Class of 2022 National Merit Discussion - Scores Release



Seems no info on Georgia yet :slight_smile:


Son received mail for Oklahoma U congratulating on NMSF status and listing some info on their NM scholarship program. Index was 223 for Texas, so the cutoff is either 223 or less than that.




Congratulations! I assume your son had already applied to Oklahoma U?
Did he receive an email or regular mail?


Thank you! It was snail mail, and no he hasnā€™t applied to OU, at least not yet. I didnā€™t know universities received NMSF info, but they clearly do.


My son made it in Nevada, his score is 219 but his friend made it too with a 215 score.


Wow! Had no idea either. thanks.

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School gifted program coordinator. Iā€™m quite active with the program, probably getting information not shared with many others.


Any one from Virginia

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anyone from NJ know anything?

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What if you applied alternate entry, will it come out later?

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Info you may find useful:

  • NMSC will publicly release the names of NMSF on Sept 15, 2021.
  • The deadline of the NFM application is Oct 6, 2021.

College Board has always maintained that the scores scales on all of their tests are the same. If you took the two on the same date at the same level of performance, you would get the same score (within statistical uncertainties), outside of the higher ceiling. The cap on section points for the AE SI addresses the higher ceiling (you canā€™t ā€œscoreā€ higher than 760 on the SAT for AE purposes).

The advantages of AE are that you can take it multiple times and send the highest score, and you can take it later (as late as June) after an additional 7 months of education.


I just checked our mail and my son got that as well! Heā€™s a 221 in Michigan.


Congrats to your son as well! I guess Oklahoma is angling for that first mover advantage, mailing NMSFs so early.


I suspect this depends on when a student finalized the submission. NMC accepts scores as late as October 15, so obviously someone who hasnā€™t sent in SAT scores yet will not be notified on September 15.

My uninformed guess would be that anyone who automatically submitted June scores will be in the initial wave of announcements. Then there was some later cutoff date after which submissions would miss the initial release.


I didnā€™t receive any mail from Oklahoma university, which means NY is likely 220 or higher. A little bit surprising considering Stuyvesant couldnā€™t administer and they have 100+ NMSFs, but I guess it didnā€™t have a major impact.

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So there have been no reports yet of students getting NMSF status with an index that is lower than the cutoff from 2021. The 215 in Nevada (if Iā€™m keeping track correctly) is the first report of a qualifying score that is equal to the cutoff from 2021. I guess thatā€™s a good sign.

I wouldnā€™t read much into the very limited sample size here.

On Reddit, qualifying scores of 220 in CA (down at least 1) and 219 in VA (down at least 2) are already posted, from that slightly larger but still very small sample size. Combined, the two sites have data from maybe 100 of 50-70,000 qualifiers.

Art Sawyerā€™s comments section posted the first ā€œI have scoresā€ note (he discarded mine from a few days ago), telling me heā€™s acknowledging scores are out and collecting data. I expected his summary soon, but it now seems it may take a few days before he posts anything from his larger network of data points.