Class of 2023 National Merit discussion

I only heard about NMSF because an acquaintance in another state had the book and found him for me. I know we did our part of the application but no idea if our school ever did… No matter, that son is trying to decide from full rides at Tulsa and Maine, so NMF doesn’t really matter for him - he’s not shown much interest in his offers from Alabama, Florida schools, etc.


I was one of the ones that mentioned our daughter was not told by her school. It was 100% a mistake and not an intentional non-communication. The principal was out on leave and the letters were on his desk. Once my daughter talked to her counselor, the counselors had to figure out the logistics and actually find the letters/instructions to distribute.

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For those considering USF, they just announced their Finalist Friday tours and info sessions will be held on 2/17 and 3/10 in conjunction with the Sat admitted student days. We’re excited to check it out and are impressed with the plans for the new honors facility which will be done this spring.

I believe National Merit finalists could be notified as early as tomorrow. (February 6th) :+1:


Just came here to see if that was a possibility


Looking at threads from previous years, looks like letters will start to hit high schools around Thursday/Friday of this week. Some students last year found out from congrats emails sent by colleges, which would also probably be late this week. Letters to homes will probably hit late next week.


With SF status, it seemed like the quickest way many found out was when people republished the press releases on Reddit and you could read the names there. Do they similarly send out press releases this time too?

For what I can tell, there’s less of that for finalist, maybe because 90+ percent of the semifinalists go on. I saw more students finding out through congratulatory notes from universities they applied to.

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I believe the earliest posts are from homeschooled parents who find out when the high schools do.

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Were you able to get registered for this event? My daughter tried several times on her computer and mine. I also tried. It kept showing in pink at the top that there was missing information.

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My son just got a letter from UT Dallas the other day. It’s his first correspondence from them, so I’m assuming that’s a good sign he made finalist.


We got one, too! Also the first thing from them! Fingers crossed!!!

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Has anyone heard anything ?

We have not heard anything yet. I’m hoping our counselors tell the finalists when they get the letter!



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Nope, haven’t heard yet.

Nothing here either.

Nothing here today!! Maybe tomorrow

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My son also first time got letter from UT Dallas that they pay extra money to NMF. Same one greeting cart type letter. Today lets see if my school will tell him about selection.


My son got this email from UCF today:

"Since our founding, the University of Central Florida has been the school of choice for thousands of National Merit scholars just like you. We are proud of that distinction, and prouder yet of the success that our graduates have found and the impact they’re making in all corners of the world.

“To celebrate your achievements, we’re hosting an exclusive reception and dinner for students designated as National Merit Finalists…”

Kinda implies they know he’s a Finalist?