Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@highnotes2018 I heard Frost will be this Friday (3/22) but I’m not sure what time and if scholarships/financial info will be given the same day.

Congrats @akapiratequeen! That’s amazing!

@akapiratequeen congrats to S on Eastman!

@highnotes2018 This is from a post by @SpartanDrew today on the Miami 2023 thread: “Guys we were part of last years group. Start portal watching tomorrow to see if the portal updates to “Admitted” like it did last year. Then Friday will be the day for the formal email and later in the day the money if awarded.”

@WestOfPCH Although Miami and USC (and others) might say April 1 on their website, if you check the acceptance threads, you will see that they are not pushing up their announcements this year because this is the week/weekend that they usually announce. In any case, you clearly have a much, much more developed capacity for deferred gratification than I do. Even with the announcements that we expect to come out in the next 3 days, I know that we will still have to wait even longer to get the financials from some of them, and it’s driving me crazy. :smile:

Yay, @akapiratequeen!!! Great news!!

Darn, @CaraCoMO. :frowning: But a waitlist isn’t a no, so don’t give up yet!

@akapiratequeen congratulations!!! Way to go!

@akapiratequeen - congrats on Eastman - wow! You must be riding high on endorphins!

Our jazz bassist daughter FINALLY got her first decision. (and she actually saw the email before I did - still laughing about that since she never checks her email). She’s in at SFCM. She excited about it - but mama - not as much - NO FINANCIALS for up to two weeks! So - she has been invited to a place where I’ve been invited to potentially write a check for $61k a year??? I’m trying hard but I can’t get that excited. Why do schools wait so long to send financials? That should be outlawed! Huge tease. Anyway…I’m trying to rally. Ask me in two weeks what I think.

Was excited to put in a dorm deposit for our other triplet daughter at Southern Utah (for aviation). And put a countdown calendar on my phone (and hubby’s) for her departure in May to finish her private pilot’s license (she has been such a bear lately - we call her the Rottweiler). We can do this!!!

@tripletmama – that’s awesome. Try to savor the moment and the accomplishment and not worry about the money right now. I know that is easier said than done. But your D kicked a**, and you and H supported her, and you all deserve giant high fives!

And yes…we are riding high. Some decisions to make (has anyone successfully appealed Eastman?) but we are feeling so so blessed.

Congratulations @tripletmama !!! Wonderful news! SFCM would be awesome if they followthrough with a nice award as well. Fingers crossed for you and D. All the best!

@PercussionMama I really dated myself with my comment! Since a young kid, when waiting I sing the song. Yes, my musician is my youngest.

@akapiratequeen omg! Congrats! ? That’s awesome! My heart dropped and I rushed to the portal but nope, no updates since Dec. Eastman is a very slim chance for D, she let the hogwart doors get to her. Still would like to know.

@tripletmama ?congrats! Now they will start rolling in! Hope the money follows quickly.

Thanks @sunnysar! And my musician is my youngest too – I was the gray-haired mom at the auditions!

@akapiratequeen - Congratulations! You’re really on a roll!

Yay, @tripletmama!!! One of my son’s very good friends got his u/g and master’s at SFCM in viola.

I totally hear ya on the wait for financial aid. It’s bugging us, too. My son’s heard from all the school except for one on scholarships but none of them on need-based aid. Still, we’re getting a sense of which ones are unaffordable by the scholarships.

Ironic story: a school that my son just could never get to and ultimately decided not to audition for, accepted him with a lot more scholarship (academic) than several schools where he auditioned and got music scholarships. I’m thinking, “Hm, wonder if it’s too late to send in a video audition??” Maybe they’d give him enough music scholarship to help him reconsider, but he stiffed them so many times, I doubt it!

@tripletmama And a big congratulations to you too for your D’s first and very awesome acceptance. I am with you on the financials. Cruel to admit without giving you any idea about affordablity.

Yay @tripletmama – such great news! It is the start of much more good news to come, I am sure!

@CaraCoMO Sorry to hear that you’re still in a state of limbo with the wait list. Just remember that wait list is not a No. My D was wait listed at UT and that hit us hard, but last week, she was offered admission and is now elated. All of that to say, I can testify that getting off the wait list is possible!

In the meantime send them an updated artist resume and include any new repertoire, awards, performances, etc. Also, they won’t likely tell you, but inquire about your position on the wait list so that they know you’re interested. I don’t know if it made a difference with us, but that’s what we did, and it didn’t seem to hurt, so I’m passing it on.

Best of luck to your S! Just tell him to stay positive, focused, and hold his chin up high :smile:

Wonderful news, @akapiratequeen and @tripletmama !!! Huge congratulations to you both.

@tripletmama and @akapiratequeen doing the happy dance for both of you.

For everyone like us waiting for Thornton to announce their decisions, here’s a great bit of info thanks to @WWWard from the USC board on CC:

The mail-out of admissions packages, sent via USPS Priority Mail, has been confirmed by USC as occurring on March 21st, with portal updates for all applicants on March 23rd at 5pm Pacific.

You can project your likely delivery window via the following link… Simply use 90007 as the originating zip code. Be forewarned however that USPS is far from 100% reliable, and they do too often miss those delivery windows. The portal updates on the 23rd will be the definitive answer.

Rejection letters arrive via regular mail later… usually received after the portals update - unless you live close enough to USC.

While you can of course try Informed Delivery via USPS, as it has worked for some, USC does not enable tracking and historically very few of those actually getting the admission packets were able to gain that same-day advanced notice. The vast majority who have had Informed Delivery, including my own family, were not able to see this particular type of package en route. But there is always a chance.

Best of luck to all those waiting for good news beginning with the packages roll-out on March 21st…

@BassoonMom2019 Thank you for the encouraging words. I appreciate them!

For those waiting on UCLA, decision will be posted to portal Friday at 5pm PDT.

Does anyone know when New School decisions are expecdted?