Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

I appreciate the hugs, but my D is pretty okay with it. She just didn’t feel the vibe with them during her audition experience. I thought it was important to share the nos alongside our earlier yeses.

An update on Texas State MT. Some offers have gone out but not all. The process is a little slower this year. Some nos have gone out too. So bottom line, if you haven’t heard anything you are still in the running.

Molloy/CAP21 has adhered pretty closely to their “March 1st” date the last couple of years. (Except when they didn’t notify people waitlisted a couple of years ago so they just didn’t hear anything - that was not pleasant for those people left hanging.) I would expect that email/mail will happen as they stated on either 2/28 or 3/2. More likely 3/2 given the announcement on their facebook page this morning. A couple of years ago, they only sent snail mail so when you got it depended on how long the usps took to get a big envelope to you. It’s nice that they started using email. @NeensMom Don’t sweat Rebecca not answering. That woman is busier than all get out. She’ll get back to you as soon as she can. I’ve had replies a week later before. If you’re checking to see if all your academic stuff is in, I’d call the admissions office and they’ll check for you - probably on the spot.

Oops my reply above was meant for @NeensMom. :wink:

That’s ok @Sitzprobe! Applies to me as well! :wink: The 2 weeks after NY Unifieds were hellish around our house–I just managed to keep the ranting/crying to myself, so DH and DD probably weren’t aware! Keeping fingers crossed for some good news coming for all your kiddos soon!

Reading this thread has me recalling the conversation from yesterday about needing special brownies for the parents. I hope you all go do something nice for yourselves today and remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. Right now you are hitting mile 17 when you’re exhausted and feeling hopeless. I hope you know that many people in the crowd are cheering for you because they’ve been in your shoes and they know how this feels. Mile 22 (done with getting decisions) seems forever away but you will get there… and then there’s only 4 miles left until your kid commits and this process is over. Take a banana break - or a brownie break - and get some wine in that water bottle. You’re all AWESOME to still be in this race and you WILL cross that finish line.

@MTisNutz This whole process is so tough, and it’s hard sometimes to hear when others are having successes and your child is not. I definitely had to step away from this forum for awhile a few weeks ago for my own sanity…

Made me think of how I felt when my older S was in HS. There was a kid in his class who was successful at everything–class president all 4 years, honor society, great in sports, etc. and then he got into every college he applied to, including a whole bunch of Ivies. I remember his mother complaining about how he’d had some small disappointment, and I was seething! I remember talking about it later with my son, and he just said, “That’s just who he is–it has nothing to do with me.”

Hard as this process is, I think we all just have to remember that someone else’s success doesn’t really have anything to do with our own kid’s results–yes, there are only a certain number of spots and more people want them than these programs can take. But our kids have unique talents, personalities, types, etc. And hopefully (as I keep telling myself every day) they will find a place that’s a good fit for THEM.

Wishing you and everyone’s kids lots of luck over the next few weeks!

@CaMom13 thanks for the encouragement… if you are talking about this thread starting with # 1843. that was this morning, but fitting that it seems like yesterday :smiley: :wink: PERFECT!!

@flippedout I was wondering if this fit in the same category as FaceBook or Snapchat so I’m going with candy and chocolate for Lent ?

Are you all ready for a gut punch? After you read, no need to respond because I already know you feel bad for us.

As of today, we have zero acceptances, but no rejections either. Glass is still half full!

15 minutes ago, we got an email stating that she was accepted for MT at a great university. Yahoo! First acceptance! However, while the email address was correct, the NAME on the email was INCORRECT. Could this be a mistake? Surely they wouldn’t have gotten both the email address and the name wrong!? Probably a form letter and they forgot to change the name? But, didn’t I hear a few days ago on CC that this university was making calls to accepted students? We didn’t get a call. Hmmm…what’s going on?

My wife immediately calls the department and the department made a MISTAKE. She has not been accepted. She is at the very top of the waitlist. OMGsh!

@csuram1994 That SUCKS. As posted earlier we should expect a lot of movement on the WL’s.

I’d still think about calling them back and indicate as far as you’re concerned she just came off the waitlist. +/-1 won’t make a huge difference and they should just honor it.

