Class of 2025 Admissions Decisions

We are still waiting on a nursing decision as well. D reached out to her admission counselor a couple weeks ago and was told mid-Feb. She received two direct admit acceptances since TN released so isn’t feeling as anxious while waiting on her nursing fate here. At this point, I am just kinda over it and would like to get to making some decisions.


I have been having the same conversation with several friends with HS seniors. Of course the timetable may not necessarily be different than in past years, but it definitely SEEMS longer since there’s so much time at home to dwell and wonder and wait. I am going to be interested to see how the decision process goes for so many, whether there is any sense of quicker commits because they just want to have something (and esp. somewhere) to look forward to. In any case, best of luck with your situation!


My son had been receiving fairly regular emails from them saying things like “thanks for hanging in there while we review your application!” And, then provided campus info, etc. But, those pretty much stopped at the end of December. :frowning: Wondering if that means they’re no longer interested?

I’m sure that’s not the case! Have him touch base with his regional admissions counselor with a random question or two. We’ve found they are very responsive and kind. Good luck to him! Hopefully we’ll be hearing by the end of next week.


Found out my dd is a finalist for Haslam Scholars Program. Does anyone know what the weekend is like?


Great News. Congratulations.
Several group discussion and individual speeches and interviews. Parents hardly see the kids during the weekend. Friday dinner is a formal dinner which is attended by parents and judges, Haslam family and everyone involved. Ask your daughter to be prepared for approximately 2 minutes introduction speech.
you can ask any specific questions you have. I will try to answer as best as I can. All the best to your daughter. Coming this far in itself is a great achievement.

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Do we think RD decisions are coming one day next week? Hoping they don’t push to the week of the 15th.


My DD reached out to her admissions counselor for an update on nursing decisions. The Nursing School told Admissions they will be sending out notices next week (no specific date given). He also said that emails will be sent for regular decisions applicants on the evening of 2/15/2021 telling them to check their portal for an announcement (same process as for Early Action). Won’t be long now, but after getting an acceptance two months ago, this wait for a nursing admit is torture!


According to my DD’s admissions counselor, the evening of Feb 15

So yesterday evening my DD had a zoom Q and A with her admissions counselor. She said it went really well; he had clearly looked at her application because he mentioned specific classes she takes, and he knew that we have a tour booked next week (we are OOS from New England). At the end of the call, he said to her “Congratulations, you are admitted to UTK!” She was shocked and speechless (very unusual for her, haha). But of course there is a BUT. She applied for nursing, and he said that while she is admitted to the university, nursing decisions won’t be released until next week. He mentioned that nursing is “extremely competitive”. So really, it was kind of a let down. The wait continues…


Congrats to your D that is exciting. Good luck with the Nursing. We too are from New England (CT) and visited campus 3 weeks ago. My D absolutely loved it. She was admitted to the School of nursing in December and had already committed to UTK, but visiting campus definitely sealed the deal. She can’t wait to be on Rocky Top!


Thanks for posting this. I was just coming to check in and see if anyone had heard back on nursing yet :slight_smile: Congrats to your D on admission and good luck to everyone waiting!

That’s awesome! Did she initiate the Q & A or did her admissions counselor suggest it? Congratulations and good luck on the nursing decision.

I remember the thread where you were planning the visit – does not surprise me one bit that the campus visit sealed the deal. Not sure if my S21 will end up at UTK, but as I noted in other posts, I am forever impressed by the campus and all of the exciting stuff being built (new Zeanah Engineering building, West Campus Dining Hall, etc.), and the Admissions staff. Congratulations to your D21 and it’s so great that you guys are all done!

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Has anyone attended the Thursday night 10/TENN calls at 8pm ET? So good!! They just started them last night. They’re every Thursday for 10 weeks and it’s a different topic every week. Highly recommend! My daughter got super excited about UTK! Now she just needs an admission. :joy: We found out about it through email.


My son watched last night and also enjoyed it. He’s waiting on a decision (deferred from EA) and I wondered if it was a good sign he received the email as next week’s topic is “Next Steps for Admitted Students”. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Congrats to your DD on her admission! My D is in the same boat. Admitted to UTK but awaiting Nursing decision. We are OOS (NH). I remain optimistic on nursing since she was awarded Beacon merit money but nursing is ultra competitive. Hoping to head down that way for a campus visit soon

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Has anyone received a decision today? I saw earlier posts that some decisions could come today. I’m in CA was deferred in Early Action.

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Decisions are about 45 minutes away. My son was deferred, too. Good luck!


My D hasn’t received any formal communication, but she just happened to check her portal this evening and her acceptance letter has been updated for nursing. Nothing indicating there was an update in the portal either. Anyone who is waiting for their nursing decision from the EA round may want to take a peak at their letter to see if it has been updated!