***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

Hi everyone, I had heard that Drexel was no long offering NMS. Since all of you are currently in the NMS process, can someone confirm that is true… does Drexel no longer offer tuition for NMS Finalists?

Heard today that I made Finalist. :slight_smile:

I had all As except for a drop last year, had a 2280 SAT when I took it specifically for NM in November. I was really irritated at the time, but I think it has all paid off now.

Principal just called and told me I made finalist!

Received notice today!:slight_smile: Home schooled, 2280 SAT, Idaho

My school is saying NMSC won’t let them release information until the students receive their letters? Have any non homeschooled students gotten word from principals? Is my school confused or are other schools violating the rules?

Yes. Just got notification from principal. Actually it was posted on school media as well.

So with President’s Day Monday and the school refusing to say, I think we hear nothing until Tuesday. 8-|

@Ballerina016 Do you mind me asking which area of California you live in? I’m from CA too but no notification yet so getting a bit worried…

We were notified by guidance counselor today in Alaska.

I believe you can call the National Merit office & they will tell you your status- now that the letters have been sent.

my school always announces National Merit later

@KYCATSFAMILY Right now NM will not tell you Finalist status over the phone. Maybe in a week or two.

I’m in North Texas, and I just got my notice today that I was a finalist. By the way, how do they select which of the Finalists will receive the scholarship?

I’m in central North Carolina, and I haven’t heard anything yet either way. Should I worry?

@yeksof no you should hear soon

Can anyone post what was said in the letter that the principal got if they have seen it? I haven’t been able to see my letter yet and I need to mention this for a college update letter and I wanted to use similar working to that of the program. Thanks!

Just received word from my principal today that I’m a finalist. Congrats to everyone here!!!

My son received word yesterday from his principal that he is a Finalist - we are in RI. Congrats to everyone who has earned this recognition!

Principal notified my son yesterday, in IL.
Congrats to all!

D made it here in Indiana. I had to call and get info from Principal’s secretary. She said he had referred the matter to school corporation for publicity release and to schedule a picture of the NMFs. Even though they most likely received the letter on Monday, they intended to wait until a meeting could be scheduled with all the NMFs. Yet, they had not really coordinated anything. Of course, they will hold onto the award certificate until the Senior Award night before graduation. Don’t understand why they couldn’t send a note to the NMFs to advise of award & congratulate while they are working on their official release of information.