Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Congrats @JazzMomLisa! Wonderful school!

@JazzMomLisa Congrats! Frost is still on the top of the list for my S also. Did you go to the Accepted Student Day?

Went to the inaugural Princeton Jazz Festival with S today and it was phenomenal! Got to hear and meet Charenee Wade who has been named the new head of Jazz Vocals at Peabody, one of programs S has been admitted to (Wade is an unbelievable talent!) And of course he had another chance to talk to the jazz folks at Princeton. I’d hoped that the festival would put it over the top for him and that I’d be switching my icon tonight but not yet… Going to an Oberlin event for accepted students in our area tomorrow then an all day and night accepted student day at Princeton on Monday. @TiggerDad was your S there today?

@khill87 Happy to answer any questions you or anyone else may have about Peabody.

The final reasons that my Son had that made the difference and pushed Peabody to the very top of his list are rather specific about the jazz program and faculty under the leadership of Sean Jones. At the same time, there are a whole bunch of reasons why Peabody made his list of top schools at the very beginning of his college evaluation, application and audition process.

So some of what I can share may be relevant to anyone interested in the school, while other stuff would be rather specific to jazz students.

Feel free to ask here and tag me or DM me.

And FWIW, we’re West Coast folks, so I totally understand about scheduling a visit to Baltimore and minimizing cost. Happy to help in whatever way I can

@Propinquity4444 Thanks! We didn’t go to Accepted Student Day. I read the posts saying it was lackluster… My S auditioned on campus so that visit was enough for him to make his decision. The fact that Brian Lynch and John Daversa are there really drove his choice (both great trumpet players). I hope that your S chooses Frost and our boys can be freshmen together!

Congrats @JazzMomLisa and S! What a great choice! And oh, those beaches…

@bridgenail thank you for sharing your daughter’s perspective. I pointed out to my S that the UG BM has the same class requirements regardless of where he goes (especially in the early years) and that it’s really it’s the effort that he invests that will propel ultimate success for UG degree. We are down to 2 top 20 plus one other in-state option so excellent options regardless of final decision. The financial spread between 1 and 2/3 is significant and I keep thinking that if he picks either of the 2/3 schools he will go debt free and I know that starting out a career without the burden debt will be such a huge blessing. We did appeal and ask for school 1 to match…but no answer yet.

@bridgenail~ so glad you are back I love your posts! Thx!

Is anyone going or been to the Chautauqua summer program or at least know the area? If so, please DM me. Seems so hard to get to.

@JazzMomLisa I think there were only 2 other boys in the room besides my S, so I was just trying to figure out if they were on CC!

Like @bridgenail I have two kids who have completed undergrad (one last summer, the other graduates next month and has a dream job for her major lined up). Neither are musicians. Both have strong post-grad salaries. Both have already thanked us for keeping them debt-free through undergrad. They see how it affects their peers and are truly thankful to not have that burden now. We are also thankful to have not taken on debt on their behalf. We had an unexpected job loss and salary cut in the last year. What a mess that would have been if there had been a pile of parent plus loans or if we had needed them to finance more years of tuition. Instead it was just an unpleasant blip on the radar.

In addition, after watching my first two navigate college, it certainly has been the case that it’s up to the student to make the most of the opportunities they have. My kids went to good but not brand-name private schools, ranked around 100 by the ranking people, on big academic scholarships. They’ve both had plenty of opportunities to grow and thrive, get excellent educations, meet people, do internships, make connections, etc. We have no regrets that we did not throw money we didn’t have at name and prestige.

Best wishes to everyone still navigating the options, as we are. I think our son is leaning towards one choice, but more research is needed and as of today he finally will have a chance to focus on that and make a final decision. I’m glad there’s a deadline so it can’t drag out any longer!

@pianomom74 were you at Mannes today? I can’t DM but feel free to contact me. We were there today. Also trying to figure out the appeal process

I have taken an intentional break from the internet to enjoy spring break with S, ponder things, and just get away from anything college while we wait on news regarding a particular topic (don’t want to post yet). I am several weeks and more than 1,000 posts behind. I can already see some decisions have been made because avatars changed (Eastman, Bienen at Northwestern, Berklee, Purchase etc.). As I read through the next 80 pages of this thread know that I’m sending virtual cheers of congratulations on good news and hugs for support for those not getting the news they wanted. I would love to list them all individually but it’s going to take hours to get through the posts. So this is just a brief catch up.

And @sbjdorlo I truly applaud your son for all he has persevered through. I appreciate you sharing his journey as I have a daughter with depression/anxiety and not wish she would have the desire to take care of it. It’s one big worry fest for mom.

@UniversityMomOf2, thank you. Yes, it’s very hard not to worry, isn’t it? My son has T1 diabetes and some other health issues, too. One day at a time with our kiddos. I’m just glad my son will be less than 2 hours away.

D had a great visit at Frost today. We missed the general admitted student day, the university-wide pep rally version, due to scheduling conflicts. So D did the lighter “Cane for a Day” version that suited her much better; she shadowed a freshman Music student for most of the day except when she was in a few meetings with faculty that we had set up and another voice lesson. The faculty all helped dispel her audition day impression that Frost was formal and inflexible. But the student she shadowed and his friends that joined them for lunch sealed the deal. They were all very nice, down to earth and happy to be at Frost, while each admitting that they had at least some doubts about whether they belonged before they arrived at Frost. Those were really D’s biggest unspoken concerns about choosing the best music school on her list: would she have trouble finding nice folks to bond with, and would she be the only kid with a bit of impostor syndrome. As we drove from campus down to the Florida Keys to have dinner where the Netflix show Bloodline is filmed, D was sure Frost was her future home. 1.5 hour drive with no wavering. I think she is going to stick with that and not second guess it. I don’t know whether it was my pent up relief at possibly having her biggest decision to date behind her or the fact that she was unknowingly and ironically walking into my prior CC posts punchline, but I actually laughed out loud when she told the waiter at dinner tonight he was going to have to come back a third time because she “just can’t decide.”

Haha love this @MeritHopeful! Here’s to your D! Sounds like an amazing day.

Whew! Avatar successfully updated! It was the faculty, his audition experience, and the scholarship $ that helped him come to the decision.

Oh wonderful!! See you in Rochester, @Mamager19! We can meet @mperrine and raise a glass!

@Mamager19 JAVA!!! Yes welcome!!!

Thanks @akapiratequeen and @mperrine! Hope to meet you guys on Move-in day!

Congratulations on everyone else that made the big decision and good luck to those still undecided!