Class of 2022 National Merit Discussion - Scores Release

Congrats to all :tada:

Nothing on S22 portal which is actually good news as it means more money for him! $1/year for 4 years instead of $2.5K once.

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Where do you see it in the portal?

This just appeared on my D22’s portal page:

  1. You have a scholarship offer. Click here to review and then accept or decline this offer.

Can you still get this scholarship if you have a separate college sponsored scholarship?

I don’t think so.

You can receive only one sponsoring scholarship - corporate, NMSC, or college sponsored

If the college hasn’t made any scholarship offer via NMSC yet, then yes, you were eligible for this scholarship. If it doesn’t show up in the portal, I would assume it wasn’t awarded.

I believe this will depend on the nature of the school scholarship. If it is officially through the NMSC program (ie, a school-sponsored scholarship from a school listed in the NMSC leaflet), then no. If it is one of the unofficial ones granted by a school outside of the NMSC program (eg, the full tuition waiver given by Northern Arizona for any NMF), then I think possibly yes.
Others more in the know can correct me if I am wrong about that.

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That’s correct. It’s only the relatively small scholarships that are awarded via NMSC. And you can get only one of them.

The big full tuition/half tuition/full ride scholarships are handled independently and aren’t processed by NMSC.

For example:
If one gets the corporate or direct NMSC scholarship, UTD awards full tuition + $4K/year + $1.5/semester (if living on campus)

If one does NOT get the corporate or direct NMSC scholarship, UTD awards full tuition + $4K/year + $1.5/semester (if living on campus) + $375/semester
(the last part is the sponsoring scholarship totaling $3K in 4 years)

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S22 got an email that he was awarded the NMSC $2500 award! He will be pleased, as his two older NMF siblings did not get it. Anyone know if they send him a check or does it go directly to whatever college he ends up attending?


It will be sent directly to the college he will attend.

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My daughter was awarded one. I am not sure how this affects the NMF package at Alabama.


Has your daughter already put down a 1st choice college? My daughter got one but her college choice is still undecided.

We have not put down anything other than undecided because I am unsure how the entire process works.


Just wondering because we don’t know either. Hopefully her school counselor might know.

I believe the NMSC scholarship works as an offset on the $3500 stipend on the Alabama NMF scholarship. Said differently, you don’t get both. You still get an aggregate of $3500 the difference is where the money comes from, Alabama or NMSC.

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It doesn’t affect her ability to get the UA NMF package, correct? This whole process is confusing to me!

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No, it doesn’t, but I understand how very confusing this all is. If you wish, contact whoever is in charge of NMF in Alabama. They will confirm that your child should accept the NMSC scholarship and will still be eligible for the big Alabama award.


It does not. The award is already shown on my son’s account (absent the annual stipend). Again, it is my understanding that Alabama waits to see if NMSC will fund a scholarship to offset a portion of the stipend offered by the University. If not, then the University awards it. But, I did the math (more than a few times) its all there (well, the study abroad and book credit aren’t there either, but that is understandable).

What if a school is a sponsor but only gives a smaller scholarship. For instance, my son’s first choice is at school that is listed as a school sponsor but only gives 2k per year renewable, that is credited toward tuition and is not a stipend. He has not listed that school yet, but must by May 1st to get the 2k renewable. How does the $2500 one time scholarship affect this?

I am only talking about Alabama. You should probably talk to the school.