Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@sssulliv What number did you call? Nothing in the mail again and the number I called (812-855-7998) was just a voicemail so I sent an email.

@sunnysar I just called the number on the website - it looks like that is the number.

Congratulations, @AmyIzzy!! The school sounds amazing!!

Interesting about the Indiana portal. My portal personally says that their decision on my acceptance is delayed until they hear from Jacobs. I’m wondering if this is standard. Personally, my stats should be good enough that this isn’t an issue, however, I’m now starting to doubt myself. I’m just holding out for the mail!

Thanks @sbjdorlo : ) It is a great option. She didn’t want to do a straight jazz program (although she’s a very talented jazz vocalist who has been selected to sing with Grammy- award winning jazz musicians 4 years in a row for a local jazz program and has won awards for jazz vocals-plus she really enjoys singing jazz) but they do offer a minor/concentration in popular music studies with songwriting classes and have a great sonic arts program at City College so she felt she could still get the curriculum she was interested in and feels that the jazz foundations will help her in the pop music arena. So she was pretty excited about getting in. She’d be in heaven in Harlem. A musician’s dream city! But we will see how everything shakes out when all the offers are in. Should be interesting to watch her narrow it down and finally do some eliminating.

Whoa! Really?
We had heard April 1st. I am so glad that it will be earlier. We can’t take waiting too much longer…

@AmyIzzy I love how many kids are planning to study jazz as a core foundation even if they primarily want to work in contemporary/popular music genres. My son has the same outlook to his college education - jazz foundation, contemporary music exposure, performance+songwriting focus. Makes it a bit harder to get accepted into really prestigious jazz programs where the kids auditioning have a much stronger focus and affinity to traditional jazz styles, but your D sounds like someone highly adept at it all! Congrats to her (and to you) :slight_smile:

Aahh - please will these school STOP sending random emails that aren’t decision emails! I don’t care what concert you have tonight! It’s not helping the blood pressure!!

Also, OMG, please release your decisions all at once! I wasn’t checking portals at all because I wasn’t expecting anything for another week. And then someone (cough cough @mperrine’s D cough cough) is so crazy talented that they admit her to a school my S applied to before anyone else. So here I am refreshing the portal on an hourly basis. Am I in for another week of this? Am I completely nuts? At this point, who cares?

We are not alone. Click here to read last year’s “Journey” thread starting this very day!

Ah, so many things going on in such a short time. As always congratulations to all who have received acceptances since my last post. And to those waiting I feel your pain as that was us until just days ago.

Welcome to all the lurkers turned posters. I lurked here for a couple years in a different section. Didn’t post until son chose music and I found this special section. I am beyond grateful to those who have offered advice, encouragement and support through it all. Don’t think my son would have made it without all of you.

My S didn’t do the big schools or apply anywhere that required a flight so to the person mentioning that you aren’t alone. Maybe for grad school. I also feel like he’s in the minority with his instrument and classical focus but there are a few education majors this year so that’s pretty cool.

On work study it’s my understanding that you are not guaranteed a job and wages vary. The deal is that since it’s a federal program the government pays part of your wage and the school the rest. Food service jobs always seem to be plenty. But in some schools they pay more or even offer scholarships to exemplary employees. S has been offered it at schools in varying amounts. I’m treating it as though it’s not offered so that should he do it, it’s pocket money for him that I don’t have to come up with. Only one school put it as being applied to tuition at a rate of 90% of the offer and the other 10% going to him.

Oy, Trump. I PRAY that doesn’t happen. Last year my D didn’t qualify for subsidization but this year my kids do and that’s a huge difference. Thanks for the info to whoever posted that. Need to go back and look at the whole article.

I checked naviance for mid-year reports and it looks like it was sent to two schools, including our in-state flagship.

Just finished up the run of his final school musical. It was bittersweet. They did something nice for the seniors and actually included pit this year. So part of that was giving him a photo collage that contained photos of him from every musical he did. I thought it was pretty special that someone gathered those up from way back.

Next week he has one last scholarship audition. Just when you think you are done…

Love the insight into how people are choosing their colleges and sharing or not sharing the process with their family. Mine is not a sharer lol.

S just got an email from Oberlin: decisions will be public on Friday at 5:00 pm.

