Class of 2017 - Parents thread

<p>bebopdeluxe: My neighbor’s DD is a junior in the Miami business school and the family is completely impressed with the school and options for work, etc. The DD has done very well; I think they said she is a TA now also. I know finances are a consideration for them. In addition to the scholarship she got when she was accepted, they told me she was able to apply for, and received, additional scholarships as an upperclassman. Can’t count on this, but there are opportunities.</p>

<p>Here’s something I just learned from calling admissions (can’t believe I got through immediately at 9 am on the first business day after decisions released). They had a computer glitch early on that resulted in issues in populating some form, particularly for those applying for engineering (like my DS). When they realized it, they had to go back in and manually change the school the student was applying to. My DS’ was missed (because he applied so early), so his acceptance was for “Undeclared” in “School of Arts and Sciences.” It was absolutely no problem for them to change that when I called this morning and they will be generating a new corrected letter that will be posted to MyUM some time this week with his correct acceptance to the College of Engineering. What a relief. Now I am truly overjoyed with this acceptance. Just sharing this in case any others did not have the right school on their acceptance letter. They were so nice and helpful in admissions.</p>

<p>LINYMOM: thank you for posting this info. My D applied to a specific program and her letter also indicated “undeclared-college of arts & sciences”. I left a message on VM this morning asking that same question. She applied early so I’m hoping we get the same explanation. It was a little odd to say the least, but certainly caused some concern. It was our understanding that Miami did not have a quota by program, but scouring the website last night, we were reading everything into the words “competitive program” and getting very anxious by the minute! If she was diverted into A&S as undeclared, that would be a deal breaker, I’m afraid. As I said, hopefully that’s not the case! Will update when we know something more. I think Miami is her top choice and we think it’s the best fit of all her schools, but there is still a huge disparity in the cost compared to her other choices that we will have to come to terms with!</p>

<p>snorkelmom: Same for us with the concern. They were quite apologetic on the call. The woman I spoke with is actually the one who went back in to manually make the fixes and she apologized profusely for missing DS. Such a huge relief. I was so lucky to get her on the phone when I called as the clock struck 9 am!</p>

<p>Lol. I knew it may be hard to get a live voice today! I should have waited until 9! I have ben instructed by my D to text her as soon as I hear something. She is on pins & needles.</p>

All the colleges you mentioned are really at the same level of excellent academic quality (without getting into multiple comparisms with multiple ranking organizations). Actually I feel that many parents often have a exaggerated perception regarding the correlation between a colleges ranking and future career success. IMHO the key thing for future success, when you are talking about colleges at this level, is really more highly correlated with the scholastic achievements one achieves while at whatever college one attends. Based upon our DD’s experience the first thing that grad schools and many jobs look at first is a student’s GPA, not the college where they attended. While this may be looked at subsequently it is usually not anywhere near as significant as GPA. I am not saying that the college one attends is completely irrelevent, but it probably is not anywhere near as important as many people think, especially again with colleges at this level. There obviously may be certain exceptions for certain majors (i.e. UM has one of, if not the top, Marine Sciences Programs in the country). Another factor is cost of education, especially if you plan to attend grad school after undergraduate study. Our D choose to attend UM for Grad School for Nursing after being accepted to the top “ranked” Nursing Grad Programs in the country. While I do admit that part of the reason she choose UM was because she is a warm weather person the most important factor was that the cost of attending UM, believe it or not, was substantially less than these other schools, and UM has one ot the best Nursing Grad Programs in the South. Just some of my thoughts. When you are talking about schools at this level trying to base one’s decision primarily on the rankings is like splitting hairs. You also need to look at multiple other factors.</p>

<p>Thanks to all those UM parents that have offered advice. You’ve all been a great help to many kids and parents.</p>

<p>I saw on another thread that some on CC received their Miami envelope in the mail today. We haven’t received anything yet - so glad we at have the letter online and know what’s what.</p>

