Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@akapiratequeen I’m SO thrilled for your son! I went to SU for my Master’s so I’m a little biased. Lol. That is BEYOND amazing! My daughter has a friend who was accepted into the music business program with no merit money but, upon a convincing appeal letter, was given pretty decent money and he’s so excited he will be going there!

@pdxtigermom I am also thinking it’s in the bag! Congrats!

@UniversityMomOf2 sounds like everything is falling into place! Woo hoo!

@tripletmama yes, Chicago College of Performing Arts which is part of Roosevelt University. She auditioned for the Jazz & Contemporary Studies vocal program way back in October. Seems like forever ago! It was her first audition. She loves Chicago, had a great lesson with a phenomenal vocal professor from CCPA when we visited (she was assigned to study with him in the acceptance letter) and enjoyed the vocal performance class she sat in on (the students were extremely welcoming and kept begging her to commit to CCPA.) So it’s definitely in the running thanks to a scholarship that puts it in our comfort zone : )

@AmyIzzy and the location is amazing. I’m biased of course but living there was some of the best times of my young life. Good luck in the decision making. Glad they came through with good numbers.

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@UniversityMomOf2 UIC does not have Music Education. :frowning: And yes, a certain state flagship in Urbana Champain’s price tag makes some privates and even out of state publics often a better option! Congrats to your son!

@akapiratequeen Doing the happy dance for you and your son! That’s amazing!

Thank you so much, everyone! We are still reeling! This has been such a roller coaster. Out of four acceptances, we have gotten big awards from two (including this CRAZY big award) and basically zero from the other two. Two more to go, can’t even guess where those will end up.

@UniversityMomOf2,congrats! So happy for your S. And @pdxtigermom I agree that CMU sounds in the bag. Here’s to wonderful financial packages here and everywhere.

@akapiratequeen Incred-ible!! :smiley:

Almost forgot to say CONGRATS @amyizzy! Chicago is amazing!

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akapiratequeen——— Your 100% positiveness throughout in this thread since a year ago is sure reflecting your son’s success. You are encouraging many people here. Huge congratulations!!!

Guys- although great, of course, note that Full Ride means tuition plus room and board. Unless Syracuse is a really cheap private university that award is Full Tuition. Not a full ride.

Ah… first rejection today. S is taking it in stride - total reach school since it was the only conservatory on his list. Now we still wait and wait and wait. Has anyone here heard from Jacobs yet? S auditioned back in January and we still haven’t heard.

This is the best thread on CC IMHO. It’s full of positivity and encouragement.

Wow everyone! It has been so fun to read everyone’s news today. We’re still waiting, so I’m enjoying the vicarious thrill.

Sorry @Lendlees to hear about S’s rejection. Hopefully the right school will find him next week!!

@akapiratequeen , especially big congratulations to you. Also, helpful perspective to read your comment about getting 2 big awards and 2 nothings. My D has 3 or 4 favorites, but she only needs 1 or 2 of them to be affordable. Fingers crossed.

@pdxtigermom : Last year my son got the exact same email from CMU, except that the BXA was replaced by BFA. The official acceptance came a couple of days later in the mail. This means your son is basically in. No complications.
Congratulations !

@SpiritManager, ah, I think you are right. Looks like Syracuse Tuition was 50K last year and 51.8K for the coming year.

To all of you now facing a choice between schools that doesn’t include one you really saw yourself attending, please repeat after me, as often as is necessary:


You have the smarts, the resilience, the personality to do well at whatever school you attend. The school you will eventually choose to attend has amazing opportunities, brilliant professors, and lots of kids just like you. You will find your people if you choose to look hard enough for them. Your years at college will be what you make of them.

You’re at a crossroads. You can choose who you will be at college-- to pull the best of yourself, the part that your family and friends adore, and to reinvent those parts that occasionally make you less than proud of yourself.

Don’t spend another minute on “shoulda, coulda, woulda.” Make the most of the options you’re facing today, choose a college, go out and buy the hoodie, and start the process of blooming.


@gram22 it looks that CMU does consider my son’s interests in both fields-music and CS. As long as he can study CS, he’s happy.

I love reading all the great news in this thread! Congratulations on the amazing acceptances and financial packages already in and wishing everyone good luck on the decisions still to come.

As for the rejections, I know they’re painful, and the acceptances without an affordable financial package can be even worse. But I second the advice from @bjkmom. And as others have said, the right fit for your student is at a place that really wants your student. I also think learning to deal with rejection is an essential skill for a young musician, because there will inevitably be a lot of it in the real world. It’s fine to allow yourself a little mourning, but being able to put the rejections behind you without being daunted, and to focus on the opportunities you’re given, is one of the keys to success in the music world.

I’m looking forward to finding out where all of your wonderful students end up. It’s an exciting time!

Thank you, @JeJeJe — your sweet post made my night. This board has literally gotten me through the past year, so grateful to everyone. In addition to the encouragement, I’ve learned so much about the process. While I think S would have found his way without it, I have no doubt that these great offers (and the ability to negotiate them) are the direct result of the wisdom here at CC.

@SpiritManager you are right, In my excitement, I posted incorrectly. It’s a full tuition scholarship. Still a freakin $52k a year and brings the total cost well under our in-state option, so the party continues!

Congrats to all of you wonderfully supportive people getting good news this week! And great advice above for those of you who are having to reshuffle your list now due to rejections or financial realities. There is more than one path to any endpoint, and college is a means to an end, not the finish line. I know tons of great musicians who are making it work as professionals despite going to less “prestigious” schools. They got their training and then they just got to work.

But especially thrilled to see the creator of this super valuable thread get such great news! Congrats @akapiratequeen on having multiple attractive and affordable options at this point. And congratulate your S for having done the hard work to get to this point.

We’ll be waiting at least another week before we hear from anyone, so living vicariously through you all right now :slight_smile:

Congrats @pdxtigermom! My S also received the same letter last evening-- YAY!. At both a summer music school tour and a small student forum (where a member of admissions was present) held during the audition weekend – the admission process was spelled out. Acceptance to the music school first. Then, the larger university will notify when they do their admission notifications. The admissions staffer was clear that everyone who was at the audition had already been academically vetted. Admission to the larger CMU was basically a formality as they will accept the decision from the music school. The only time that is ever an issue is with an academic risk case (Great talent, low academics) and the staffer stressed that an applicant would be made well aware of the precariousness of their position.

@akapiratequeen-- OUTSTANDING NEWS! I can feel the stress lifting a bit within our community :slight_smile:

Fingers crossed for everyone!