Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@DivaStageMom one note is that at our info session McCaela mentioned that she will start auditioning for the MT track this year, too many students in the acting program want it and now they need to audition. So that’s similar to NU. We also thought she was amazing and dynamic, so I can see why your daughter connected.

I say “no dream school” because I watched from afar this year as some kids I have worked with in the past but who thought they didn’t need help (God bless their determination!) and wanted to do this alone. One of them only auditioned for 3 schools and all of them top “reach” schools. The other one…I know they went to Unifieds but they did not get the choices they were looking for. I think both were wooed by going to school at a reach…or heading to NY (as many kids feel initially). They didn’t consider casting a wider net or looking at other schools that may have had a lot more opportunity to offer.

I feel horrible for them and hope they can find a path to get somewhere, but at this point, at least one of them is considering a gap year and I think it’s a fantastic idea.

It is hard to look at a school for four years, follow their social media and imagine yourself “there” on THAT stage with THOSE people to realize that isn’t really feasible for you considering the small acceptance rate. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try, but as my grandmother told me often – “don’t put all your eggs in one (or even 3)” baskets. If there is ever a scenario this fits, it’s college auditions!

@soozievt was one of the most wonderful sources of info last year when I was lurking and learning about today’s college audition scene. The last time I had kids I taught go through was 2008? 2009? and it was considerably different. I stopped directing for awhile to focus on being a mom and started picking back up around 2012-14.

Without all the wonderful contributors on here…the parents and kids who have gone through it and the wonderful community here…everyone’s experience (I think) would be considerably different! I hope everyone sticks around like @soozievt @lithpool and others to keep supporting and helping!

Great post, @onette ! I find in my work with either MT applicants or regular applicants to highly competitive academic colleges, they need to be advised about the realty of the odds and to build realistic, balanced lists. Not all comply with the advice. Some are highly qualified applicants who still don’t comprehend fully the low statistical odds at colleges or programs that have acceptance rates in the single digits, and some, aren’t truly qualified and are not realistic in their college list building. Some listen to the advice and end up with choices and some stick to their unrealistic guns, sorry to say. I find that the building of a realistic, appropriate, and well balanced list, and a well researched list, are a key component to landing college options.

In terms of MT applicants, one observation I have made on the MT Forum for the past 17 years is that SOME folks (surely not all!!!) build a list simply based on the fact that X, Y, and Z colleges offer MT.

@CBSQandA - yes, I know that you have to audition for the MT concentration…

The main thing is the connection - and part of it is that BU is audition and NU is not so right there you meet people and feel something, or not - and when she got her acceptance to BU McCaela emailed everyone - sent a video of herself and the academic advisor welcoming the class - they created a separate FB group for SOT students, McCaela gave them her phone number - she connected D with a mentor (an incoming sophomore) - the two already reached out and talked…

D got nothing at the moment from NU - she took it upon herself to reach out to a boy she knew in the program who had her talk to a girl he knew - they suggested she join a SM group but it was just the regular accepted student’s group. She has another male friend who got in ED and he has heard zip since he was accepted.

And that is fine, and might not be important to everyone - but it is to her - it’s those types of connections that made her feel BU is the right choice.

Hey y’all, I know I’m late but I just got accepted into Emerson’s MT program today! My decision came later because I’m a transfer student, but after 3 rejections it feels so good!! Now I’m just waiting to hear back from BoCo :smile: I would definitely advise future BFA hopefuls to cast a wider net than I did. I auditioned for 5 schools, but probably should have done at least 10 in retrospect!

I do have an offer from a two year vocational program as well. If anyone has info/thoughts about Emerson I’d love to hear them!

Congrats! So exciting!

Speaking of Emerson, does anyone know how many students they waitlist/accept off of their waitlist? I applied as a theatre and performance major and was waitlisted, and I’m wondering if I have a chance for an acceptance.

I would appreciate any thoughts!

Congrats @justavery!

@justavery - Congratulations!!

my d has a friend at Emerson - I can put you two in touch - D applied there and this girl introduced her to the Freshman MT’s they were all very nice my D could completely see herself hanging out with them. She applied EA was deferred and then waitlisted - she just removed herself off the WL when she committed to BU - but anyway, please PM if you want me to connect you with people there. I found that all the students were extremely friendly as we walked around campus - I am sure you will feel very welcome.

Best of Luck!!

Completely agree on the “don’t have a dream school”. D has several friends that are juniors that will be auditioning next year and when their mom’s have asked me what are the most important things we’ve learned I’ve said, “Don’t fall in love with just one school” and “Make sure your student builds a realistic list” We didn’t have an actual audition coach (wish I had found CC before late fall of this year!), but thankfully had some great private teachers and a friend in educational theater who knew my D and helped us come up with a good list for her so it all worked out. I took copious notes throughout the process and have sent all my notes, the list of schools from this site, as well as all my spreadsheets, etc to all the parents to use for next year. Thank you @onette and @soozievt for all the good advice! BAL to your future students. And, thank you @Nymtdad for being so real (you often posted exactly what I was feeling!) and the comic relief :wink:


Congratulations to your D on getting to a final decision! I’m sure that must feel good!

Sorry everyone, that was supposed to be thank you to @NYYFanNowMTdad!!!

wow @jupdancemom so kind of you & glad ive been helpful or expressed views shared by others…often you only hear back when you aggravate someone :slight_smile: or maybe thats just reserved for the brash , sarcastic NYers ??..we are getting there , nearing the end cant wait to hear the details in your final story!!

Got a DM from a kid who applied to Stanford, asking me if I thought it was a bad sign that he didn’t get an interview. (Today is their notification for RD applicants. I told him I just did the Exec program there, so my knowledge was limited)

I meant to ask him if had received a ‘Likely Letter’ but while multitasking, I asked him if he had been called back after his pre-screen. LOL. He was like, what?! :smiley:

@theatrekidmom - I know it’s been a while since you posted about your S not getting that feeling at any school but I just saw it today so I’m replying or commenting on it now. LOL My D also hasn’t felt that feeling. She liked a lot of places and had a top choice at the beginning of this process (of course that was a no) but she is truly starting to get clear direction for her choice. We are still waiting on some decisions but we are getting there.

@RMT549 yeah, I do not see not having that feeling for a school as a bad thing!! He had a very short list compared to most, and part of that was because he was focused on schools he knew if he got into he could see himself going. Even after he got into a school that was top at the beginning of the process, he wanted to continue on to finish his last 5 auditions because, in his words, there was something different at each school that he really liked, and couldn’t find at the others. That said, I do think having that feeling would help in a final decision, but not having it has just forced him to really think about each program, so when this is all done, I am hoping we will feel like all that analyzing got him to the place he should be! Good Luck!!

@StanfordAI2019 - that’s so funny - in addition to my d I have two boys - not involved in the arts, and when they go to a sports try-out I often accidentally ask them how their audition went - it drives them nuts - hard to drop the MT lingo :slight_smile:

Wisconsin Stevens Point - acceptances rolling out…

@onette by email? We have heard nothing… auditioned in October!

@closemama Email just a bit ago…at least for one student!

@onette Did both of your students audition?