Class of 2026 Undergrad/Class of 2024 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Good luck to your daughter with the rest of the process! Those are all good schools and I’m sure she’ll end up somewhere that’s a good fit for her (maybe even at Blair with my daughter)!


Oberlin auditions virtual :frowning: Not surprising, but a bummer.

Just came to say the same thing!

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I’m relieved, TBH. Yes, it’s a bummer, but at least it’s live and everyone will be on equal footing.

Just waiting to hear from other schools…

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Update from Juilliard ,
The Juilliard School has been paying close attention to COVID-19 pandemic developments, and to the progression of the omicron variant. As noted in previous emails, we have pledged to take whatever steps are necessary to keep our applicants, students, faculty, and staff safe.

As of today, our hope is to hold music auditions in person, as scheduled in late February and early March. However, we wish to alert you to the possibility that we may need to hold auditions remotely, depending on the advice of our medical consultants. IF WE CHANGE TO REMOTE AUDITIONS, WE WILL CONTACT YOU AS SOON AS THAT DECISION IS MADE. Please read our emails for updates, rather than emailing to ask us if anything has changed; we will let you know if it has.


Just heard that I passed the Eastman prescreening (cello) !


Congratulations! That’s amazing!

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My S just received Frost prescreening pass (Media scoring and production)


Just heard from Eastman that I passed prescreening for violin!


Congrats! We are still waiting on Eastman results for viola. Fingers crossed.


Congratulations!!! This thread is so inspiring! And educational to parents of Juniors, lol!


Son just heard that he passed viola prescreening at Eastman!


Hi there. Mom of a senior looking to major in flute performance. Bemoaning the fact that it looks like most of her auditions will be virtual! We are headed to Boston next weekend for live auditions at BoCo and NEC, but word is Oberlin, UT, CCM, CMU will all be virtual. Eastman will be recorded, which is even more disappointing. Waiting to hear on several others. Anyone else sad about this?


Sad but also relieved. I don’t want to travel right now, and this will be a blip in their overall experience as music majors in their chosen schools.

Boco and NEC are going forward with live auditions? I guess if it’s next weekend it’s hard to ask people who are traveling to pivot.

We are waiting to hear if Ithaca is going to switch to virtual, but my son is going to change his preference to virtual anyway since his other two are now virtual.

This does suck, but I am glad schools are being careful and taking care of their students, staff, and prospective students.

Hang in!

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I keep waiting for BoCo and NEC to change to virtual. But they haven’t as of yesterday, so I went ahead and make flight reservations.

Yes, I am glad they are being safe. I guess I’m just sad for my daughter. She has not visited any of the schools she’s applied to, and I just think making a decision is going to be super hard. She was so looking forward to audition days with tours and information sessions. We’ll be needing to visit hopefully after receiving acceptances in March and April.


So I am following this for my S24 but I have something to say about virtual auditions. Last year S21 did all auditions for drama virtually. It was more than fine. Was a huge equalizer and saved money and time in terms of travel. Once he was accepted we traveled to the schools that remained int he running and made a final decision. Everyone will be held to the same standard. And since my S24 is a flutist I have to say I couldnt imagine anything worse than a masked audition.


@helpingthekid73 I completely agree. I think making it virtual does help level the playing field. For that reason, I hope it stays that way. And also, virtual auditions mean students aren’t forced to choose which schools they apply to based on whether they can physically make it to the specific audition dates for a given school.

Of course it is preferable to see a school in person, but the fact of the auditions going virtual does not mean you can’t go see campus. My kid did auditions virtually but visited several campuses in person for the info session and to get a feel for the vibe of the various campuses.


Things aren’t great in Boston. Surprised that Boston schools have live auditions. Is Berklee still opening fully?

I agree completely regarding leveling the playing field. Most schools are now offering virtual auditions as an option (I think as a pleasant fall out from last year’s forced virtual auditions), but before this latest covid explosion, it seemed like an in person audition would be an advantage over opting for virtual. It’s so much more equitable to do it virtually for everyone and eliminate the stress of trying to spend big money for travel, hotel, etc.

If you can travel to schools once your child has acceptances, and they can meet assigned teachers, maybe get a lesson, then that can help greatly in making the right choice. But again, that’s spending money that not everyone can spend.


Northwestern just cancelled all in-person auditions.

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