Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@TheatreDad69 yes! THIS!

In the words of Princess Fiona

“The waiting! The waiting! The waiting!
The waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!”

Still haven’t heard from University of Michigan (almost had a heart attack when I heard a friend of mine got into Acting because I didn’t get any decision. then I realized they come out on different days
ugh), Carnegie Mellon, University of Oklahoma, Indiana University - Bloomington, and Syracuse.

Keeping fingers crossed for everyone!

@TheatreDad69 Yes! We have 12 schools to hear from. I have NO idea how to schedule travel right now.

A couple of thoughts on emails and travel.

Email (a la Molloy/CAP21) - don’t panic if you don’t see it. Check your spam/junk/clutter. Call the school to make sure all your academic items are in!

Travel Tip- figure out when you can visit schools in April. Seriously - April. You may have schools that don’t notify you until April 1st (Tisch is typically one of those) and you may have wait list schools that you don’t hear from until late - you’ll have to decide if you want to visit them before you get final status. (It can help to visit WL schools to show interest.)

Anyone care to comment/share how they have demonstrated their level of interest in a school pre and/or post audition? Thank you letter/email, email to the department head, contacting existing students, on-campus visit(besides audition), on-campus audition instead of doing one at Unifieds, contacting admissions/recruiters, etc?

I will share that we sent handwritten thank you notes to all schools my D auditioned for. In addition, we emailed two school department heads after an audition with follow up questions, but received no response. We have done very little connecting with school recruiters/admissions.

@speezagmom While we will most likely still have some schools to visit in April, the reason we (along with many others I’m sure) have to travel in March is because that’s when Spring Break is for us. My D can’t miss any more school days or she loses all her exam exemptions. So we have to make use of those Spring Break days off to get something done (hers starts next Friday). We will be visiting a few of her accepted programs during that week off, but like many others, we are waiting on other decisions that - if we had them now - would probably influence whether we could spend those Spring Break free days more cost efficiently. But there’s not much we can do about it.

@csuram1994 my S sent emails to the one person in the audition he felt a connection with. If there wasn’t a positive, mutual vibe he didn’t communicate. That is S’s style and how he rolls. It was hard at first for me because I heard/read all about all personalized thank you notes, some even including pics. But I know from my own line of work how inundated professionals are with notifications they have to sort and respond to
 especially during a peak project. I’m personally a believer in effective communication, not over-communication. S received responses from the few emails he sent. If he ends up on wait lists he will likely keep the communication lines open.

D lost her exam exemptions by attending auditions. At this point we don’t care very much about that.

I will say to people who are having to plan last minute travel:

cry me a river.

D (and given the stats many others) have multiple rejections, some prescreen, some audition to the schools you’re complaining about HAVING to travel to or wait for

Especially for those of you who have been lurking here and just drop in to post “Oh, gee, S/D got in to CMU, CCM, TxSt, and about a dozen others HOWEVER WILL WE CHOOSE?”

Congrats to you, but your humble brag is really disconcerting to those of us who are hoping and praying for a single artistic admission to a place their kid actually would be happy.

95% of the folks here would give their eye teeth to be in your ‘predicament.’

The only solace for us is that your child must pick one program, just like everyone else. 11 of their 12 slots will go to someone else who is just as talented
maybe more talented. Who knows, it’s all sooo subjective.
Please be mindful of the statistics that apply here, including penis points for the boys.

Just another beautiful day in the neighborhood
won’t you be mine?

There are so many difficult, stressful and expensive parts of this process - from filming the first prescreens to making the final decision. They all are valid and they all need support. If the people who are lucky enough to have multiple offers can’t look for advice here, where else can they go? While narrowing down choices is an enviable problem to have, it’s still a problem and we should all be there for each other (and then quietly make voodoo dolls in the privacy of our own homes like I do.)

Kidding about the voodoo doll part!

Add us to the list of Montclair nos. Daughter checked her portal–no email indicating that we should, incidentally. At least we got the socks beforehand, LOL.

@BloomingGirl maybe its unfair for me to say or even think this but I shall dive in anyway
 I think that for the people who have been along for the journey we all cheer for each victory for their kid & maybe others who are " just arriving" didnt know about this thread or CC, but when you see someone drop in & say " been lurking for years" or something to that effect but their post is their very first post that says something like " just got the call from CMU" it hurts even more & harder to be excited for those who didnt suffer along with us these past 5 months, maybe they did suffer we just dont know, I guess my point is we are here to share the highs & the lows
a point I made in the pre screen thread MANY months ago
again im just supposing
maybe even worse is the people who posted all their successes in pre screens and then disappear
why? I get this process is super stressful and that many people around this time of year take a break from social media altogether, but I guess im just saying having read these threads for many years over and over again, that I believe people are truly excited for each kids victories but they also want you to sympathize with HOW REAL the struggle truly is. this is “anonymous” forum, so people come here for knowledge and support, I think people you get what you give
I dont know everything for sure, but I post here bc im grateful for all those parents who came before me, 2 years ago I didnt even know what unifieds was
their struggle / their sharing of info helped me plan for our journey & I give some of the credit for our success to THEM
anyway just rambling but this is a venting thread too so if someone needs to get it off their chest, isnt that what this thread is for too? im running aout of pennies today but another one of my 2 cents

Hugs @ElizaDoolittle

Bad timing for us if Molloy/Cap21 comes this week in the middle of her final hs show
don’t want that rejection to ruin the energy. Fingers crossed for good results or that the bad ones will be sent next week!

