Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

@Sk8tergirl1 Was/is your code with the tabs stacked in rows when in the main portal just curious

My code has always been and still was in a string, not stacked when I checked.

@paigezz When I go to full screen it goes random- interesting. I did have the red x with the $300 deposit this morning but now my screen is blank

Was that on the portal or the viewsource thing

How certain are we of a decision release today?

how did you see that?

@Anonymous4556 99%. They generally align their releases on the day that Ross releases and today is the day Ross releases.

@hadysomar yes view sourceā€¦but I donā€™t think that by itself is a tell tale. I have had it I figured it out after the last wave and I havenā€™t seen a change since then

Wait so the first method which involved using the source code on the application status page is invalid? Or do yā€™all that had the red x and the $300 deposit have the admit reply and final transcript button on the application status page?

@zeke3318 and @Sk8tergirl1 would you post one of the full strings that you see? lol just curious

I have both the final transcript button and admit reply, but no red X next to deposit @sauce78

So if this does happens today or any day. Please put down your statsā€¦ GPA unweighted and Stat scores like Act and Sat. These are being collected for the future years. It helps us help others.

Also if your theories are correct then if accepted/denied or wait listed and you had ā€œwhateverā€ show up on the screen or in the codeā€¦

That could be helpful to debunk or accept the theories going around.

Good Luck

I am in the exact same situation and I am trying to figure out if that means anything @ethanurban9

This is part of the string with ā€œpaymentā€ in it, my entire view source page is a string of words, symbols, etc.

<![CDATA[/$(document).ready(function(){ $("#paymentbutton").click(function(){ $.ajax({ url: "?cmd=payments", context: document.body, success: function(response){ $('#paymentmodalbody').html(response); } }); }); })/]]

Do our individual counselors control the code and can change our statuses within it?

Does anyone have the animate code at the very end.

I had the admitreplybutton and got deferred and still waiting on my decision so I donā€™t think it means anything

@Sk8tergirl1 Thank you I have that did not look on the link that was posted I was too scared, lol Hoping this means something but like before it doesnā€™t seem to mean anything by itself

@RKing003 Yes it has been thereā€¦
