Class of 2022 National Merit Discussion - Scores Release

We are also in NY and my D has not been notified by anyone at the school even though the district posted the list on their website. Who knows what they’re doing?

They might not be doing anything (or think there’s nothing to be done). If you look upthread, we’re in a similar situation. Finally figured out the bottleneck - the principal’s PA at my daughter’s school is a temp who has no idea that anything needs to be done so I passed on @mathKids’s advice on how the school can gain access to the Semi-Finalist log in details. Good luck to all of us!


Glad you got it all figured out!

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Thank you, guys! My daughter got her letter today (may be because I sent email counselor yesterday) her friend’s parents called to NMSC and got confirmation. Good luck to you too!

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thanks but yes, with a 223 he does not qualify :frowning:

Hi! My first post here :slightly_smiling_face:
S22 is a SF, but doesn’t have login credentials yet. How much time does it take to fill out the application? It looks like an essay is required- do you spend a lot of time on this? He is quite behind with the college app process too.
Thank you all in advance!

A few of us are in similar situation. @mathKids has provided helpful advice upthread. In short, it should take only a few hours to complete the administrative stuff. My D22 plans to use her Common App essay (on challenges/setbacks) for the National Merit application. Do try to ensure your S22’s school is ready to do what’s required at their end.

Does anyone know whether the finalist application submission deadline can be moved back (i.e., does NMSC make exceptions if you approach them)?


It can take only a few hours IF your child has the essay and the list of awards and activities ready to go. The character limit for the awards and activities is different (smaller), so a bit of tweaking could be required.

A couple of years ago, we found the NMF application really handy. It made S20 finalize his essay and make a few decisions regarding his awards and activities. He then applied most of it to his common app :+1:

Oct 6 is the deadline for the entire application, so your child may need to submit it a few days earlier for the GC/principal to finish their piece.

Good luck!


@Momto33 Sorry your son was a casualty of the shenanigans that went on in MD!


S22’s HS sent out a press announcement today on its web site and social media for its NMSFs, using their graduation pictures. They’ll take a separate pic for the yearbook, and they usually do a brochure later with more info on each semifinalist such as their elementary school and parents. Always nice to see them acknowledged.


Oct 6 is the deadline for the entire application, so your child may need to submit it a few days earlier for the GC/principal to finish their piece.

My son’s school has a deadline of next Monday the 27th for him to submit the NMF app and provide the school with a resume/brag sheet. Figure this will help him get into high gear (heck, I’ll be happy with low gear) for his college apps. He’s making progress on the apps, but it’s more like background noise and not a front burner issue.

Thankfully he had a head start with the Common App essay, but it’s definitely in a rough draft stage.

Same here :wink:


No school announcement as of now for the one SF, my D.

Last year they had a press release out within two days for the eight SFs.


No school announcement as of now for the one SF, my D.

Sorry to hear that, so sad that they aren’t giving her the recognition that she deserves.

If it’s any consolation, nothing public from our school either. They did meet with the principal on the 15th to get their letters, pictures were taken… but nothing on their social media feed (yet I see 3 athletics related posts, 4 for fine arts, a special recognition for Junior ROTC, and a half dozen for social events and some other misc items - all since the 15th).

I’m guessing their picture (2 in their class of 800 students) will show up in a newsletter at some point… but a little extra effort to encourage future students might go a long way.


No acknowledgement here either. They mostly celebrate sports. But last year good have a post and article in the paper for the NMSF. We had hoped for similar this year.

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My kid got a quick shout-out during morning announcements, but that’s it. No photo, no social media announcement. But the students who got the most digs in the volleyball game had their names in the paper and three social media sites.

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That is so unfair and I am so sorry! My son missed the cut-off in GA, but that isn’t nearly as heart-breaking as your son’s situation.

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We’ve had several announcements go out about our class of semi-finalists, both from our son’s high school as well as the school district. Really surprised (and bummed for the kids) that isn’t the case in other places.


Joining in to say, nope, no announcement or acknowledgment in our high school or school district. Not really surprised honestly and it is discouraging to see this trend occurring in so many other places around the country. I believe son does not really care because he doesn’t want to be singled out (only one in his class of 160).

Also I feel for the students who achieved excellent scores and were not named NMSF because of their state cut-offs. So ridiculously unfair. I hope these students can get merit scholarships through other means.


I’m sure we are just missing it on the instructions for the finalist application, but who does my S22 send the confirming SAT score to? He and I both looked for a code or name of some sort in the information online…
From his account, there is NMSC Scholarship Admin option. This sure sounds like the right selection, but thought I’d ask here just to make sure…