Class of 2022 National Merit Discussion - Scores Release

Thanks. My D’s GC contacted NM and they confirmed that she is a finalist. Why do they make things so complicated? :man_shrugging: Announcing via the portal would be way simpler.


Yes, it’s about time NMC moved to the email age. At a minimum, follow the Presidential Scholar path and post the list online.


I found out more about the printing delay regarding the Finalist certificates:


Still nothing from the school. I know they are busier than ever this year, but I’m still disappointed that they don’t get a little excited for these kids.


I hear you! Our school was sure to let everyone know in the fall that they had the most NMSF ever, but now nothing…

It’s disappointing when we hear the score for every JV and V sport, but for big academic things, it’s hit or miss on if they announce anything.


I don’t think my school has ever notified D22 either. She received the letter directly last Tuesday.


Same here in NY. School doesn’t seem to care and my daughter doesn’t seem to care about school accolades at this point.¯_(ツ)_/¯

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I wonder (am hoping?) that some schools are waiting to announce until they receive the official certificates to hand out.

Probably being optimistic :relaxed:

Same with our school.

On another note, I called NMSC and they just mailed the certificates yesterday. They said to wait until the 15th to request reprints if school does not receive anything by that date.


Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the certificates!

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S22 received his certificate today. They are sent to the school (homeschool in our case). Hopefully, you will all get one next week if not today.


Received certificate here!


For those who receive NMS scholarships (corporate or college sponsored) that are awarded annually, your student will receive a letter every March to renew their scholarship with NMSC. Keep an eye open for it. I recommend that your student use their permanent address so it doesn’t get lost in their college mail.

My college sophomore’s letter was mailed on March 1 and it read:

From: Scholarship Administration
Re: Online Scholarship Renewal Application for the 2022-23 Academic Year

It is time to renew your scholarship with National Merit Scholarship Corporation for the 2022-23 academic year. Please use the User ID and Password provided below to complete and submit your Online Scholarship Renewal Application. You will be required to agree to the Terms of your Scholarship and complete a short questionnaire.

The deadline for submitting your Online Scholarship Renewal Application is March 23, 2022

Upon the completion of your Online Scholarship Renewal Application, Scholarship Administration will review your submission to determine your eligibility for future stipend payments. Should NMSC require any additional information, you will be contacted in writing.


Thanks a lot for the heads-up!

Anyone have a strong feeling on if is worth it to update T20 schools on National Merit Finalist status? Helpful to the application or just pestering? Lol

Thank you!

The renewal applies to corporate scholarships. You don’t have to do anything about college sponsored scholarships assuming it’s awarded for multiple years. The NMSC $2,500 award is a one time thing.

My student did not receive a corporate scholarship or the $2500 scholarship from NMSC. She received the additional (on top of Trustee or Presidential) college sponsored $4K ($1K/yr) NMS scholarship from USC. She receives this letter every year for that scholarship.

I edited my post to clarify it is for scholarships that are awarded annually.

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Mine updated, but thankfully, she had just won a regional Shakespeare competition and got an Honorable Mention in a regional instrumental competition, so she bundled them together. Is there anything else your kid could pair with it?


D got a NM corporate scholarship one-time award! Woot! It needs to be accepted by March 22. My question is that we probably won’t know about RD decision (or any of that school’s scholarship decisions) from the one RD school that sponsors a renewable $1500 annual NMF scholarship. If D is accepted to that school, the renewable school NMF scholarship is more than the one-time corporate scholarship (4 yr x renewable scholarship > corporate scholarship). OTOH the one-time corporate scholarship is good at any US college or university, so that’s appealing. I tried to read last years NM thread and ended up so confused, especially because it was dominated by USC and BU and NEU discussions (which are fine schools, but not the school in our scenario). I feel funny about calling to ask questions of the financial aid office of the school that D doesn’t even know if she’ll be accepted to, but is that the only way to find out if accepting the one-time corporate award means losing out on the renewable award (potentially an additional $1000)?