Class of 2022 National Merit Discussion - Scores Release

Congratulations, Do you get it in email or portal?

Thank you! And sorry, I donā€™t know. She texted me a pic.

I am curious if more schools will be/are dropping NMF merit scholarships anyway bc more and more are gong test optional, so how do you provide special merit for NMF when many talented, qualified kids arenā€™t even taking these tests anymore? I know my Dā€™s school, northeastern university, is continually lowering its NMF scholarship. When my older D applied, NMF was full tuition, and now as my younger D is ready to graduate, they just say NMF gets a ā€œcompetitiveā€ scholarship. I think they are phasing it out and I can only guess itā€™s as they transition more to test optional. (Both of my Dā€™s were only commended btw.) I am curious if this is a trend at other schools too.

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I wonder if it also relates to their increased applications. Maybe theyā€™ve decided they donā€™t need such a big financial commitment to draw top students these days. Theyā€™ve had such an astronomical rise in the admissions/rating stats.

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Iā€™m sure that plays into it for northeastern, but I also wonder if other schools will start dropping merit for NMF as more and more students donā€™t take tests or schools focus on test optional. A lot of schools are focusing aid more on equity and lower income.disadvantaged students. It is pretty widely known that standardized tests benefit wealthier, more affluent students/school districts for those who can get extra tutoring, practice etc.


Does the University of Chicago offer National merit scholarship to finalists?

Looking at the last available NMSC annual report, U Chicago did offer NMF merit for fall 2019.

Towards the end of the report, there is a list of colleges where NMS enrolled. For each college you can see the total number of NMS enrolled, followed by the college name, followed by the number of students sponsored by the college itself.

For example
233* University of Chicago (174)
This means that University of Chicago sponsored 174 NMS awards; the remaining 59 students received either corporate sponsorship or the $2.5K NMSC award.


Very helpful. Thanks for posting!

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Thanks a lot!

I wonder why they have not posted any more recent annual reports (19-20 or 20-21ā€¦)

So do I. They have the data.

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The 2022 NM Sponsor Leaflet can be found here. I donā€™t see U Chicago listed.

Why does this have to be so opaque? Every step of the way seems to have more questions than answers!!

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I think it has to do with the chnage to US News ranking criteria. SAT and ACT score are becoming less important as class percentile ranking is increasing. I expect automatic scholarships, including NM to be phased out. A decade ago there were over a hundred full rides for NM. Fordham, Temple, Northeastern included. Now itā€™s around 20. The full tuition and full rides are decreasng in both amount and colleges offering them. Arizona and NM both had great scholarships for GPA & SAT. GThey still have them but, not as good. UAH is another. Itā€™s a shame for upper middle income people trying to make college affordable.

Admittance and graduation rates of Pell recipients are on the list where they weremā€™t before. Selectivity is gone. I would love to decrease the peer review portion be lowered in importance. That is 20% of the college ranking. How much of that is influenced by familiarity bias of the college president? A survey of student satisfaction of the eduction they received would be more useful.


When do the NMSC scholarships start coming out?

I heard someone already got the employer-sponsored NMSC scholarship.

The scholarship processes and dates are on the last two pages of the SF instructions.

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My son was awarded one of the corporate-sponsored scholarships! He has to accept the offer by March 21st. Because his status is still ā€œundecidedā€, I called NMSC and they said that he can accept it while still remaining as ā€œundecidedā€.