@MTisNutz Just to clarify, we expect 12 more “no’s” in our future to go with a whole bunch of others we have received, including several heartbreakers. If we were to get one “yes” out of the remaining 12 we’d be shocked. I think the point folks were making is that with so much uncertainty for everyone, no one can plan anything. My D didn’t apply to any schools near anywhere we live, so we can’t drive to visit. A last minute flight to just one school will probably cost $800 per person. But, that being said, I understand your point. Even though I haven’t shared the heartache, tears from the no’s, or the devastation from my daughter’s experience at Unifieds, which I feared she wouldn’t bounce back from to finish her auditions, we are blessed now with a couple of acceptances and really are humbly grateful, even if that isn’t clear. Although I promised I wouldn’t post anymore, I did want to respond to you, & apologize for giving you any false impression that I was gloating or this process has been easy.

Totally agree with whoever said that they appreciate the early answers, even if they are No’s. We are waiting on 4 in March. Two are the Reaches. One she had a very off audition got tripped up and it unraveled from there. It happens. The 4th she did well but said she didn’t feel the love from them in the room so she’s expecting a No. We are bracing for a blood bath. “Beware the Ides of March”.

I’m secretly (not a secret now) glad to know that other parents are feeling as on-edge as I am. I too get annoyed at the posters whose kids have 10 acceptances, and yet, I also feel guilty because I am not generally a jealous person and I don’t like acknowledging that darker side of me. This time is exceptionally hard. I find myself reading into everything and updating portals MANY dozens of times throughout the day. I feel like a crazy person and I know I need to just step away from the refresh button and do my laundry or dishes or attend to my job or literally ANYTHING other than what I’m doing but I can’t tear myself away.

Current obsession: Molloy/CAP21 said we will all hear BY March 2nd. Does that mean I might hear today? Why hasn’t Rebecca responded to my last email? Does that mean we are out? IT’S MADDENING.

Someone save us from ourselves.

@NeensMom Totally agree! I don’t post often other than to answer questions (if I have answers which seems to be rare!), but agree 100%. We’re all crazy and on edge now - I can only imagine how our kids are handling it all. I know my D puts on a strong front with all the rejections (which there are MANY), but doesn’t want to stress me out or bring additional drama to the process. Hugs to everyone here and best wishes for continued patience and good news!

Oh @toystorymom I had a SERIOUS moment after Unifieds. I was ranting washing dishes and my husband just looked at me like “Uh who is this woman in my kitchen”. Finding my compass in D right now. She shrugs off the perceived injustices and continues to find joy in the work. Two shows for her coming down the pike! I decided I’m going to every single performance :).

I returned to this forum 2 years ago when my D decided she wanted to pursue MT. (I was on College Confidential 10 years ago when my older D was applying for PR/Business/Marketing. This is such a different animal altogether.

My MT D doesn’t want me posting her actual results until it’s all over but I without naming schools I can say that she received 4 no’s immediately from taped pre-screens, 1 no from Chicago Unifieds (passed her prescreen), 8 no’s from final auditions, 2 yes’s (1 MT, one re-direct for Acting) and are still waiting for 10 decisions from auditions. She also applied to 3 non-audition/non MT schools.

She had originally gone into auditions thinking I’ll go wherever I get accepted and if that were true, we wouldn’t be so anxious about waiting for the other results. But some of her dream/reach schools are still out there
and so here I am obsessed with this forum.

Thank you to all who have published your student’s results so that the rest of the us can gauge about when and how to expect our own’s decisions.

Was thinking to give up social media for Lent, but can’t until college decision season is over. :wink:

@bwguy979 LOL! My D’s school musical this year is “Shrek”. I’ve gotten familiar with the song as she’s been singing the song for her musical audition.

@HAHCx4 Missouri State – Been crazy. First we received snail mail acceptance which we figured was just to the school. Then they sent an email asking her to sign up for the portal. Yesterday, she received a huge admission package and financial aid package (but still no news about the BFA) – Finally got online to the admissions portal to confirm the M/T BFA. When she auditioned one of the reps from the school mentioned that they usually offer in state tuition (which is awesome) to their BFA M/T accepted students from out of state. We got excited when the financial aid package offered in state tuition. But still had to confirm on the admissions website once she registered. This to me was one of the lottery schools 
 Great program and she is very excited.