Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

A week ago today UofA made some acceptance calls…wondering if they will make more tonight. If you get a call, please post here!

@runnernyc my guess is for the rolling admissions schools, it’s tough to know when all the acceptances are out. It’s not over til you receive a rejection letter!

Montclair Question - my D auditioned at NYC Unifieds and has not heard anything either way (but she got the infamous socks!). Is anyone else in the same boat? She is already in academically (presidential scholarship), but is curious to know her artistic decision.

@DancerMTMom - how did you know about Ohio Northern decisions coming via snail mail this week? Did you already get a letter?

Woo hoo my D was Accepted to Missouri state BFA MT. Auditioned at Chicago Unifieds!!

Congrats! @user_752736 ! Great school! Can u share how they are notifying?

@Lilybird4 - did you check the Montclair portal? My D did not get any notice, but checked the portal and there was a new letter (rejection). It looked blank at first, but when you scroll down the page you find the letter. My advice, check the portal, and good luck!

For those waiting on news - but not following the facebook page. This was posted early this morning.


Our audition season for the incoming Class of 2024 has come to an end… Well done, all!!

Final decisions for all COMPLETE applicants will be mailed and/or emailed by Monday, March 2nd this year. If you do not receive a decision either via mail or email by the middle of next week, this is likely because you are missing academic items from your application.

@Looney2020 Thank you for your advice! She is checking get portal - several times a day ?! But nothing yet. We will just have to be patient! Good luck to you too!

We are still waiting on Syracuse, Ohio Northern, Coastal & JMU which seems to be her top choice : ). The waiting is killing me!

We’re waiting on Miami and Roosevelt - still looks like a long way to wait. My older daughter auditioned for both of them two years ago, and I think they were among the last ones she heard back from. I will say this - once you are out of this process, if your child is happy where they are, you sort of forget about it quickly. I had one year off, and I didn’t come in here or think about the process once - just enjoyed the fact that we weren’t still in it and that she was happy where she ended up (University of Tampa BFA MT). Can’t wait to say the same about my younger daughter - she has 2 BFA MT acceptances she’s happy with and she’s waiting on these last 2, and I look forward to the day she knows where she’s going and this is a distant memory (with some nice travel memories thrown in)! As we all do!

Having done this once before I have to say that it’s sort of remarkable that so many schools have already released their decisions…it’s not even March yet! When I went through this 4 years ago with my older daughter, the entire month of March was BRUTAL. It was just waiting and waiting and waiting. We had NO information at all, no rejections or acceptances, until mid-March. This time some answers started coming in just days after NY unifieds, and almost half of our schools have given us their decisions. That’s just crazy! It’s still February. I haven’t even had time yet to finish the laundry from the last audition trip. :slight_smile: This is SO MUCH better! Im grateful that so many schools have sped up their decision making/notification process.

We are waiting on CMU, CCPA, Molloy/Cap 21, NYU, U of Oklahoma, Point Park, and Webster.

We are still waiting on: Molloy/CAP21, Pace, BoCo, UMiami, UArizona, Marymount Manhattan, NYU/Tisch, and University of the Arts. She has 2 early acceptances, but her top schools are all still pending so this is an agonizing time!

Thank you @speezagmom for the Molloy update! We are anxiously awaiting that one!

@Looney2020 - D was accepted to Montclair a few weeks ago - that came through email with a personal note from the head of the department - Waitlist and no’s are on the portal - if that helps.

@MTnervousmom - Webster technically doesn’t come out until later but so far we have had several emails/phone calls/visits with Lara Teeter - honestly since they are one of the last ones I don’t think they make offers to anyone they don’t think will accept. While I don’t want to say if you are communicating with Lara it is a yes - but I do think if he hasn’t reached out yet it’s more than likely not looking good.

I hope this information doesn’t rub anyone the wrong way but we are waiting on, and not receiving, a bunch of phone calls from all the top programs this week and honestly, at this point, I feel like just send the rejection note so we can move on. D has been fortunate enough to have some solid acceptances and now she just wants to enjoy her senior year. After this week we still have a bunch in March - I really want to move on from this process it’s taken over our lives!

To add to the Molloy/CAP21 info update…yesses and waitlists will be emailed. Nos will be mailed. They HOPE to get things out on 2/28, but will be 3/2 at the latest.

@DivaStageMom she did receive a business card from him and they have emailed a few times, so I guess that is a good sign! Unfortunately, we have experienced that before and then received a no.

@Libish where did you get that news?

@NeensMom it was indicated on a recent tour of CAP21

The waiting, the waiting, the waiting…

Waiting to hear from 7 more schools (most of his top picks) and more that just waiting answers because I need to book travel plans for college visits during my S spring break in mid March. It is going to be last minute planning…Glad spur of the moment travel is cheap! NOT.