class of 2025 nursing

Did anybody get into UCLA?

I’m not a nursing student but my sister is. She got into UCSB and UCD which are great schools but they don’t have undergrad BSN degrees. The only other school she got into was CSULA for pre nursing. So nursing majors does school name matter for nursing? I assume not right? Since you guys just need the BSN degree and to pass this one exam and you can become a nurse? I know school name matters for majors like business, finance, law, but not so much for engineering, computer science, math.

anyone else here going to commit to SDSU nursing? I’m going to put on the housing app that for living communities I want to be on the nursing floor or something like that! If anyone is doing to the same thing maybe we could be friends or roommates maybe? :partying_face:

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I have been an RN since 2007. Started out with my ADN and did really well. Eventually earned my BSN online. I have not come across anyone who has seemed to have an issue from what school they attended. My daughter is going to major in nursing and would to our local CC, but their program stopped enrollment until 2023, due to covid. My friends brother graduated with his BSN from CSULA and he now works for the City of Hope on the Oncology unit for children. He is a fairly new nurse.

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Interesting college cycle this year. Daughter coming close to making a tough decision:

Accepted: CSUF (direct admit nursing), SDSU (direct admit nursing), CSUSB Presidential Scholarship (pre-nursing)
Denied: UCI, UCLA

Took a long road trip today to do our own campus tour of SDSU, CSUF and CSUSB. My daughter is actually leaning towards CSUSB (pre-nursing). It is nerve racking as it is not a direct admit. Her school counselor is confident she will get in, but still so hard to think about passing up 2 direct admit opportunities.

Best of luck to all you future nurses. It is a great profession, with endless opportunities. I have been in the field for over 14 years and have never had any regrets!!


My D21 has made her final decision. She will be attending Temple University in the fall. We live in PA so all schools were instate except UDel (but that’s only an hour away from home). She attends a very good public high school and has a decent amount of rigor in her classes and lots of EC.

GPA: 4.5W, 3.7UW
SAT: 1240

Accepted – all for nursing:
Temple (3k merit)
U Delaware (10k merit)
West Chester University (3k merit)
Drexel University (20ish K merit– can’t remember but still too much $$)
Duquesne (22.5k merit)
Penn State – applied to UP, accepted to Altoona

U Pitt
U Scranton (did not want to attend here so did not do any follow up interview or submit mid year grades)

She is very excited to attend Temple. She said from the beginning that she wanted a city school but then became entranced by Penn State because she visited the campus with a friend who is attending next year. It was a blessing that she was accepted to Altoona instead. She had a rough sophomore year of high school with a sports injury and surgery. Grades dipped and it was tough mentally. She worked hard to bring her grades back. SAT wasn’t where she wanted it to be but like everyone else it was hard to find somewhere to take and didn’t get a chance to take again. It’s all in the past now! Now it’s time for her to find a roommate! Hopefully that will be less stressful than deciding where to attend :slight_smile:


This is so very helpful, thank you. This nearly mirrors the list for my D22 with similar stats so I really appreciate it! Surprised by Penn State but as you said, a blessing in disguise.

Best wishes to your daughter at Temple! My daughters boyfriend is deciding btw Udel and Temple as we speak!

You’re welcome! CC was so helpful to me but also scared me that she would not get in anywhere. I think I read EVERY SINGLE post that mentioned nursing from the last 5 years. It’s so hard with this major because I feel like every school is a “reach” school. She did apply to Duquesne very early because they are rolling admissions and I was hopeful that her grades/scores were good based on what I read. She heard back in about 3 weeks and it definitely helped to get that early admit.

Good luck to your D22!

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One last update, now that all decisions have been received. I found this thread very helpful when I started researching for D21 last year. I hope it will be helpful for some others looking for future nursing students. 9th in her class of 252. She took 5 AP classes, 2 dual enrollment, and the majority honors for the rest. Many EC’s (clubs and rec sports) some with good leadership rolls including VP National Honor’s Society and Camp Counselor, 150+ hours community service, part-time job for 2 years. She did submit her SAT to all schools. Solid score but not really up to par with who she is academically, only sat 1 time. Is taking it again to hopefully boost her score and be eligible for more merit.

