Class of 2022 - Nepal

The season has begun, comrades. The heat is on.

Hi folks, I was wondering whether colleges in America offer admission to Nepali students based only on their 11th-grade results (plus the required standardized tests of course). Seeing how that’s the norm for kids in America, I am pretty sure they do offer admissions. But as far as Nepali students are concerned, the results for the 12th-grade exams probably won’t be in before the start of the semester in August. Do schools still let you register for classes without your final high school grades?

Yup, the heat is on. Took SAT in May and got my score yesterday. Quite happy with what I got. BTW, I’m on my gap year. I reckon that most of us are on our gap year, right?

Most folks applying from Nepal are in their gap year.

Yeah, it’s difficult to manage application and coursework at the same time. I had considered applying while in A2 but couldn’t cope with the pressure. And it’s even harder for +2 students.

Which college are you from?

It would not be ‘confidential’ if I told you which college I am from.

Legit. You are not obliged to. I wish you all the very best .

+2 student here taking gap year. 1 SAT taken and disappointed so I have another in October. Hope it works out well.

Good luck all. I’m sure most of you will be fine.

Guys, mind sharing your stats?

Yes, you can apply to colleges after your 12th. I applied during my A2 and now I will be attending college from August. I’ll try my best to outline some pros and cons of applying after your 11th


  1. Continuation of formal education without any gaps
  2. You have the option to report to colleges that you had applied previously if you do not get accepted and decide to take a year off.
  3. You get to understand the process better, hence increasing your chances of getting in the college of your choice even if you get rejected in your 12th year of schooling. (In case you’re reapplying in your gap year)
  4. If accepted, you don’t really have to worry too much about your grade 12 boards.


  1. You need to complete your highschool curriculum while giving time for SATs and TOEFL. (Plus a whole bunch of extra work that doesn’t normally get highlighted in this forum)
  2. Chances of lagging behind in your school work because of the pressure of applying.
  3. You have limited work experience, something you can work on in your gap.

There are a lot of other pros and cons but these are the ones I can assemble in my mind right now. Please do not hesitate to PM me if you have any queries.

Hey folks. Glad to see this thread. I too think that the folks who are applying in their senior year will be hell loads of busy.Including me. Very best of luck to you all. I just had a burning question in my mind. I have seen lots of nepalese applying ti NYUAD. I just wanted to know who ( how many) are applying this year? How many of u are planning to apply there in early action/ decision?

@unifeva Rest assured, a lot of Nepalese will be applying to NYUAD this fall. And trust me, there won’t be shortage of people applying early. Two of my friends are already considering EDing NYUAD.

@blueshift Yes, I think so. There will be many of them applying. But anyways fingers crossed. Hope everyone does fine in this season. And I think we should all start thinking about the common app essay and universities we are applying to. Is it a good idea to share the names of universities we intend to apply.

Hi guys! New user here. Anyone who is planning to apply to Howard University this fall? I am actually form HSEB background. I just wanted to know if this will affect my admissions in Howard. Does Howard considers the student from HSEB background? Or,does it only considers A-level and CBSE board students? I have pretty good scores in my +2. If anyone knows about this, please let me know. Thank you!

@user467 Of course, that shouldn’t be a problem at all. I’m from the NEB as well and I applied to various universities last year without even graduating (while I was still in the 12th grade). All the best!

@blackdeath10011 Thank you so much !

Guys, mind sharing your ED choices? I shall be applying Northwestern University ED and UChicago EA. I wonder if you know of anyone applying to these schools, be it yourself or your peers.

Hi guys! Do colleges like Duke and johns hopkins give full scholarships to nepalese?