Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@Lyoder2051 A huge congratulations to you! It takes courage and change course, but you did it and came out on top. You are an inspiration; thank you for sharing your story!

Congrats, Lyoder2051! What a great story–thank you for sharing.

Congratulations @Lyoder2051. So happy for you and your mother/ teacher. It is great that you were able to pursue your passion.

Wow, wonderful news @Lyoder2051 ! Congratulations and thank you for sharing your story. Your post just made my day!

@coloraturadad Thank you so much!!!

Congratulations @Lyoder2051 !!!

Our jazz bassist daughter just found via snail mail that she got a $40k per year music merit scholarship to San Francisco Conservatory of Music (they said there is also financial aid but she hasn’t logged in yet to that portal!!!) OMG - doing the serious happy dance here!!! She can go away next year!!! (I honestly didn’t know if it would be possible). I feel like I can breath again.

Wish I was with her to celebrate!!! So, I’ll just have to celebrate with all of you here in cyberland.

Wow, @tripletmama , congratulations to your D and you!!! That’s great news. Whew!!!

Best news I’ve heard all week @tripletmama ! Seems like a great program that really fits your D and now it’s a reality. Thrilled this worked out for her and you!

@tripletmama that is awesome!!! SFCM doesn’t usually give lots of aid (from what I know) so that is a sign of her talent!!

Woohoo @tripletmama! I am so, so happy for you and your daughter!!!

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@tripletmama fantastic news!!! I am so happy. This made my day. Congratulations

@tripletmama Best news ever!! Your girl worked so hard, she deserves this!!!

@tripletmama Congratulations to your D and congratulations to you! The thrill! The joy!!

@tripletmama I am so so glad!! All that hard work has paid off!! Congratulations to you and your wonderful d. Happy dancing here in New Jersey!!

I just read the latest acceptance thread and…wow. What an amazing group of talented kids! I am in awe. (And don’t forget to send @“Mezzo’sMama” your adjusts!)


Ugh it’s too early

Mannes (New School) decision arrived - S is in! He doesn’t know yet . . . still sleeping.

Wonderful news @PianoMom88! Time to celebrate!

Looks like New School portals were updated overnight. My daughter was accepted into the Jazz & Contemporary Music program with $22K. Woo hoo! She was surprised to get that much as she didn’t see it as her best audition (she was just getting over being sick.) It says financial aid info will come on the next 7-10 days but we don’t expect much. Based on the scholarship alone, it’s out of our reach financially but might be worth a bold appeal if it becomes a top choice. Good luck to everyone else who was waiting on New School and is still waiting on others!