***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

I believe that the information in post #1247 is false. I do not see that SAT number in the information I have access to. And no, I will not provide any more information on how I have access to the numbers. I do not want to get anyone in trouble.

I believe that the information in post #1247 is false. I do not see that SAT number in the information I have access to. And no, I will not provide any more information on how I have access to the numbers. I do not want to get anyone in trouble.

If that list is accurate, Alaska bucked the trend and dropped by 4 points this year

I’m very conflicted right now. I have a 213 in Missouri, which is above last year’s 209. However, historically it’s a bit iffy that I’ll make it. But now this list has me hoping!

@baltimoreguy, the 7400 number includes ALL National Merit Scholars (and a National Merit Scholar is any NMF who gets an official National Merit “sponsored” scholarship). Those official scholarships come from 3 sources: the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, a sponsoring college, or a sponsoring corporation (usually a parent’s employer). The scholarships are usually around $2500. Many colleges offer additional scholarships to NMFs, but those are not the “official” National Merit scholarship.


Did the counselor mention the cutoff for Virginia or even Maryland by any chance? Any information would be greatly appreciated. I’m not sure if the 222 cutoff posted here is legitimate or not, and the suspense is killing me

Also, I really hope the 2250 SAT req is a joke… if not then 8-|

I hope the info in #1235 is wrong (my S16 misses by 1 point) but have a sinking feeling it is legit. Same thing happened in 2014 – a cutoff list was leaked at about the same time. I think it held up.

I can still qualify if both the 222 for VA and the 2250 SAT is legit, but can’t believe the SAT requirement went up that much. Continue to follow…

D would make the SAT number easily, but miss PA by 1 point if this list is true. Hoping it’s a hoax.

@longdog I have an incredibly hard time believing that the SAT score is that high. The reasons other have listed: past scores, alienating lower-scoring states, such a large jump. But also, I have no reason to believe that NM would change the score the year right before the SAT changes completely. If there was ever a time to change it, it would be for next year’s class, not this year. The timing just doesn’t make sense.

I am confirming that @Dookster 's list is legitimate! I pm’ed him some but not all identifying info about my D who should be on the list but hasn’t been notified by the school and he was able to give me her very unique and hard to spell last name.

Thank you Dookster for giving us this information! I will sleep much better tonight!

Is this still the correct way to calculate “confirming” SAT score? Sorry if this belongs in another thread, still new at this.

“Keep in mind that the “confirming” SAT score is calculated by excluding the essay contribution to your “normal” SAT score. In other words to get the confirming score (1) find the writing multiple choice subscore on your SAT score report (this will be a two digit number likely 60-80 for most NMSF’s), (2) multiply it by 10 and (3) add it to your math and critical reading scores. As a formula the confirming calculation looks like this: CR + M + (W(mc)*10) = confirming score.”

The person that posted the inaccurate SAT confirming score is intentionally and sadistically trying to stir the pot (and it is working!). We KNOW it is NOT true…so my vote is that everyone stop discussing it!

For everyone (those that make NMSF and those that don’t), I thought I would post this information again:

Here is the link for automatic full tuition/full ride scholarships that only need certain GPA’s and standardized test scores…not contingent on PSAT score.


If the score cutoff for VA posted here is in fact true then I just exactly made it!! A big relief.

Our sedate little thread takes a Dramatic Turn!

Thank you for finally posting the list, Jimmie.

Where were you last year when I needed this? :wink:

Ok the Dookster has only visited this site twice. It makes me wonder about his information. My D made it according to that list but no info from school yet. If it is false, shame on him

Ooooh, and I’m just now seeing that post about 2250 as the SAT qualifying score. @Barfly, I’m with you - I don’t believe it for one minute. A call to NMSC on Tuesday will resolve that question for the group.

I’m not a suspicious person by nature…or maybe I am??..but I posted a thread on DC Urban Mom to see if we could get some intel for our East Coast friends. Some folks were helpful, others were not, and some seemed to enjoy taking pot-shots at National Merit. I also linked this thread on DCUM, so I can’t help but wonder if someone came over here to have a little “fun” with the group.

I really do not believe 2250 is the new SAT qualifying score.

I’m also disappointed to see the KS score because that means my friend’s DS did not make it. It’s my understanding that he had the 2nd-highest score in our high school, which means we will have only ONE National Merit Semifinalist this year. That seems crazy to me, but it may be true.

@hopetoachieve12 I can assure you the Dookster’s list is real! I’m pretty sure that they created a new account to post the list and protect their identity. It’s a big no no for GC’s and Principles to post this information or even leak it.

There is no way that Dookster could have come up with my D’s name (including middle initial!) if they did not have the real list.

@3scoutsmom Thank you for verifying that! That seems like a reasonable explanation, and I’m pretty glad that they did post the list anyway. Saves me from worrying all weekend.

The “magic book” that was touted last year does exist, but does not include cut score information. It’s a complete list, state by state, and town by town, of all NMSF. In the towns, it breaks down by school, and include’s the students full name. I have this book from last year.

Edited to add that each school gets this book (though not homeschoolers). I asked and was given the book, because my kid was the only one from our school. I suspect it would have gone straight in the trash otherwise. Again…no cut score info there.