Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@tripletmama Haha its fun to see how everyone is doing with admissions! So far I am waiting for ucla, peabody, NEC, NYU, Mannes, and Curtis.

@HRoFan That’s great to know!! Thank you.

@Lyoder2051 I’m so sorry about Thornton, hoping you receive good news tonight!

I loved @akapiratequeen post of the letter from her sons guidance counselors! “It is okay to feel sad about a decision you didn’t want to hear, but it is important to keep it in perspective. A college couldn’t make space for you - that is all it means.”

@akapiratequeen Thanks for sharing the letter! Great advice and so true, even more for music students.

Happy Anniversary @bridgenail!

I’m need to sip a little wine so I stop whining that the mail came and still nothing, nada, zip…

I’m anxiously awaiting everyone else’s decisions tonight. Fingers crossed for good news!

Wishing everyone the best of luck!!

NEC envelope arrived in mail!!!

Somehow it was not shown in the USPS Informed Delivery. Letter sized envelope so perhaps those are not scanned by the machines as the email said “A piece of mail that we do not have an image for is included in today’s mail”. Always thought those are the promotional junk mail etc.

Anyways just so you all know NEC letters should be reaching you today / tomorrow etc.

Best of luck!!!

@tripletmama Fingers and toes crossed for good news on scholarships! Grandma should be proud, a dancer, musician, pilot, college student! It’s not just grandparents!

I can’t tell you how many people will ask how D’s school search is going to only have their next breath be so negative! There’s no money in music, it’s a tough life, it’s too difficult, there’s no jobs… GRRRRR!

Miami Frost decision came 5 mins ago. No ‘green dot’, but the message on the portal says the spawn’s accepted to MADE/CAM.

@dsinha congrats on Frost!! Who hoo!!!

@Lyoder2051 : Sorry to hear about the USC decision. So did you get a deferral to Spring ? Or was it an admit to USC but a no from Thornton ?

If you’re still super interested in Thornton, you should establish contact with the professor that called you. There is a chance that one of the six they accepted will decide to go elsewhere and a spot will open up for you.

Good luck with UCLA.

Congrats @dsinha , we got the same news at the same time. Nothing in message center, no email. But the portal updated and the admissions section re-appeared and now has the “admitted” check. So she’s in for Jazz drums

congratulations @dsinha

Congratulations @dsinha and @DrummerDad18! Great news!!!

Whooo @DrummerDad18!! Great news!!!

@dsinha and @DrummerDad18 Congratulations!!! Wonderful news!!!

Congrats @dsinha and @DrummerDad18!!! And @HereWeGoAgain2018 big congrats as well!!! @tripletmama did your envelope arrive???

@khill87 shortage of altos in most places is probably the reason why (sopranos outnumber altos in terms of numbers) Since she can do both it sounds like the perfect situation w/ soprano in her private lessons but alto in choir… might lead to less vocal strain through the whole experience.
just biding my time re: Miami as my daughter is in a performance in Disney and has no idea decisions came out and I have no portal access - fun times!

My D was accepted to Frost VP Major! Good news on a Friday afternoon.

S accepted to FROST! Woo Hoo! He has an acceptance letter in the message center (for those that just mentioned it), but I didn’t want to open it before he did. The admissions tab appeared on the bottom with the green check that says admitted and a column that says ‘accept or decline admission’ so I think I can safely assume he’s in without reading the letter!!!

Yay @highnotes2018 and @Propinquity4444!!! So happy for your talented kids!

Wow @Propinquity4444 and @highnotes2018 — congratulations!

Do the acceptances include awards?