Class of 2026 Undergrad/Class of 2024 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

This is an interesting discussion as programs appear to be shifting towards remote auditions. I look back on this process from the other side, as my son is in his second year in college. He grew so much as a musician and a person by going through the live audition process. He quite literally finished his audition tour during the last weekend of live auditions in March of 2020 before the music world largely shut down. So I feel for students who are not able to have this experience and for the challenges it presents to the schools to identify the students they would like to accept remotely. But the reality is that many students can’t travel safely right now. And virtual auditions do indeed allow an equitable process. For those of you feeling like you are missing the opportunity to tour schools and meet students/faculty, in my experience with my son’s school, visitor access is extremely limited. It is interesting to hear that Eastman is accepting a recorded (not live virtual) audition. As my son would say, there are many people who can sound great after 12 takes. But it is a very different skill to stand up and perform well in front of a panel.
Best of luck to all out there! No matter the format, schools are very invested in getting the right musicians into their programs. And here is hoping that come fall, you will all have many opportunities!


It is interesting. So my son is younger and is auditioning for precollege, festivals and competitions, and he would much much much rather audition in person. You can take 100 takes and never feel like a recorded audition is the best you can do, esp with a 10 minute long piece or one that has to be “just right” (Mozart concerto). But when you are live, there is all of the adrenalin and it is what it is. He feels that panels will expect so much more from a recording than live. My S21 who did virtual drama auditions grew enormously through his audition season and definitely was much better by the end. Visits were also much more productive when you knew it was a real option since you had been accepted rather than wanting to get too invested since you didnt know.


I don’t mind the actual auditions being online so much (and I think it’s the right call under the circumstances); I’m more sad that it’s another delay in being able to visit the campuses and meet professors in person and all that, since most of the my son’s sample lessons, tours, etc. were also all virtual last year. It’s just a bummer that it’s yet another experience that covid is messing up for kids (although it appears that I’m sadder about it than my kid is; he’s been very sanguine about covid disruptions in general).


Boo, NEC has decided all auditions scheduled in January will now be recorded. I expected them to go virtual, but live virtual. What did NEC do last year ~ did they do live virtual, or recorded also? It sounds like they’re hoping to do in person auditions for February still. ETA from NEC’s email: “we have made the decision to move all majors with January auditions to a recorded format. You will need to upload the required audition materials no later than February 7, 2022 - regardless of your originally-scheduled audition date.”

My son just got an email late afternoon today that auditions scheduled this month will now be recorded! I am also wondering what BoCo will do…

Answering my own question ~ looking at some of last year’s posts, it looks like NEC did their auditions recorded vs live. Sigh.

We are in NJ, scheduled to fly to Indiana for a Jacob’s music comp interview next Friday. I kept expecting them to cancel it, but eventually I had to buy the plane tickets. Now I just went and spent more money to reschedule the tickets to an earlier time because I’m so afraid the flight will get cancelled or delayed and our original flight was so late in the evening. Ugh. I really want her to be able to be there and interact in person, especially since it is one of her top choices, but I’m also worried that plane travel will be a mess. I’m thinking this will be her only in-person interview. Nobody else has heard from Jacobs changing it to virtual, right? I keep telling her to check her email but she’s so bad at it. LOL. I’m afraid she missed something important!

Does anyone else wonder if some of the schools accepted fewer applicants from prescreening this year because they have grown more accustomed to evaluating candidates by videos? In one college info session I was told that the school had gained some fantastic musicians during the first Covid-era application season that they wouldn’t have if they hadn’t gone virtual/video. So maybe some schools have scaled back their prescreen pools to lessen their in-person interactions to something closer to a final selection. Just speculating because I know a few very competent musicians who surprisingly did not make it past the prescreens for a number of schools.

momofmusicgirl, I’d be totally stressed in your shoes too! My son’s scheduled for the Feb. audition at Indiana. We’re in New England but with the double bass we are planning a road trip. He hasn’t heard anything about going virtual, but then again his audition is later.

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My son auditioned (and was accepted) to NEC/Tufts. His audition was recorded, as were all his auditions (Eastman, Julliard, NEC, Northwestern, and Oberlin).


@Sparculus - Or could it be that they accepted the same amount of prescreen applicants but pulling from a wider pool? In that way, some applicant pools that in the past had almost everyone passing prescreens, are now having a smaller number passing prescreens.

I wonder this bc my D did music school auditions plus MT auditions. The music school audition were more opaque. They weren’t always a cattle call so you didn’t always see, on the grand scale, the “competition”. But the MT auditions (when we went to unifieds in Chicago) were very white and, seemed, at least upper middle class. Not everyone can afford a few nights at The Palmer House to audition. My D was prepared correctly for her music audition…but we did not know the “protocol” for MT auditions. I had to buy her an outfit the morning of her first audition when it became obvious that black legging and a white T-shirt were inappropriate (everyone was wearing heels and a prom dress). Luckily we could afford to do it. Still she did not have the large, professional head shots most had with a binder…we were using her small senior pictures for a photo and a file…oops…I just didn’t realize what you were suppose to invest so much into it…on top of airline tickets and hotel room stays (note she still got acceptances as she was prepared with her audition material). I remember looking around and thinking…who can afford all this!?! There were some POC in the crowd…but not a lot (and I notice as my D is half Asian and looks Asian).

Anywho…that’s my 2 cents. At my D’s Sat. music school, most kids got auditions for music or MT…but most kids had the means to travel etc. With the virtual visits opening up the pool to talent without the means, it may be having an impact on these traditional pools. And maybe instead of passing all 8 or 10 prescreens, they pass 4 or 5. That’s still OK…more like grad school when you don’t pass everything…or real life…when you really don’t pass everying…lol.


Totally agree, my S21 is at a school that I probably would have told him to forget about sine the admission rate is so small and the travel would have been so annoying any year other than last. Virtual auditions are the greatest equalizer


@momofmusicgirl - if you do end up going to Jacobs and have any questions about where to visit to be in the hub of the music world there, let me know.


Great insight, thank you

@bridgenail Thank you! We would love some ideas! We will hopefully be around the campus Friday-Sunday afternoon. It seems like in previous years they’ve had a lot more for kids to do on audition weekend, but most likely with Covid there is less that they are advertising. Since we will only be able to afford one visit out there, I’d love some pointers about what to see!

Yes, do reach out to @bridgenail. I’m convinced she’s one of the smartest and most generous music parents on the planet, and her IU knowledge is second to none! Hoping you get to enjoy that beautiful campus and all it has to offer in person. Best wishes on the journey!


Has anyone heard back from NYU about pre-screenings yet?

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I’ll DM you today.

@mom2amazingkids - you are too kind. I hope your kid is enjoying…Michigan…I believe, right?

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@bridgenail add great memory to the list! :wink: Yes, UMich SMTD, and loving it! I’m sure kid and her friends would be happy to consult, advise, give tours, etc. if any hopefuls are considering Michigan.


My cellist daughter just heard from Rice that auditions will be virtual (video, not zoom.) She will also audition (virtually) at UMich SMTD (great to hear your daughter loves it there, mom2clarinetobsessedkid!)