Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Congratulations @mperrine! Great news!!!

No worries @AmyIzzy it’s actually good to have that information. We need to keep track. I’m always watching that at the state level.

Thanks everyone… it feels great to get some news… especially GOOD news. I was wondering if anyone had this similar thing happen. In her acceptance letter from Eastman there was a special note : “Dear …I enjoyed reading your application, including your energetic essay, and your description of digging into Britten’s biography and conveying the wonder of musicological connections to an unsuspecting colleague. You will be in good company here at Eastman!” I have not witnessed this in either of my other 2 children’s acceptance letters. All the rest of the letter was quite standard… except this. Thoughts?

@mperrine I would say that goes right along with why I loved the audition process at Eastman. They seem to add more thought and personalize this entire process. Congrats on the acceptances!

@mperrine that’s awesome! Very well thought out personal touch. S got a hand written card a few days ago from an admission counselor saying how much she enjoyed reading his essay, except he didn’t submit one… epic fail on her part.

@mperrine - congrats on Bard and Eastman - great to finally get the great news that your daughter deserves!!!
@Lyoder2051 - I think that decision dates at SFCM vary by type of program. Jazz is sometime this week. I hope you got some good news!
@WestofPCH - congrats on the Bard admit. May the good news continue this week and next.
@AmyIzzy - way to go on City College in Harlem! What a great spot.
@UniversityMomOf2 - that is too funny!!! ACCCCKKKKKKK

@mperrine In my daughter’s acceptance letter from SMU they actually provided specific comments about the content of her essay and indicated that they enjoyed reading it and learning about her journey. We definitely thought it was a nice touch!

Congrats to everyone with all the great news!

@akapiratequeen I clicked on your link and went back to our constant updates from last year this time. I’m having a bit of PTSD for many of you this year, especially parents I’ve become in regular communication with. And to quote @tripletmama from last year…

“Congrats all! What great news1 For those who are waiting - remember, they will end up where they are supposed to be. And if you come back here next March and drop this very glib line to me - and I will scream” :-))

I have to say for the most part this is true lol. D ended up at a school that if you had told me sin November she would end up there I would have said NO WAY! But she is there and thriving.

Ever since we found out Oberlin decisions are coming out this Friday…my D and I can think of little else…I am trying to be calm and prepare her for either scenario…

Thanks for your post about your daughter and the process she went through, especially in light of a playing-related injury. It’s so easy to overlook the health aspect of D’s future, but I hope that the schools she is considering will provide some help to students dealing with playing-related health issues.

As I sit here reading the thread, like I do every morning before work, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. This site has been an emotional and strategical support and I am so grateful for all of you who can pour your heart out. Thank you all so much!

I have reached a point where I literally feel sick to my stomache every day waiting. My D only applied to a handful of Music schools which supposedly all announce in the next 3 days. The only thing maintaining my sanity is an acceptance to Belmont songwriting and a handful of non music school acceptance in the bag, thank god! I am so grateful to @SpartanDrew and many of the others who went through this last year. Their chronicles are invaluable. I’ve gone back so many times to last years thread and read and reread in hopes that I will be better prepared to help my D when the decisions come out.

I realize I’m not a huge poster but I read along each day and I am so happy for everyone hearing back great news! I feel like I’ve been with you and your kids throughout this journey and feel very connected to their results. It really seems everyone is going to end up where they belong.

This is our second go around, my first was accepted to the University of Michigan as a BFA theatre SMTD Dept. I really felt confident going into this year that I would be better prepared since I had gone through the auditions before. Let me tell you…I was no where near prepared for this. If I could offer anyone in our shoes advice for auditioning as a music major it would be to get as much done ahead of time as you can. Song selection is key in my Ds field (popular music and songwriting) pre-screens of originals and rearranged popular songs or better yet take an oldie and make it current. Anything to show your personal style. Summer programs…YES! Not only do they help the kids see if they like the school but they also make lifelong connections that can be invaluable during this process. Our favorites I would suggest are Interlochen, Berklee, FROST and Grammy Camp. I’m rambling but will always be available to answer any questions for a parent or student now or in the future. PM me anytime.

Good luck everyone waiting to hear back this week and for those waiting with us for FROST, UCLA or USC…it’s going to be a long 3 days.

@bayareamom2016 I am right there with so much of what you said! Keeping everything crossed for your D!

Ditto to what @akapiratequeen said

@“Pikachu’s Mom” , thank you! Her current teacher at college is well-versed in this particular type of injury, and this contributed to my positive feeling about sending her there. She’ll always have to be careful about managing things properly, and fortunately she does ask her teacher for help with this. Part of the recovery process was being taught how to support her instrument in a more healthy way, learning exercises to strengthen her core muscles, and completely re-doing her instrument setup with the help of professionals. The goal is to be a happy violinist and not play in pain. She monitors her playing time and sometimes takes a day off to rest (at my insistence) even though she’d rather be playing.

That’s a promising experience with work study @jazzboydad-thanks! And thanks to everyone again for helping me understand it better!

Welcome aboard @SuzeViolin. I can’t imagine what your daughter has been through (I guess I can compare it to a singer developing nodes but at least her injury sounds manageable with proper treatment) but she is obviously passionate about her playing and determined to overcome the hurdles. I hope she can feel our cheers for her!

I feel like I know all of your kids really well (especially the veterans who have been here since the start) and I am nervous and excited for them all! These next few days (and weeks for some) will be tough but luckily we have this support group as our saving grace! I find myself really looking forward to the SFCM, USC, Oberlin, and NYU decisions and my daughter hasn’t even applied to any of those! Lol-that’s how much I feel invested in YOUR kids too!

I think the waiting is ok until you get to the last 7-10 days, and then you just feel physically ill and almost cheated! Like WHY do they wait so long to tell you when the auditions were SIX weeks ago!!! Ugh. At this point we just want to be DONE. DS has three acceptances and waiting on news to come next week. I hope this forum doesn’t crash with all the messages we will be firing off over the rest of this sucky, sucky month!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL AND SAVE ME SOME CHAMPAGNE.

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@suzeviolin Your daughters journey proves that our kids end up where they’re meant to be even if they take a detour on the journey. I’m so glad she’s on the road to recovery and found an excellent teacher!

@NYCMusicDad Thanks for the reminder, I was definitely beginning to obsess over all this. However, easier said than done but I’m trying. Today I tried, really hard, to take a step back and listened to podcasts while working, watched my favorite movie Pride and Prejudice… But… here I am.

@mperrine Congrats! What a great accomplishment, especially so early in the game! I wish they’d send out definite rejections early as well. and so we wait…

@amyizzy Congrats to your daughter, her hard work has paid off. She has so many options!

@akapiratequeen You’re not nuts, none of us are. We just want our kids to achieve their dreams and can’t wait to find out. Thanks for the link to last years thread, definitely helps to read we aren’t alone. Crazy to think, we will be back here doing this again. I spent last evening reading threads by mom’s who now have kids working on their doctorate. D’s third choice is looking good thanks to one mom’s post

Congrats to everyone else on all the acceptances. I have to get back to work and I hear the mailman… Still haven’t heard from Indiana but as Doris Day says Que sera, sera! This will be a distant memory real soon.

@Music2023 Just substitute “pregnancy” for “acceptances…” In the final weeks I remember thinking “Just get it out of me!” :))

@akapiratequeen I just spit out my coffee… yes get it ou!!!