class of 2025 nursing

Best wishes to your daughter as well! I’ll check out the College Bound website–I did join their parents page on Facebook. Thrilled that you know some nurses who got their degrees at York and have nice things to say. I was very concerned about her going to a school with only 1000 students so am thrilled that she’s chosen a bigger school.

And yes–very well priced. All in, we’re still going to be paying half the cost of the private school she’s been in for six years! Big tuition break!

Daughter changed her mind at the last minute.
Her destination is the UNIV of Portland.

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My son is looking at direct admit nursing programs in Oregon, Washington and maybe NY. Also potentially University of SF.

He is lgbtq and wants the school to be a fit for that. We are staying away a bit from the Catholic and Christian schools, but do you think Pacific Lutheran and the Jesuit schools would be okay?

I can recommend the University of San Francisco. It is Catholic, Jesuit, (which if you asked my father, he would claim that they are not Catholics! hahaha.) They are progressive, focused on social justice issues and very LGBTQ+ friendly. He would be very welcomed and comfortable there.

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That’s terrific, thank you. We have signed up for a tour and nursing info session.

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I happen to work for a Jesuit and yes, I would say most are very open. I’m not baptized myself but still work there. We have a number of gay and trans professors. Yes there is reference to God and staff meetings are often opened with a prayer. However, we’ve had Native American blessings, Jewish, and Buddhist messages, it’s not just Catholic.


You may want to look into the University of Tennessee. Great nursing program and very friendly and welcoming community.

Thank you srwcmw, he is not considering the south, due to being lgbtq, whether that is fair or not.

My daughter from so cal trying to decide between Marquette and Slu direct nursing. Saw your post and wonder where your daughter decides

We too cast a wide net and did not get into so cal schools.

Hello DentalDad,

Would you mind sharing why your daughter decided to go to U of Portland? How does she like it so far? We are from CA and my daugther has been accepted to U of Portland.


My daughter choose Portland because it just felt right for her. She had acceptances to USF, Seattle, Xavier, Illinois W., asu, St. Louis , Loyola Chicago, Creighton. Etc.
UP seemed warm to her and she loved the campus and facilities. UP understands CA kids want Tom come back to CA so they make sure thrnkids get the necessary courses to return and they have MANY CA kids in the program. Housing is affordable and easy to find as a sophomore and relatively safe.

So far she’s loves the program. She had all A’s going into her spring semester. Clinical hours occur in the junior year so she can’t speak on that but I believe they get over 800 hours ! You need to make sure when you dd tours YOU ask how many clinical hours they get . The more the better.

Thanks for sharing! This is super helpful. My daughter has been aceepted to U of Portland and USF. We have a hard time choosing the right school for her. The costs are about the same.