Class of 2024 Nursing Admissions

@mnjjacobs Congrats to your D20 and welcome! That’s quite a mixture of schools! It looks like most, but not all direct admits?

D20 admitted to UMinn Nursing today. She has choices!

D20 received her first acceptance letter to University of Portland Nursing. Very excited and proud dad! She’s going to college!

D20 admitted to Norwich, York, IUP and Jacksonville. Still waiting on quite a few top choices but excited she will have options!

Chance me for nursing please?

4.5 weighted
33 ACT
Top 5 in class of 170
CNA. Medical mission trip. Great essay.
AP Scholar with Honor
Taken 4 AP’s and taking 4 currently, lots of science classes.
Six honor societies, president of two. Varsity lacrosse captain.
Lots of leadership. Social justice award.
Applying to:
Boston College,
Sacred Heart,
St Anselm.

Thank you so much and best of luck to everyone.

D20 accepted to IUP, Messiah, York, and West Chester. Still waiting to hear from Penn State, Temple, Pitt, and Madison. Good luck to everyone!

Yes, most but not all. This forum has been such a help for us!

Oops, posted in the wrong thread.

DD received direct admit to Xavier nursing! She didn’t think she would get any direct admit based on modest academics but so far she’s heard from two.

@Finalthree that’s outstanding news! Congratulations on your daughter’s acceptance to Xavier. Initial acceptance is a big stress reliever. We’ve read great things about the school and nursing program. It’s also on our daughter’s list of applied to schools.

What were her stats

EJG1759. What were your daughters stats?

Guess I should put my stuff here. Still waiting on financial aid packages, but have received merit offers already. I am applying to my state’s two flagship universities during free app week, but I am already guaranteed acceptance to their nursing program :smiley:

Accepted to:
University of Wyoming (will know if its direct admit on January, $12k merit per year)
Montana State University ($17k merit per year)
Morningside College ($24k merit per year)
University of Pittsburgh main campus (direct, waiting on scholarships)
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (direct, eligible for WUE tuition, waiting on scholarships)

Applied EA to:
U of Portland

@LBIcollege DD stats:
4.2 weighted GPA
1280 SAT
All honors and AP classes
2 sport varsity athlete
Multiple extra curricular activities including leadership positions
Hospital volunteer

We got our first acceptance to ASU direct admit - we submitted and got the acceptance 10 days later. Very happy to have one secured that my D20 really wants to go to. What is the strategy regarding deposits - should we put a deposit down right away? She hasn’t even applied yet to the California state school as there is no benefit to applying early…we’ve been focusing on meeting early action deadlines.

@SA4465 congratulations on your daughter’s acceptance to ASU. There should not be a need to put down a deposit until you make a final decision to attend. You have until May 1st. Some schools do allow a deposit reimbursement if you decide not to attend (check due dates carefully). I recall our son’s deposit to Tulane was refundable. Many college deposits are not refundable. Make sure you read the details.

DD was accepted at Michigan St. She is finally coming around to understand that she only wants to go direct admit (can I have my application money back please :-0).

So today she applied to Xavier U in Cincinnati and Univ of San Francisco-(they emailed her and said if she got her app in by Nov 11 it would still consider it early action.)

First choice still U Cincinnati.

@mnjjacobs My D has very similar stats and received very generous merit from Xavier with direct admit. She has also decided to focus on DA only now that she has a few choices. It just takes off a level of stress that isn’t necessary.

@Finalthree that would be amazing, thanks for the encouragement. Her aunt and grandmother live in Cincinnati and going to school in that area would be great for many reasons! (we live outside of Philly)

@mnjjacobs MSU does have a program called Nurse Scholar that is basically a direct admit program. Look it up. They have a 3.4 GPA progression requirement, which isn’t too bad when compared to other programs that are listed as Direct Admit, like ASU. I’m not sure why it’s not on the list. I believe the EA deadline has passed, but they continue taking apps until 12/1 I believe.