***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

The school still hasn’t said anything and I can’t find a press release for DC so I called the number in #1515 and confirmed that my child’s name is on the list. Guess I can relax now. The school will not make a general announcement or acknowledge the NMSFs at all. They only do that kind of thing for sports awards. Rumor has it that the school has 16 SFs out of a class of 128.

quick question. do colleges already get the lists of students that are semifinalists? Because I got a ton of mail from them the past two days.

@rangerstown - I think they must. We’ve heard nothing officially, although my son’s counselor has said that he’s already starting to work on his portion of the application, and we know his score easily was over the bar in California. Yesterday, though, was probably the largest pile of mail in any single day from colleges since right after the PSAT score itself was sent to us, and soem of it included some language that talked a lot about “Merit Scholars”.

It’d be nice if my kid got the information he needs to get started, but I’m hopeful it’ll come by Friday.

@2manybooks thank you! Generally 2-3 pieces of mail each day, but when you start to get 6-7 I think colleges know something… :slight_smile:

Is there a homeschool principal that would be willing to post the exact wording of the “principal” letter that was received? I would like to know exactly how it is worded regarding letting students/families know, but not to do an official release until today.

According to NMSC, the names of NMSFs are sent to colleges at the same time they are sent to media outlets (and only if such colleges and media outlets have provided a valid email address to NMSC).

Eventually your student will get a letter mailed to your home address, but for now, the only way to get your login info to begin your application is through the high school. Unfortunately, some high schools don’t know this and, apparently, haven’t read the material provided to them. Our high school still insists that the students “know before we do”. I have reminded the principal that I’ve been through this 3 times and can assure him that the school knows PSAT scores and NMSF status well before the students have access to it. But what do I know? In any event, if the school doesn’t give you your information soon, you may have to insist that they do so. Tell them the NMSC says the high school must provide you with the information. Then stay on top of it! But rest assured that the NMSC will waive deadlines and will send reminders, and will answer your questions as to the status of the high schools paperwork. They really make great effort to ensure that no student falls through the many cracks they’ve created.

Why does NMSF even matter?

@WhyListen, you have to first be a NMSF to become a NMF to become a NMS which equals $. And if you choose certain colleges with nice packages for NMFs, it means $$$$$$$$$$. That’s why NMSF matters to some people.

I’m remembering from past threads that the thing to do is not put down a first choice college. Right, been-there, done-that parents?

California list is up on the San Jose Mercury News site.

What is the deadline for the next step? We have not received our login information yet.

Also, does anyone have a link showing the 1960 as the official confirming score? I was given that verbally, but would like to see it in print as well. :wink:

thank you @whatthewhat Here’s the link for CA NMSFs: http://bayareane.ws/1IYWeJT

Does anyone know what the 3 digit number before each name means? I thought maybe percentile with 999 meaning perfect score, but now I don’t think that is right.

Very happy dad here to see S on the list! He won’t get instruction packet until Friday and his school requires essay and all deliverables complete within one week!

the three digit number is a code for intended major

@whatthewhat Thanks. Here is the CA list http://www.mercurynews.com/school-honors/ci_28783488/national-merit-semifinalists-named

@pickpocket – Thanks for posting the link to the CA NMSF’ers!!

Is there a list for the state of Colorado?

I want to see how many NMF per school for certain school districts in Texas. Does anyone know how I do that?

I have not seen a list for Texas schools yet. But, I have seen local media outlets (mostly newspapers) that have published NMSF by district. You might check with those sources.

Sorry if I missed this earlier in the thread:

Has anyone figured out if there’s a word or character limit on the NMF application essay, and if so, what it is?

Thanks in advance.

@AsleepAtTheWheel For grins, I just posted my son’s 630 word common app essay into the prompted area, then hit preview. It was above the pink line, but not by much (about a line). If you’re too long, part of it will be in this pinkish area and that won’t be counted. You have the opportunity to preview so you can see.

Then I deleted that essay because it has nothing to do with the prompt. I was, like you, just curious.