Class of 2022 National Merit Discussion - Scores Release

That sounds right. The code should be 0085 according to this


Thanks! I didn’t have the last page from the link you sent where it lists the code. I will have my son send in the score when he gets home. I’ve done my part helping by asking about it:)

Cross your fingers that this lights the fire under him to get his college essays done!

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Finally, my D22 has received her log in details! The GC told us she had to rummage through the principal’s office to find the log in details for the school’s two NMSFs. But in keeping with Murphy’s Law, she handed my D22 the wrong log-in (i.e., belonging to the other NMSF) - fortunately, I noticed as were walking out the door and asked for a swap. Afraid to think what else could go wrong


:woman_facepalming: :+1:

I think you and your DD deserve a special prize for all this.

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Wow. Good luck with the rest of the process.

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Sorry about your son too- lots of good things ahead for them :wink:

This morning got the email to log into NMSC and give parental consent. Done! And it was kind of exciting. :slight_smile:

I sent an email to the school principal to ask if there would be any announcements, like in our weekly school updates, since I know we have four NMSFs at the school. He wrote back saying once they are sure they aren’t missing anyone, then it will go out.


Questions for @mathKids or anyone else who has experience with this.

My son qualified (via the PSAT) and has completed his part of the application. He is at a rural school that doesn’t usually have a lot of NMSFs, and the counseling department is short-staffed, so I’m not 100% sure the school is on top of what they are supposed to do.

Does the principal write the recommendation letter? He doesn’t know my son very well. Should my son ask to meet with him, or submit a brag sheet and resume?

Is there a way for my son to check the status of the application, so he can see if the school has done their part without nagging them?

Is it reasonable for me to contact the district office and ask if they plan to put out an announcement or press release? Our district has two semi-finalists this year.

Oh, and add add my son to the list of kids who qualified via the PSAT but have a “000” after their name. Not sure why.

Once the entire application is completed and submitted, your son should see the following when he logs into his NMSC account
Your completed application was transmitted to NMCS on [date]

Unfortunately, I don’t know what kind of recommendation/evaluation is required from the school principal. I am a homeschooling parent and as such see certain sections of the principal paperwork, but I have no knowledge of the recommendation section. Homeschooled students need an endorser who then fills out a separate part of the application. I believe this includes a recommendation letter.

A huge majority of NMSF become NMF. Those who don’t qualify usually have a few Cs on their transcript, fail to send in the application or fail to submit confirming SAT scores. As long as the recommendation isn’t negative, I wouldn’t expect it to play a big role.

It’s quite likely that the principal has delegated one of the guidance counselors to handle the NMF applications. Hopefully, they know your son better. The entire application is due on October 6 including the principal section.

Good luck!

@Sarah619 My son was told by his GC to ask a teacher to write the LOR for the NM application, so fortunately for us one of the teachers who knows my son very well agreed to it.

My son submitted his application yesterday! :smiley:

PSA: Use the “preview” button on the essay component before submitting.

My son’s essay was within the word count allowed, but had blank lines between paragraphs. When he did the preview, the last line fell under the colored area, meaning that the evaluators wouldn’t be able to see it. He deleted the blank lines and the problem was solved.


Both the school and district would have been notified by the organization, but yes definitely have your child check in. With covid and staffing issues, everyday is long in schools right now. The schools get mailings and emails about it. For schools that do not have many qualifiers, they have log in for the first time since a previous admin did it, etc
 they do get prompts to complete it, but having a brag sheet or resume helps, too.

Hello all. How do we know if NMSC has received a Finalist applicant’s confirming SAT or ACT scores? Do they let the applicants know if anything is missing? Thanks.

You should be able to look up your “sent scores” on the College Board website. After you send them, it usually says “pending” for a few days/week and then switches to “sent” with a green checkmark.

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Got it. Thanks.

Do you happen to know when the scores have to be received by? My son sent his last Monday and it still shows as pending. If they need to be received by today’s application deadline
 yikes! I don’t know how to speed that up.

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Applicants have until December 31st to send their confirming scores.


You will be withdrawn from further consideration in the competition if NMSC does not receive a report of your SAT or ACT scores by January 31, 2022.
NMSC must receive your scores no later than December 31, 2021 for full award consideration.


I know they want scores as soon as possible, but I think the ultimate deadline isn’t until January because some students just took the test to get the confirming score this month.


Students who qualified via AE already sent their SAT scores to NMSF. Is there any such requirement for these students ?