GPA: 4.67W, 3.86UW
SAT: 1330 (what she submitted with applications, 1 sitting not representative of GPA)
SAT: 1400 (March '21 sitting to get more merit)

Accepted (all direct admit nursing):
University of Tennessee (15K merit)
Clemson (accepted Alt. major)
Temple (14K merit)
West Virginia (13.5 merit)
U Pitt (no merit)
U Delaware (15K merit)
U Maine (20K merit)
Arizona State (15.5K merit)

U Mass - Amherst

She has committed to University of Tennessee (UTK). She is thrilled to be heading to Rocky Top. Go VOLs! Good luck to all those making decisions!


Does anyone know how to see ur ranking on the waitlist for UCLA nursing? I know people last year knew there’s but I can’t find mine.

Congrats!!! UTK was on our radar for a long while…I’m kind of having a hard time getting over it. Wishing her all the best!

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I LOVED Temple when we toured there but alas…it’s been made clear that this isn’t about me. Ha! Congrats and best of luck to your daughter!

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Thank you!!

All decisions are officially in so thought I’d give a final update on my D. She will be attending the Mennonite College of Nursing at Illinois State University this fall. We are very excited for and proud of her! Big congratulations on all the acceptances and decisions!!

U Cincinnati (10k)
Illinois State (10k + honors)
Marquette (20k + honors)
Saint Louis U (35k)
Loyola Chicago (25k)
Florida Southern (25k + honors)
Jacksonville U (29.5k + honors)
UTK (10k) - accepted into 2nd choice major

U Minnesota

Case Western


I’m also committing to SDSU nursing!

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hey i’m a senior going into nursing this fall. does anyone know anything about nyu nursing?

Just an update, my daughter has decided to attend Loyola Chicago. She fell In love with the campus and really connected with the professors and students. Thank you to everyone who posted on this site. Good luck to you all.

As a side note I wanted to give props to Creighton for really rolling out the red carpet and being so genuine and helpful in the entire process of recruitment. As a parent it meant a lot to see how much they truly care about their students and want them to succeed.


It’s a fabulous school and a great choice. I think loy Chicago has been trying to do the right thing in regards to training students in the pandemic. Congrats to her!

TerryTw—came back to find you to let you know that my daughter is going to York for pre-nursing! We found out in March that Hood did not take her for nursing, and she had planned to go there anyway, but there were just too many “ifs”. She could go ahead and start classes for nursing and IF she did well enough and IF there were open spots at the end of the year and IF nobody stronger was ahead of her in line to transfer in…all of this made her want to at least go look at York, which we did last week. She LOVED it–felt it was the best fit of any of the schools she’d seen. Deposit is in! Not the kind of school my older daughter would have gone for but it seems very friendly and comfortable to my current Senior.


OMG Yes I remember. That is great great news for your daughter! I think is a terrific school and well priced. I tout York College of PA to everyone I speak to looking for a smaller type school. It was our number one choice until U of Akron came along.

My daughter originally loved Kent State (Big) and we thought Nursing was Direct Admit. Unfortunately it is not true DIrect Admit and some students do not get accepted in two different semesters. We were not comfortable with that scenerio. My wife saw a U of Akron mailpiece that they were now offering Direct Admit. It is smaller than Kent State but still about three times the size of York. We decided to take a look, finally got there, she loved it, even went back to Kent State to take another look and wasn’t jazzed anymore about Kent State. The best part is she pricing is well below even our NYS SUNY In-State schools for tuition and room and board. I hope we are doing the right thing. She did get into Direct Admit part of the program.

I actually felt bad about letting our Admissions Counselor know my daughter wasn’t attending. Akron is part of downtown Akron but an enclosed campus. All along I guess she wanted bigger.

I really think York will give your daughter great support. I know two young nurses through friends that were very happy at York and the program. The four and a half year option is a great solution to make the two science semesters a little easier. We do what we can for parents and the rest is up to them. I am so glad is has worked out for your daughter and I can’t think of a better choice for the both of you. There is a web site called College Bound. If you join their is a York College of PA parent’s page with great information for those with students in the Fall 2021. I highly recommend joining. Stay in touch! Terry

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