<p>Follow up on my earlier post… I was able to reach someone in the admission’s office and ask about the acceptance letter our D received. She had applied for RSMAS and marine sciences/physics and her letter admitted her to College of Arts & Sciences-undeclared. Apparently miscoded and quickly corrected. Although she said that they would not resend her letter :frowning: It’s amazing how much those tiny details matter to me! So I asked D at dinner tonight if she can live with that and she said she is ready to pack her bags! haha!</p>

<p>So nice to connect with other 2017 parents on this thread! I think D is 99% sure, but I want her to wait awhile before pulling the plug on her other choices. But honestly, this is the best fit for her! :)</p>

<p>Snorkelmom - glad you got that worked out!! Strange they didn’t want to send the corrected letter though. We are also hanging on to our other options for now - until we see the FA package and how realistic it would be (i.e could I still eat and clothe my other children if he goes there!!). Hoping to find some way to make it happen though. While his other choices are good - S would love to find himself in Miami this fall.</p>

<p>So I have to chill for seven weeks now. While UM is DS’ top choice, he informed me that he’s not finalizing his decision till he hears from the other three colleges he applied to. I checked decision dates yesterday… that means that he won’t finalize till the end of March.</p>

<p>I suppose he’s right, but I would like this process to be over!</p>

<p>LINYMOM: same here…he is still waiting to hear from Tulane, Richmond and BU…and he won’t be making a decision until it plays out. From my perspective, however, it is nice to know that he at least has one great option in the bag…</p>

<p>To be honest, I hope that he has 1-2 other choices…I want him to really go through the process thoroughly…including an admitted students visit…before making a decision. Again, knowing that he is in at Miami is a good thing, but Tulane and Richmond are also fine schools, and I think making an active choice - as opposed to simply defaulting to the one school who accepted him - will lead to a decision that he is more at peace with, IMO.</p>

<p>Would be interested in feedback on Richmond. My older son is attending Miami but my younger one is planning to apply to Richmond in the fall. Looking for small to medium school that offers accounting.</p>


<li>small student body (3300 vs 10000 at UM)</li>
<li>MASSIVE endowment ($1.9B)…</li>
<li>beautiful campus with EXCELLENT facilities</li>
<li>VERY strong business and pre-law programs</li>
<li>strong study-abroad program</li>

<p>My son applied ED and was deferred…and to be honest, I am not hopeful that he will be accepted RD…although now that he has been accepted by Miami, he may very well take a “hey - they’ve already reejected me once, while Miami accepted me…so it is Richmond’s loss…” attitude (which I could certainly understand)…</p>

<p>I think that both Richmond and Miami have made big strides over the past decade, but the smaller enrollment and dramatically bigger endowment has made Richmond a more selective school.</p>

<p><<i suppose="" he’s="" right,="" but="" i="" would="" like="" this="" process="" to="" be="" over!="">></i></p><i suppose="" he’s="" right,="" but="" i="" would="" like="" this="" process="" to="" be="" over!="">


<p>Any of you from NJ going to the SS weekend March 22/23?</p>

<p>Any Class of 2017 Miami parents going to be in Coral Gables on Monday, 2/18? My DS and I will be visiting for the day. He will be shadowing a student for a few hours and I will have time to myself. Would love to meet up with other parents! In the afternoon, DS will likely try out the Wellness Center (loved the coupon in the admissions packet) so your DS/DD can do that with him.</p>

<p>Any takers?</p>

<p>Wish I could join you LINYMOM! Let us all know about your visit!!</p>

<p>Just a quick check in while I have lunch at the Rat and DS is getting courted! Great day so far! DS currently with an engineering student in a lab and then class. </p>

<p>They are having a “cold spell” here, but everyone is still having lunch outside, the sun is shining, and you maybe need a sweater in the shade. </p>

<p>I’m sold. Will let you all know later about DS!</p>

<p>Did anybody receive an email request for financial aid information?</p>

<p>Yes, we did. S noticed that the FAFSA was uploaded recently - and saw the request for additional information online over the weekend. Then today he got an email requesting the same information.</p>

My son and I are going to the March 22-23 Singer weekend and we are in NJ. Are you still going?</p>