Class of 2022 National Merit Discussion - Scores Release

I get no class rankings but I agree that it would be nice to recognize special academic achievements like NMSF.


I have just learned that apparently, I was given incorrect information regarding how to convert SAT score to PSAT score for determination of Selection Index. I had originally been told to take the Verbal score, capped at 760, divide by 10, multiple by two, then add to the Math score capped at 760/10. So, for example, for a student with 730V, 740 Math, this would have equated to a selection index of 220. However, today I read that this was incorrect. Rather than just capping the Verbal at 760, you have to cap each individual Reading and Writing subscore FIRST. So if a student scored, for example, 33 on Reading and 40 on Writing subscores on the SAT - the 40 would get capped at 38, so that would drop the students total Verbal score to 71 for purposes of calculating selection index. So I was under the mistaken impression that my sonā€™s SI was 220 when in fact, based on the updated formula I just read, it is only 216. That would explain why we havenā€™t heard from NMS, the principal, counselor or anyone else. Just wanted to let folks know in case Iā€™m not the only one who made this error. Disappointing.

Even National Merit finalists get a full tuition at Univ of Alabama. I recently found two websites that give a list of colleges that offer scholarships - College Transition and Extra Mile College Admission both have a National Merit scholarship blog post that lists all the colleges that give scholarships to both national merit semi finalist and finalists.


I am so sorry that happened! So disappointing to learn, especially in September.


Same. Iā€™m 219 and STILL waiting to hear anything. Iā€™m so sad that I have a high score and could qualify in over 30 other states but may be just one short for Texas. This whole thing stinks

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Thatā€™s a hard thing to figure out now. Iā€™m sorry.

My S22 is in same boat. They are going back today too after being out for two weeks due to Hurricane Ida and hope we get official word!


Havenā€™t heard from high school, and Iā€™m nervous that somehow the AE form didnā€™t go through. I never got a confirmation or anything.

Well, not official yet, but my son got an email to meet with the Dean of Students about some exciting and time sensitive news! Phew. Guess AE paperwork was processed as expected! The lack of a PSAT sitting was nerve wracking.


Same here. It honestly makes me sick. Our high school literally threw a parade for a state champion sports team, but my child, the first NMSF in 30some years, got handed a folder with a mumbled congratulations and that was it. Nobody ever worries about making kids feel badly when itā€™s athletics.


Such a raw deal. The first NMSF in a generation definitely deserves some public recognition. FWIW, congratulations to your child! :tada: :balloon: :tada: :balloon: :tada: :balloon:


Unfortunately, we get the same in many areas.

We get photos and associated articles about kids signing a ā€œletter of intentā€ with a Division 3 minor sports team, but recent admissions to MIT, Harvard, Yale, CMU SCS are purely word of mouth. I checked my Dā€™s Naviance scattergrams for T20 schools and it was 3.x% admits - something like 4 of 130. Certainly fewer kids than go to play a D3 (non-scholarship) sport.

I do see past SF announcements, so hopefully we will hear in the next two days.

Completely agree and I said something similar to any one in the administration that would listen last year when my daughter made NMSF and it was crickets. So this year there is suddenly a reception my son was invited to for SFs on the 15th, the first day it can be public. Quite a switch. I would like to take credit but who knows. Well you all wonā€™t know the difference. :laughing:

I encourage people feeling that inequity between athletic celebrations and academic to talk to the principal, etc. about it.


Daughter just got notified via email. Felt a bit anticlimactic but Iā€™m happy she finally got official word.

Does anyone know what is involved for the teacher rec? Is it something basic or is there more to it?

Who was the email from?

Email was from the college counselor at her high school. It had the letter from NMSC attached to it.

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Yes, I ended up calling NMSC to confirm that my kidā€™s AE paperwork was in the system. She didnā€™t realize she also had to submit the test scores separately, so sheā€™s not on the list but she will be. I will feel better when everything is confirmed. Congrats to your kid!
It was stressful having PSAT canceled twice, then hearing that other kids were able to take PSATs in other counties (we hadnā€™t even heard of AE at that point). Very grateful for AE, though I hear what people are saying about issues with trying to equate the two.


Does anyone know what is involved for the teacher rec? Is it something basic or is there more to it?

Wondering this myself. Thinking it will be the same as what my son asks for his early college apps? Of course did he prep his teachers as much as he should have at the end of last school year / summer for the recommendationsā€¦ nope! Now we will be pressuring one of the teachers he knows best to meet the Oct 6th deadline :cry:.

My daughter also notified as semifinalist (school consular informed her). Next step is to submit essay, transcripts, LOR etc ??

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Congratulations! That is pretty special.

My daughter is a homeschooler from NC. We still havenā€™t received anything. Her score was on the lower side so Iā€™m not wondering if sheā€™s a NMSF but is a commended score. Shouldnā€™t we have heard something? We did get the letter back in the spring saying congratulating her for a score that was at least commended. Iā€™m afraid I did something wrong! I know commended doesnā€™t get you squat (REALLY wish she had studied, but thatā€™s a different subject), but Iā€™d at least like to know that sheā€™s officially commended.