Class of 2024 Nursing Admissions

@bigmacbeth That is good to know! We live in Indianapolis and she does have a car. Do you know if they can do clinicals in the summer when they are home or it is during the school year?

@GaryAnn It’s all done during the school year. I heard that lots of the nursing students would carpool, but it still makes for a long day. That’s convenient that you guys live in Indy.

@GaryAnn Congrats on your D’s Direct Admit to Purdue University!! My son received Direct Admit into Nursing as well, and Purdue is definitely on the short list for him… We/he really loved Purdue… Beautiful Campus with a ton of exciting new additions and amenities being built and added to an already great campus imo!! @bigmacbeth definitely highlighted our primary concern with Purdue regarding clinicals and travel to/from Indy though, so we’ll have some tough choices to make soon. Good luck

I don’t know if this will help anyone in the future, but …

When my daughter applied in 2017 (2018 HS grad) she never put an alternative major down. For the Cincinnati application, I think it asked for an alternative major and she still put “nursing” lol. I have no idea if that played any kind of part, but she knew she didn’t want to go there if it wasn’t for nursing.

Her stats were kind of average, in my opinion, but she was killing it in a college level physics class so who knows. She had a lot more going for her, and I suspect wowed them in the MMI, so Cincinnati is definitely more holistic than a lot of programs.

I agree with those who say direct admit is the way to go, versus trying to get in sophomore year. I know one or two kids who have done it, but it gets harder every year and the spaces become few and far between every year.

@dvckennyd Well congrats to your Son as well! I think Purdue is a great choice and we love the learning centers they have for Nursing (and other majors). @bearcatfan That is interesting. My daughter did get accepted to her second choice major but did not plan to go there anyway. She just wanted to apply to at least 6 schools that were all close to us.

After freaking out a few weeks ago, I’m happy to say that we have two direct admits at Curry and Duquesne, both with very nice scholarships. DD is also in at Xavier but applied after their 12/1 deadline so she is waiting to hear from Nursing. I am thrilled for her!

@MortgageMamma Congratulations to your daughter. 2 and possibly 3 good choices. I know less about the other 2 schools, but Duquesne has the advantage of being right in the heart of a great city for students and especially students in health care majors. It is within easy walking distance of UPMC Mercy and within 2 miles of at least 4 other hospitals, easily accessible by public transportation.

All of D20’s results are now in. She is excited to be attending Iowa Nursing in the fall. She wanted a big school with big sports. We are in IL, so about a 3.5-hour drive, which is great. She ended up getting into all 8 direct admit programs she applied to, and is happy to have a Big Ten rival in her sister. Her stats are:

• GPA: UW3.93/W4.45
• SAT: 1440
• 5 APs
• 4-year varsity and senior captain of swim and gymnastics teams
• Just recently decided on nursing, so only health-related EC was a volunteer in pre/post-op at a major children’s hospital.

• University of Iowa - Honors ($10.5K merit)
• Case Western ($22K)
• University of Minnesota - Honors ($15K)
• Marquette ($16K)
• University of Delaware ($17K)
• Loyola Chicago ($25K)
• Quinnipiac ($28K)
• Michigan State - Honors + Nurse Scholar ($20K)

@bigmacbeth my daughter has also chosen Iowa nursing and will be in the honors program as well! Very exciting!

@TNMom24 Small world. There is no traffic over on the Iowa threads, I began to think we might be the only ones. :smiley: Congrats to your D! Very exciting.

@bigmacbeth congrats to your daughter and family! Great news. I know it has been a wait. My daughter is excited to start visits this spring. We have the visit to Iowa planned.

@TNMom24 Congratulations to your daughter! Such a great accomplishment. Go hawks

Here’s an update to the nursing schools I’ve been accepted to
UDel with 17K/ year
UMass Amherst with 14K/year
U of South Carolina (merit not determined yet but they said at least 10K/ year)
UNH 8K/ year
URI 12K/ year
Fairfield U 20K/ year
I am from CT and am still waiting to hear back from UConn which is my first choice. Congratulations to everyone on their acceptances!!

I don’t post much, but have learned alot on CC. My daughter is down to the final decision. Here’s her stats:

GPA: 3.7 uw/4.6 w
SAT: 1270
ACT: 29
Colorguard all 4 years
No nursing related ECs.

We did not appreciate the importance of direct admit until late in the game.
She applied to 5 schools, admitted to all.
UK - would qualify for provisional nursing admittance
UArk - not direct admit
UT Tyler - basically provisional admit to nursing

UAH - provisional acceptance to nursing with high merit
Belmont - direct admit to nursing and aid package making it same cost as UAH.

The top two choices are UAH and Belmont. They are completely different schools and campuses. We have visited both but never thought Belmont would be an option because of cost.

My concerns are if the aid goes away in years 2-4 at Belmont, she could not afford to continue.
Also, I do not hear alot on CC about Belmont’s program. Any thoughts?

@txtwins What aid did Belmont give you? Usually there is language to describe merit as four year, first year etc. Need based aid will be calculated every year and yes it might change if there is additional income or fewer children in college etc. It is worth reaching out to Belmont for clarification. Good luck!

@am9799 . They gave $8k merit, renewable. It’s the grant aid that they cannot confirm the stability of. If my income stays steady with 2 in college I have to know that the grant aid will not go to $0. I’m ok with it going up or down a couple thousand but if it goes to $0 then we have to transfer and that’s not good in nursing programs. All they could say in an email was the aid was based off of FAFSA information.

Hi @bbb4856 we have similar acceptances, i also got into fairfield and uri with the exact same merit packages, except I was waitlisted at umass. By any chance do you know what SAT score uconn wants for nursing?

@txtwins We are in same boat as you. We didn’t appreciate the Direct Admit piece of things until early Fall last year when we had already toured 10 schools (with only 3 being DA). So we scrambled and put a list together but still have not visited everything.

I have researched Belmont and tried to convince my D to apply there but she was not interested in Nashville (missing the boat I think, such a cool town!). But anyway, the positives I saw were ability to do clinicals at Vanderbilt and multiple other top rate hospitals in Nashville. Seems like a positive program. Their NCLEX pass rates seemed a little low if I remember but check again. But you’re right, I don’t hear it discussed much on the boards. If you are concerned about aid, that is difficult to project. Hard decision there and I understand the hesitancy.

My D has been accepted to UAB and we are visiting there soon. UA schools give nice merit packages to OOS students. I didn’t realize UAH had a provisional admit program as well.

Have you visited UK? It sounds like you are down to UAH and Belmont but one of the other parents on the site really liked UK and access to Level 1 Trauma hospital right on campus.

Good luck!

@arkymommy Yes, it is down to Belmont and UAH. We visited UK early in the process but haven’t received the aid package yet. Would love it but it is very competitive and D is unwilling at this point to gamble on 2+2 programs. The other thing is she is one point away on the ACT from free tuition at UAH. So there’s that!

Anyone here accepted to the University of Michigan’s College of Nursing? If so, do you know if they offer any merit scholarships? Thank you.