Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Congrats to all who have enjoyed recent decisions. I’m afraid our S is going right down to the wire. We thought he’d made a decision and all of a sudden he put what had been his third choice back on the table. Uggh! This has been an umbeleivably torturous process for us that has suddenly become quite emotional. The choice is between a BA in a growing music program at an Ivy or a BM at a solid music program at a larger U.

@CaraCoMO i do believe that that happens more often than one would think. By May 1 some
departments might not have the numbers they want. Every year there is a story about someone who got called on May 1 or 2 from the waitlist and was offered a lot of money, to boot. The truth is, nothing is 100% sure until it happens. Someone could decide in August to toss their violin away and become a welder. That opens a spot for someone to take and renege on the school they committed to. I’m sure the schools deal with that on a pretty regular basis. The answer is: Expect nothing, but be ready for anything.

@jazzboydad As you can see from my above post, I feel your pain. Hang in there!

My s’s top two accepted choices are too expensive for us, third choice is a waitlist, and we are juggling pros and cons lists of his last three choices. The last three affordable choices all have things s likes about them, but none of them are his “dream school”. A Skype lesson with a potential instructor that we hoped would sway him was, “good”, but not “knock your socks off” or “horrible”.

@CaraCoMO Looking at your son’s choices, sometimes this happens and the students decides to take a gap year, practice, maybe take some lessons with a siginificant teacher, and reaudition the following year in hopes of getting more scholarship money and / or being in better shape and possibly getting an acceptance to the school that waitlisted him previously. This is an important decision, but not one that is beholden to a particular timeline.

As an act of solidarity for those of us on the cusp of April Angst turning into Midnight on May First Migraines, i wanted to just let you know we’re right there with you! Down to the wire here between two great options each with very distinct pros/cons. So it’s more of an existential question about life goals my D is trying to answer (involving which city she wants to live in after school and where she wants to build a network) vs just a which school do i like more. She loves them both and is sad to have to say no to either of them. Which is why this is taking so damn long.

Congrats to @JeJeJe, @"Pikachu’s Mom"and @Parentof2014grad on your great choices! @jazzboydad and @DrummerDad18, sorry that things are still pending, but you only have a few days left of being in limbo – it will all be settled soon and whatever your kid’s final selection, it will be great – truly no bad options here. Although, @Drummerdad18, I am hoping to see some cardinal and gold in your logo when all is said and done!

@Music2023 I hear what you are saying, but s does not want to take a gap year and I agree that it is not the best choice for him. He wants to get out of the small city we are in and spread his wings some. He also is not 100% each and every day that his chosen major is the correct choice, but he won’t know until he tries. He, his father and I all agree that it is time for him to start a program, give it his best, and go from there.

@CaraCoMO , @jazzboydad , and @DrummerDad18 - Sorry it’s coming down to the wire for you. I was in your shoes until last weekend, so I know the feeling (but thankfully don’t have to feel it anymore). Hang in there. You’re almost there.

@CaraCoMO - sorry I missed you in my last post. Best of luck to your son as he makes his final decision. The good news is that many people start school undecided or think they know what they want and then realize they want something different. These decisions seem so momentousness, but in the end, nothing is irreversible.

Still not committed here either. Waiting for a couple more questions to be answered by the top choice school. Hopefully tomorrow!

@CaraCoMO If you pay a deposit at one school now and then your S gets accepted from a wait list school you will just lose your deposit. There should not be any other issues.
Have you contacted the school where he is waitlisted? Maybe if your S sends and email with some thoughtfull questions about the program it will spark some attention for your S.

@diglass Yes, the wait list school has contacted s, and he has responded back with interest.

My daughter is finishing up her freshman year at UNT. Vocal performance. Great choice feel free to ask any questions.

It’s good to have company in indecision purgatory @CaraCoMO. And you too @DrummerDad18–It seems like just yesterday that our kids were jamming together at Frost!

@Parentof2014grad — UNT seems like an amazing choice for music education (in any area). How funny that your S also was debating the one or two area question. My D is pretty happy to not feel she has to prioritize one over the other, although she enjoyed meeting professors in both areas at all the schools we visited. Hope your S has a wonderful experience!

@CaraCoMO — D did also talk with her teachers once again in the final hour, and that seemed to help. Sometimes making the choice between not-perfect options hones the senses for what is truly important (in my D’s case, a certain sense of belonging and freedom to study both instruments trumped the B.M. in either area at lac/conservatories—that and distance from home). Good luck!

Oh my gosh, sending positive vibes to the last minute deciders! Here’s hoping everything falls into place very soon!

@“Pikachu’s Mom” what you said is so true, and I have been proud of how my s has handled this journey. He could be bitter and upset, but he’s not. He is understanding of the situation and practical about it. He sees positives in his choices. He knew going in that his top choices would be a long shot financially and he does not regret having tried. Life is full of tough decisions, and this has definitely helped him focus on what is most important to him.

@jazzboydad I know right? And just last night my D was playing a show with @AmyIzzy 's daughter at YoungArts regional event in NYC. That will always be one of my favorite things about this process, all the great people (kids and parents) we have met along the way. Both virtually and in person. It’s going to be so much fun following the progress and growth of all these kids over the next 4 years and beyond.

@Pikachu’s Mom yay Luther!!! Congratulations to everyone on their choices!