Class of 2024 National Merit Discussion

Yes! Amazingly nice people on the phone for NMSC. We moved this summer and I had my daughter make the call to figure out what needed to be done with taking the test in one state and then being at another school/state for the rest of the process. I had heard they were nice, so I figured it would be a good call for her.

I have reason to be interested in WI, RI and NC results but so far haven’t found any news releases for those states. :frowning:

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Thank you @lokerl1 for the number - I called to confirm and NMSC was helpful. They also could tell me whether my student’s high school had even access the communication email yet.

My D heard about it 10 days ago but they said they would give the letter only today. On the other hand one of my friend’s son got it last week

As homeschoolers who did get a letter. I’d be calling the office if I had a 227 and no letter.

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Congrats to all those semi-finalists!

Does anyone know when commended comes out? Our school isn’t great at passing this along, although they are getting better. I don’t want to miss it.

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All reports of how fantastically nice they were are true - I just had the most lovely conversation. He said that everything was mailed by Aug. 22 so he’s emailing login information so that we can get started.

The commended letters are mailed to schools today.

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Are there any financial awards for commended ? What extra are earned ?

Just curious - what’s the overall intent of commended ?

No financial awards for Commended.

I haven’t see any school specific scholarshipss but maybe they are out there. Is it just a feel good ?

There are no scholarships for Commended. Commended is just a classification that a student scored over a certain SI. This year, it was 207.

There are college scholarships, such as Tulsa, for National Merit Semi Finalists (NMSF). Most college scholarships are for National Merit Finalists (NMF). To be come a NMF, a NMSF student must go through the application process. After a NMF receives either a NMSC scholarship, a college sponsored scholarship or a corporate scholarship, the student becomes a National Merit Scholar (NMS).

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Commended students are eligible for some special corporate scholarships if I understand correctly. Here is the wording from the website:

“Although they did not continue in the competition for National Merit Scholarships,
some of these students became candidates for Special Scholarships provided by corporate sponsors.”

But I don’t know of any colleges currently that are giving guaranteed merit for Commended status. In the past a few schools did. A classmate of mine got a full ride to a small regional LAC for being Commended, but that was over 30 years ago.

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I know about the merit for nmsf/nmf - that’s why I was asking - wasn’t sure how commended fit but I see the term a lot.

Thanks for responding.

I haven’t found anything for commended, but she can put it on her application as an honor. She doesn’t have much else there, so it’s a nice thing. I’m sure it doesn’t make a big difference for applications, but it’s a nice award to get and I’m hoping she is acknowledged by her school.


Yeah my commended daughter (needed our state to drop a point, which we knew it wouldn’t) will be putting it on her apps, our thinking is if it didn’t matter they wouldn’t recognize it at all so we’re going to use it and see if it helps in any way (perhaps is the difference maker in a departmental scholarship). It may or may not, but it certainly can’t hurt.


You can reach out to your kid’s school, they should be able to contacting them semifinalist today.

Thanks. Their school told them today, and provided info re next steps (for the Finalist application).

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Congratulations! I tried to search for news articles about the semifinalist in the Bay Area and didn’t find any. It seems like the schools were notified by the NMS office back in August but they must wait until 9/13 to notify the semifinalists.

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California press release:


Anybody knows what different codes mean in front of each semifinalist in official press release?