On work study: my D a non-music kid (but minoring in visual arts) had a ho-hum first year job at her school but had her life transformed by a terrific work study gig working directly for a faculty member for her Sophomore through Senior year (she is graduating in May from WashU). Her current job had a competitive application process but once she was selected, she’s been able to continue working for the same person.

I should add that D’s work study was part of her financial aid package from WashU. Job was guaranteed but it was up to her to hustle to find a good one.

@UniversityMomOf2 I was the one who posted that article. Sorry, I didn’t mean to add anxiety to our already stressed-filled days, but it really concerned me. What’s next? They will eliminate our kids staying on our health care plans throughout college? Ugh-I better try to avoid the news these days and stick to reading these posts instead. I can’t tell you how great it is to see and feel the support here BTW!

Thanks for all the info on work study. I won’t count it as “real” or “dependable” money but I do like the tax benefits and convenience of working on or near campus. My daughter did plan to get a job of some sort during college but figured she would have to limit the hours, at least during her Freshman year, to focus on school work and commitments. To clarify: if she was not offered work study on the financial aid form for a certain college, she could still apply but they prioritize those who have been formally offered the program, right? It’s all good to know.

@akapiratequeen Thanks for that link! It’s amazing to see the similarities in our hopes, anxieties, defeats and triumphs. And all that collective support feels warmly familiar. I especially love to read all the happy endings! We will all have ours too-just be patient (says the most impatient of us all! Lol)

@AmyIzzy One of my kids didn’t have work study on her financial aid award, but as soon as she got a campus job it was added, so I guess you never know. I think work study jobs are basically subsidized by the government, and if there’s unused work study funds they can still award them later.

@UniversityMomOf2 my son is in the school musical with three weeks left. Can’t wait for it to be done, work wise, but it will be bittersweet too see him on the stage, in one more last thing of his high school experience.

@akapiratequeen the decision timing is brutal. My son auditioned on voice and cello, and got those decisions at two different times, from the same school, He heard from the voice people three weeks before cello. That was a long three weeks, especially once we got to the point that we knew all auditions were done and we were in the time frame we thought decisions should be out,

@Parentof2014grad @UniversityMomOf2 my S just completed his last musical too. My wife and I are really sad about it as we absolutely loved watching him on stage. Anyone have insights about music students finding time for theater or MT in college?

Here’s my modest proposal to the parents crawling up the wall- if you have the password to your kid’s portal, have them change it and not tell you what it is, at least between now and April 1st. Also maybe have your spouse change the password for the informed delivery thing and not tell you. This will have a threefold benefit- you wan’t be able to refresh the portal constantly even if you want to , so your life can go somewhat back to normal. It will allow your kid to take ownership of getting notified, and be the first to know even that there’s been an update, and bring it to you when and how they want to. And it will keep your antsyness from passing on any unintended additional stress to your kid.

This suggestion is not intended as an implied criticism of a anyone who does it a different way, truly. It’s just our kid never gave us the passwords to her portals, so I was able to let go of the notion that I’d know anything the minute it came in, that I’d have to wait for the news to snake down to me through the official channels. I found it liberating and charmingly old-school. Your mileage may vary, of course.

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Hi, in the interest of adding another “lurker turned poster” story to the list… I have posted recently on a few other threads related to summer music programs and am so grateful for the information, including the list of summer festivals, which really helped! I have been on CC for years, first with my eldest class of '15 and now with my DD violinist class of '22. It was difficult for us because she was headed for conservatory auditions and had met a teacher who she really liked and who seemed to want DD in her studio. But then she developed an injury related to violin-playing the summer before senior year. It was physically and emotionally very difficult (that’s an understatement) but fortunately she was able to resume playing. As she reevaluated her trajectory in view of the injury, she widened her search to LAC’s, and found a college that she fell in love with, and a teacher who she really really liked, and now she is there as a first-year, majoring in music performance. She really likes the academic stuff, plus she wants to integrate other areas of interest with her music, so it’s a good choice for her. I also want to add that since I found this particular thread a few weeks ago I have been following how things are going for you/your kids, and I am happy for all the good news, and reading daily, hoping for good news for those of you still waiting. Sorry for such a long post! But I felt compelled to share today, and to express my thanks and my good wishes to you all.

NYCMusicDad That won’t work… I don’t have any of my daughter’s portal passwords… instead I obsessively check her email and this thread… the energy has to go somewhere … the struggle is real and thx to this thread I actually feel normal!

Congratulations @mperrine, just saw the post with the good news!