Class of 2023 National Merit discussion

Kind of interesting that they used the words scholars with a lower case s.

I suppose it makes sense, because technically there wonā€™t be official uppercase National Merit Scholars from Class of '23 until March at the earliest.


Great news! Did he apply there?

Yep, heā€™s admitted there and has visited, so heā€™s definitely already on their radar (and vice-versa).

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Congratulations :confetti_ball:

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Last year, my daughters got letters from OU addressed to NMF 1-2 days before their official finalist letters from National Merit. And we homeschool, so we got the letters addressed to counselors the week before the letters were mailed home.


Constantly refreshing each morning to see the USPS informed delivery email for the day. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Same! :joy:

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My son got the same email and I was wondering the same thing.

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Just got the official word from our high school. Heā€™s a finalist! :grinning:


How did they notify?

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CONGRATULATIONS!!! :champagne::tada: Iā€™m so happy for you. Canā€™t hardly wait for ours.


CONGRATULATIONS!!! How did they let you know? Did they happen to mention if they got the letter today?

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Are studentsā€™ portals updated now?

His gifted teacher sent me a picture of him with the principal and his certificate. Iā€™m assuming they got the letter today. They have been on top of things, letting us know as soon as they found out when he was a SF.

My sonā€™s isnā€™t, and I donā€™t think any portals are updated until at least a week after the letters to students go out (which they havenā€™t yet).

His gifted teacher didnā€™t mention when they got the letter, but the email she sent was titled ā€œCouldnā€™t wait to share the newsā€. Iā€™m guessing that means that they just found out too.


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Wow, thatā€™s amazing. Our school has kids drop by where the secretary wordlessly hands them an envelope, no words exchanged. No hand shake, no congrats, no school notice of any kind. Vibe is keep it to yourself. Meanwhile every sport team win is noted in a weekly email to students and families from the principal.

And even that wordless drop by for the envelope likely wonā€™t be for a couple weeks. No hurry.


Grrr! I hate to hear that. Itā€™s definitely not fair to the kids who have worked so hard in other areas to have their accolades downplayed. I feel fortunate that even though our district is known for football (theyā€™ve won several state championships), they still focus on honoring academic accomplishments as well.