she’s using her phone rn and if i tell her to go on her computer i doubt she’ll do it lol
tell her it’ll be worth itttttt
it told her “we are unable to retrieve your application details please logout and try again in a few mins”
that’s what i’m saying!!! she doesn’t really care too much lol i think shes just trying to not freak out
oh its done that to me before, i just refreshed and re-logged in and it worked
let us know if she gets in
oh ok tysm! ill let u know if she sees anything
- 4.64 GPA
- test-optional
- solid EC’s (football 4 years, soccer 2 years)
- 3 jobs
- 200+ volunteer hours
- Letters of Rec were top notch
Not sure why I didn’t get accepted to University Park, especially since my GPA is miles ahead of my school’s average. Penn State is a safety for me, so I wasn’t gonna go anyway, but still weird why I didn’t get accepted to main campus
what was ur major?
im in!!
YAY omg congrats!
OMG WHATTT congrats!!! youve been waiting for this for days lolll. was ur TO button gone???
I got into smeal UP but I have to start in the summer. Is that bad?
damn i have to go to summer at UP lol ig thats ok
same does everyone?
i mean i think it just depends on your preference, nothing bad w starting summer instead of fall!!
for everyone that got accepted so far: did you see a video at the bottom labeled as “WE ARE PENN STATE”? my friend can’t see her results but the only thing she sees is that video
was it ur first choice ?