Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

LOL source code on the blank screen has “hi Mom!” at the bottom

Same for me, I clicked the link a few minutes ago and I had the enrollment deposit red X thing. I clicked it again just now to screenshot and now the page is blank.

Last time I checked it was around 10:30ish and it was there for me. I checked again at 10:48 and it is gone. I first checked around 9:45 when I saw the link on this thread.

@swall02 i got a confirmation email from the u of m student financial operations (essentially a receipt). No “congratulations” or anything but I also called and my deposit has gone through and been processed. Pretty certain this means I got in but only way to know for sure is to wait and see.

LOL, I saw that back in the Jan wave…or maybe Feb wave…IDK anymore I have been trying every backdoor on this thread since the original “x theory” back in December.

I just checked but mine is blank. So everyone’s is now blank? I didnt see it before a few mins ago.

I just wanted to pipe in and say that the releases times have been different or odd this year.

For example, and this is from memory, EA release was around 2:53 PM EST. And I know one of the waves was around 3:45 or so PM EST.

This year has been difficult to predict time wise.

here’s one thing I’ve found odd, not sure if anyone pointed it out, I dont have the admit and transcript thing, unfortunately, but down at the bottom under console, there are a bunch of failed to load signs, but additionally, theres a “hi mom!” section… that I did not type in… so the question is, is this truly under my acc? im confused (and a bit creeped out quite frankly hahaha) on how it got there…


@zeke3318 Idk about those codes. When I looked at my view source, I decided to play around, viewing the screen at different sizes. At one of the sizes, I have what you described (16 dollar signs lined up), but when mine was fullscreen, the codes looked like a run-on sentence.

@ everyone btw I didn’t have the enrollment deposit thing, but I did have the progress box and the “hi mom!”

Wait, so for the people that had the red x and the 300$ deposit code… is it still there? Or is it gone now?

It’s gone now. They showed up initially but now it just shows a blank screen

Mine is gone now

Im chatting with someone from Umich rn about it all because I’m curious

Can someone ask an AO or someone from UMich if they’re releasing decisions today?

@Sk8tergirl1 ok so do you think if the first time I checked was at 11:19 est (6 mins ago), I could have possibly missed the window for finding out if I had an x?

I asked and I think all they’re allowed to say is bc I asked about the whole deposit stuff on some screen vs not on others lol

“Thank you for reaching out. One students portal is not indicative of what a decision will look like for other students, and is not indicative of when one student will receive a decision over another. As promised, you will receive a final admissions decision of admit, deny, or waitlist by early-April.”

Yes, I think anything after 10:45ish est is going to be blank.

@Sk8tergirl1 ok thanks

So are we still expecting a decision today?