class of 2025 nursing

Hi! I decided to start a thread for rising seniors who are interested in applying to nursing major. I’m so nervous for the application process!

Schools that i want to apply to

  • asu
  • uh manoa
  • temple university
  • penn state
  • seattle university
  • sdsu
  • uci
  • uva
  • loyola university chicago
  • university of san francisco

Also um how hard is it to get into these direct admit nursing programs with the pandemic and everything?

Hey i’m also a rising senior applying to colleges this year for nursing.

schools i’m interested in:

  • University of Minnesota
  • Florida Southern College
    -University of NC-Chapel Hill
  • University is NC-Wilmington
  • NCA&T

i’m looking for some other schools if anyone has any suggestions!!!

Also i do not think the intensity or complexity of the college app system for direct admit will change. But i heard that a lot of international students aren’t coming back because of travel restrictions.

Hello! I’n also a rising senior planning to apply for the Nursing Major as a direct admit. Some schools I have in mind are UCLA, UC Irvine, San Diego State University, CSU Fullerton, and looking into more but the rest of the CSUs or UCs aren’t direct nursing. :neutral: As for your question on how hard it will be to get in, many of the direct entry nursing schools are very competitive. For example, UCLA only accepts 50 freshmen and 10 transfers every year and last year they had more than 3,000 applications to the nursing major. The same goes with UC Irvine, who also only has a 2% acceptance rate for Nursing. Those are just two examples but many universities have the same stats. We really have to impress them with our essays and experiences in the healthcare. UC Irvine has a specific section in their selection process for that. We should keep in touch haha!

Omg we are in the same boat! Im a rising senior too and Im applying to those colleges too for nursing!!! I really want a direct admit too! I didn’t know fullerton was direct admit thats awesome! If I get more info of stuff to help us I am going to reach out to you! This is crazy I found someone just like me!

Hi @sammy147519 @wheresmyboba great to hear from some fellow nursing majors trying to get into these Cali schools!
“We really have to impress them with our essays and experiences in the healthcare. UC Irvine has a specific section in their selection process for that.”
I completely agree as the essays are vital to securing a spot in these selective programs. Check out this article too:
Also, what is the specific section for UC Irvine? They got rid of their supplemental too.
Also the CSUs are going test blind.

Hi! For UC Irvine I am not sure? I was looking up if they take letter of recs, and i noticed that the nursing supplemental is not a thing anymore? Do you know if they take letter of recs? I’m guessing we just apply normal and put nursing for our major, not too sure lol. Also thank you for telling us about CSU going test blind, that makes me SO MAD THOUGH. Best of luck guys we got this!

hi @sammy147519 UC Irvine is basically a regular UC application. UCLA has all of the LOR and supplements. Hopefully @wheresmyboba can comment on this-especially the UC Irvine “specific section in their selection process for that.” Do not stress too much about all of this because no matter what school we go to we will be nurses in the near future!

Hi guys! I’m also co2025 and I’m in between nursing and pursuing a doctorate in Clinical Psychology. Here’s where I’m planning on applying:
Appalachian State
Virginia Tech
Miami University
University of Delaware

@gracye seems like you’re near the NC area, as well as I. I am also thinking about applying to UNCW for nursing

@elledd I’m in Virginia, so pretty close. UNCW is so pretty!

Hi guys!

I’m a HS Senior and looking to apply to the following schools:

I’d like to stay in SoCal… I have a couple virtual meet & greets this week! :slight_smile:

hey! also a rising senior applying to direct admit nursing schools and hoping to go to grad school to become a nurse midwife. my list is kinda long because i am worried i’m not going to get into anywhere. my list has 14 schools as of right now but it’s probably going to get longer.
here’s my list!

  • boston college
    -northeastern university
    -university of michigan
    -georgetown univerisity
    -villanova university
    -penn state university
    -gonzaga university
    -marquette university
    -temple university
    -seattle university
    -university of virginia
    -fairfield university
    -creighton university
    -university of rhode island

and im considering upenn, drexel, and quinnipiac

My D is also a rising senior applying to direct admit. She wants a larger school and preferably not in the Northeast (we are in CT). She also has a longer list:

West Virginia University
University of Tennessee
University of Pittsburgh
Penn State
University of Virginia
University of Delaware
University of Maine
University of Rhode Island

Also considering Purdue

Possible Non Direct Schools

University of Florida
University of South Carolina

@NurseNat Same! I would like to stay in the social area, what city are you from? Also gooodluckk on your applications!

I’m from Valencia (near Los Angeles)…Where are you from? :slight_smile:
I’m going to San Diego this week and will try and see PLNU & SDSU as much as I can! We’re also going to drive around UCI on our way down.

Hey everyone!!! I am from northern California and am also applying into direct entry nursing programs as well. Most of the direct entry nursing programs in California are so competitive!

Hi Everyone-
Just checking in to find out thoughts on TO for prospective nursing students?? Many of the schools on my D’s list have gone TO but I can not figure out if that means TO for direct admit nursing students. She unfortunately is among the many students who has not been able to sit for an SAT or ACT. They have all been cancelled. (Scheduled for SAT in August and September) So if TO applies to nursing students direct admit that would be helpful to know.

Here is the list of schools she plans to apply:

West Virginia University
University of Tennessee
University of Pittsburgh
Penn State
University of Virginia
University of Delaware
University of Maine
University of Rhode Island

Also considering Purdue

FYI - just found out if you are Applying to UPitt for nursing you do need to submit a test score. It is not TO. If for some reason you cannot get a test in, they encourage you to reach out to them to discuss options.

So glad to find this thread. Still finalizing the list, but so far:

University of Michigan
Case Western Reserve University
University of Pittsburgh
Western Michigan University

Good luck to everyone!