***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

@nycuws October 7 I think.

I will second the request made in post #1565:

“Is there a homeschool principal that would be willing to post the exact wording of the “principal” letter that was received? I would like to know exactly how it is worded regarding letting students/families know, but not to do an official release until today.”

We still do not have log-in info. I am frustrated that the school has known for two weeks now and we have no log-in info so that my kid can complete their portion of the application and essay. While I understand that no public announcements are to be made, I do wonder if it is really required for the schools to keep the log-in information from the semifinalists.

Our local paper hasn’t published, but they did last year, so I emailed them and they sent me the list! So now I have PA…no surprises…

@momofsmartdancer, has your kid asked for the log-in info? Have you? Our school had no idea that the kids did not receive the info directly. Same with PSAT scores. The principal told me that the students got their scores before the school did. Wrongo.

Link to Harrisburg PA area (Cumberland Dauphin Lancaster Lebanon and York counties):


Just made my whole day. Thanks!

I contacted them last Friday and asked for the log-in info. Since her score was 10 points over last’s years cut-off in our state, I did not really feel the need to confirm her score qualified her as a semifinalist. She is really busy with extracurricular activities and I was hoping she might be able to work on it over the holiday weekend.

They would not share info with me and told me it would be mailed. In our area, we usually get local mail the next day. So- they definitely did not mail it yesterday. I think it is reasonable to expect them to mail today so she will get log-in info tomorrow and can work on it over the weekend. While we really appreciate the program, all the waiting can be very nerve-wracking.

I asked the GC for the book and he is sending it home with my D. She was the only one from our district to make it. A wait worth waiting for.

Hi! Are there any homeschool “principals” willing to share the letter you received? GC insists letter says she is not allowed to tell families. Have no idea when our daughter would have found out she was a SF if not for CC and the newspaper article today. Of course I am grateful she made the cutoff, but already not feeling confident in someone she needs to rely on to advance to finalist standing.

I have the entire Washington State list - but it is an adobe document and will not paste here…does anyone know how?

@WImom94 The exact wording on the letter is that this information is confidential until Wednesday, September 9.

I finally learned yesterday when my son brought home his letter…that is where the wording is that says something like “other than your family and the principal, this information is confidential until Sept. 9th”. The letter that the principal gets makes it seem as if they can’t release info to anyone until 9/9 (I had a conversation with GC’s administrative assistant about this yesterday and that is what she told me). So, the GC needs to print the letter out for the student - and that letter makes it clear.

Can anyone post a PDF of this year’s finalist application?

School finally told daughter this afternoon she was a SF – after the Mrs. left the GC a voice mail message asking when they were going to tell her so we didn’t steal their thunder, since we already knew from my call yesterday to NMSC. A bit passive-agressive on our part, but it did the trick, and daughter has no idea.

Which school are you from?

@UpstateNYDad it’s not really PDF-able. There are various different sections and form fields to fill out online in different categories. When you’re done, you can see a preview as a complete thing, but it has all your information already on it.

@4kids2graduate Please post the Washington State list! I’m interested in knowing if I made it. If the Adobe file doesn’t post, then maybe take screenshots, upload them to imgur, and post that link? Thanks!

@jackson9854 I am technologically challenged…and have no idea how to do any of that! Feel free to PM me with email address, and I can email it to you…then maybe you can screenshot/upload to imgur, etc. to post on here for others.

Semi-finalist letter says that after student submits his portion of application to HS, school will finalize it by submitting its portion to NMSC. Does anyone know (or have a copy?) what school’s portion consists of? Is it letter of recommendation from GC? Answers to series of questions?

@UpstateNYDad, I posted the info last year, but can’t locate it now. I will try to find it. But as I remember, the GC has to do a rec letter, and has to enter each course and grade for the student in 9th, 10th and 11th grades. Then the GC has to rank the student in several categories. It is important that the GC understands that what he/she does can affect whether the student progresses to finalist. If you think your student’s GC doesn’t get it, then schedule a meeting, write an email, contact the principal, read How to Win Friends and Influence People, or do whatever you need to to make sure you have the school on your side. It is in the school’s and the GC’s best interest to ensure all their NMSFs progress to finalist, but you may have to make them aware of that fact!