***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

Does anybody has a link to California NMSF list ?

This is a better database for New York State.
Here you can search for names.

There are 962 names for NY

Just called NMSC to confirm whether I am a SF, and was told that as I took the PSAT abroad and am living abroad, I am considered as an international student, and did not make the cutoff. Sad to see my hopes dashed. Congratulations to all Semi-Finalists, and good luck to all those who, like me, failed to make the cutoff.

NM also confirmed that the SAT qualifying score is 1960

I was worried about that possibility @DominicBayer, but had hoped it wouldn’t come to pass. So sorry! You are still the same bright kid with lots going for you. Best of wishes to you and anyone else who didn’t quite make their respective cuts.

@DominicBayer really sorry to hear this. You are obviously a bright student with may possibilities ahead. Good luck!

Thanks for the good wishes, @PAMom21. I’ll have to modify my plans a bit, as I was expecting to be a SF because of my GC, but I’m sure I’ll end up doing well and going to the right college for me. Thanks for all of your tips and helps during this long wait.

@Momof6PA. Thanks for the good wishes. I’m sorry that your daughter also missed the cutoff, and it is must be frustrating to know she missed it by just 1 point, but I’m sure she’ll do extremely well.

Here’s a link to just announced NMS qualifying scores, by state, with SAT equivalents.http://publicuniversityhonors.com/2013/12/11/psat-national-merit-scholar-qualifying-scores-and-sat-equivalencies-by-state/

Thanks @Uniwatcher . I happened to be up at the school right after NM Semifinalist was announced and the principal let me take a photo of the qualifying score pages. Was going to post it here for those who hadn’t gotten news from their school yet, but see it isn’t needed anymore!

I would love the Wisconsin list or verification of the cut score if anyone has it, please?

I called and they verified my D was on the list. Now to get the school on board. If they don’t tell her today, I will tonight. Enough waiting:

@3scoutsmom - we must be from the same HS. My phone lit up when the email went out with the 28 NMSF. DD texted me to say that she was being congratulated but was not officially notified…just on the emailed list. I told her to go see her counselor to get the login info or whatever it was that she needed to get the process started. Congrats to your D.

Congrats to all who are official now! My d texted that the semifinalists were on the announcements today (but no more info than that so far) and she was named. And add my good wishes and promises that all is still amazing with those who missed the cutoff for whatever reason. My older daughter just missed the cut, still had lots of wonderful merit scholarship options, just graduated in May, and has an awesome job!

@dansmoaustin I think there are a couple of us from the same school on CC;-) I’m really surprised that the district sent that email before telling the kids. I’m also not happy that they kids haven’t been given the info they need to log on to and start their apps yet. If your kid is like mine, there’s a lot going on this month and there are deadlines to meet! I sent my DD to the GC to get log on info too! Congrats to your D too! I think the school made an impressive showing with 28 out of just about 600 making NMSF!

just to repeat, the one confirming score for SAT is 1960 - it does not vary by state.

Last Year someone published links to entire lists by state of semifinalists’ names.

Anyone got that info?

based on last year, Florida Dept of Ed will probably post list of names tomorrow(10th)

Our local newspaper finally published the list…however the school made no mention of it today at all. My daughter’s guidance counselor told her last week and she already started the application process. Kind of a let down they didn’t say or do anything today for her.

Searching for a list of TN semi-finalists. I’ve found one for Tri-Cities, Chattanooga area, and Nashville area. Has anyone seen a state wide list? Memphis area? We made it, but it’d be nice to see it in “print.”