Hi, everyone! I’m a current first-year here at Wellesley, and I know I’m a little late to the game, but since I have some free time over winter break, I thought it’d be nice to talk about Wellesley for anyone considering it 
Regarding stress culture - Yes, Wellesley, like any college, can be very stressful. I know Wellesley in particular has a reputation for being rigorous, but in my experience, it wasn’t terrible like I expected it to be, and maybe that’s due to the ending of the grade deflation policy. I was so scared of the stress culture I kept reading about prior to my first semester, but I honestly got myself worked up over nothing. Stress is real here, but it’s not worse than it was at my high school, or, according to my friends, at many, if not most, top colleges. I wouldn’t want to scare any prospective students off by saying that stress is a defining trait of Wellesley (since there are so many other amazing qualities of this college that I’ve found override any sense of stress culture) or that their time here is guaranteed to be overwhelmed by stress. I’ve found that stress levels can depend a lot on the people with whom you surround yourself, the time you take to relax, and the pressure you (or others) place upon yourself. It’s really just school in the end, and we’re all here to make mistakes and learn; try not to push yourself too hard 
Regarding MIT classes - Since I’ve only spent one semester at Wellesley so far, I haven’t been allowed to take any MIT classes yet, but I’ll hopefully be attending my first one next semester. The commute is fairly long (~40 minutes one way), but I don’t mind it (though my commute during high school was longer, so YMMV). As for the level of rigor, what I’ve heard has varied. Some people think MIT classes are harder, and others think Wellesley classes are harder. I think there are a lot of factors that determine your success in a course and how difficult you find it, including the style of teaching, the instructor, the course, the department, the optimal learning type of the student, etc. I will say that from what I’ve heard, MIT classes allow for less interaction with professors and less/less accessible support outside of class, since we’re not always on MIT campus, so some students may struggle with that more than others. But no worries about not cross-registering at MIT/Babson/Olin if you don’t wish to, whether due to the length of commute or another reason - there’s plenty right here at Wellesley 
I guess my overall advice is to take everything with a grain of salt. People have had bad experiences, academically and otherwise, at Wellesley, but they and others have had life-changing experiences as well and have thrived here. Any college will have its issues and its share of unhappy students. Don’t let a few negative stories scare you away, and don’t let a few positive ones completely sway your decision