior year except for 5 B’s… GPA weighted of 4.7.

Would you please do a regression for TN?

14-15 178 258 182 14130
13-14 199 267 157 15258
12-13 197 199 260 16636
11-12 127 161 227 15841
10-11 192 257 301 14001
09-10 173 206 167 14464
08-09 191 155 201 16347

Thank you.


See post #235 or #291. The R2 correlation coefficient (goodness of fit) isn’t particularly good. If you can find the 11th grade public (or even private) school enrollment data for TN for those years, I could improve the fit, though the final result might not change, but we would have better confidence in the result.

@Stanton2016 I have never heard that they superscore, so I would assume they would not, but it does not hurt to call them to check.

I got a 215. Do I stand a chance? Thanks

@faith4ever17820 it depends on what state you live in - you can check previous years’ cutoffs to get an idea of where you stand, but official announcements won’t be made until September.


Take a look at post #92 to see the historical cutoff scores for each state. Good luck.

I am from NY

Unfortunately New York has only gone that low twice, and predictions show a 219 for NY this year. You have a chance, but not a particularly good one.

I’m from Texas and I got a 214. I know that based on past years the chances to get national merit semifinalist are minuscule, but my teacher told me there was a chance I got it because on the score report is said I was in the 99 percentile. Anyone know how true this is?

The cuts are near the 99th, but again it really depends on the state, and TX typically has one of the slightly higher cuts, with the last 4 years being 219, 216, 219, and 218. Like the NY poster above, it’s possible, but unfortunately not very likely for TX to drop as low as 214. The 99th is just a blanket quoted percentile that doesn’t take into consideration the differing inputs from state to state.


214 is a very good score and I’m sure that you also did well on your SAT scores. It is likely that the TX cutoff will be 218 +/- 1 for this year.

This is like the ninth month of pregnancy…and September 10th is the due date!!!

It’s pretty certain S16 will make the cut. His safety school (Ole Miss) gives a great aid package to NMSF. It’s.the only school that gives that much aid to NMSF and has the programs he wants. He’s almost certainly not going to be NMF due to his grades, so this could be huge.

Wonder when homeschoolers and some people tied to high schools will start giving us some info that has already been received. Schools should start getting notifications.