Aww, hang in there, all of you. This time period (and the next few weeks) are really hard. I can sympathize from personal experience, both with the feeling of “we are never going to get a good yes” and “we are never going to be able to choose between offers and how can we possibly fit in another visit.” In our house last year (our journey is described over on the Acting boards, not in MT, but it was pretty similar) it was a total roller coaster for months, and while we ended up with a great outcome, it came together very late in the game. The stress is so real for everyone. I think these boards serve their best purpose when they are safe space for folks to vent whichever frustration is topmost for them at the time. So … hugs to everyone, and I strongly suggest finding chocolate or wine or a great workout or whatever it is that soothes stress best for you! It is very hard to stay strong for our children for so long.

@csuram1994 wow that is truly F’d up ( forgive the french) but I do agree w @MTisNutz & Ive been thinking this to myself a long while now…with the massive increase in applications & many kids applying to 20-30+ schools even if their acceptances are " only" 3-4 ( based on the traditional thought that every 10 app yields 1.5 acceptances- the .5 being a waitlist) they can only accept 1…I very much expect more volatility /movement on the waitlist than ever before…that said my D does NOT have a single wait list currently, 3 yesses, a bunch of Nos ( gave up counting) & awaiting 8 more… hang on tight the turbulence is believe it or not about to pick up IMHO.

We just received an email from the Office of Admission at one of my D’s top choice schools. They said they have not received decisions from their School of Theater but they wanted to ask if my D would be interested in a secondary major in case she doesn’t get an offer from the MT. They ended the email saying they will be in touch soon with a decision.

My heart dropped. I’m trying to NOT read between the lines but such a bad timing to send out an email like this. Would it be a “heads up” before they send out a “no”???

@NYYFanNowMTdad @MTisNutz I like your style! I would love to strong arm them and/or help them see/feel that they are obligated to accept her. However, in their defense, the email came from an existing student and assistant of the department. There was nothing “official” about the acceptance email. It is not one of her top 1-4 schools and we are early in this acceptance/waitlist/rejection roller coaster, so continue to wait, and focus on prep for UCF and Elon auditions!

@AbigCurveBall DO NOT READ BETWEEN THE LINES, all there is between the lines is space! They thought your kiddo was a strong academic candidate someone they would love to have at their school! The end! Be proud they think they are awesome!

Has anyone heard anything from AZ since they made acceptance calls last week and then also updated portals with no’s on Monday? Just curious how many are stuck in limbo with neither response. How long did notifications continue last year?

@Collegegame2018 Thanks for helping me keep my sanity! I shoveled the email so my D won’t see it. (We created a shared email account to handle her MT applications only) She is busy rehearsing her spring musical right now so I’m sure she didn’t see it! :wink:

This is just to say that I haven’t posted on this board because my kid is applying only to acting programs, but I’ve been following it all along. Also my kid doesn’t want me to post specifics and, well, fair enough.

In the interest of camaraderie, I’ll share that we have I think 6 rejections now and one BA acceptance where a student called to tell my kid they’d been accepted to the BFA but that turned out not to be true (yet). We feel super grateful to have 3 BFA acceptances at this point and are waiting for 9 more BFA decisions including the school that stole my kid’s heart. A rejection from that school will be crushing, but also not surprising given the odds.

I’m feeling the people who are trying to figure out how to visit campuses with time and budget constraints - especially because the odds of acceptance are so low that we figured it was pointless to visit them all before being accepted. My kid now has 45 excused absences (that’s 45 classes) and is working really hard to catch up and keep it together through all this stress.

I’m also feeling the people who are tortured by the waiting. I’m trying to channel my energy into researching the schools that have sent acceptances and feeding any good info I find to my kid, who probably just wishes I would stop talking about this altogether. I figure if I can’t manage to step away from the laptop at least I can use my considerable researching powers for something positive!

Thanks to everyone who has been willing to share. You’ve really helped me (and probably a lot of others who don’t post) feel less alone.

@closemama We are also still waiting. It is one of the portals I keep obsessively refreshing!