Class of 2026 Undergrad/Class of 2024 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

That’s great news! It’s such a relief to know she’ll be able to follow her dream! Good luck with the rest of the schools!

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My D22 passed pre-screen at Oberlin for the TIMARA program. She received an email from the department head with three more essay questions, a link to a recorded piece that she had to prepare a “response” to, the response in this case being a recorded composition and another essay. Her virtual interview is next week. That’s on top of the five musical compositions and related essays for the prescreen. A lot of work!


Thank you very much! I haven’t seen this for a few days. The admissions also sent an email. They will be communicating with us after the results come out.

I wonder if the TIMARA application is onerous because they are trying to determine fit. Did your daughter also apply for composition at Oberlin (not sure if this is done, actually)?

First grad school admission is in the books at FSU! Audition was in person with the entire voice dept faculty. He’s got remote auditions coming up in a couple weeks for Northwestern and Boston University, then an in person at Mannes in about a month. Should be a memorable NYC trip for him.


Hoping you all can help with a question. My son has now completed 2 live auditions for saxophone studios (less competitive programs than you all are applying to) and after each one, the professor gave praise and communicated that he would be admitted. I am of the mind that words are words and nothing is sure until the official communication comes out from admissions but also not trying to be the downer on my son’s spirits. Has anyone ever had a verbal offer rescinded? TIA


Sadly, yes. This was not our experience, but it seems that every year there are stories here of kids getting heaped with praise (sometimes promises), only to have a seemingly ‘sure thing’ fall through. I understand the urge teachers/audition panels must feel to be encouraging, but many wise music school veteran parents advised taking it all with a grain of salt. Accept the praise. You earned it! But don’t assume anything is a done deal until it’s in writing. Best wishes!


Yep, it’s a positive sign but you can’t count those chickens until you see it in writing. Individual professors do not always have the authority to promise admission, budgets change, etc…


Just got accepted to Umich a few days ago for undergrad viola performance!!


Congratulations! That is amazing.

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Congrats!!! :tada: If you have any questions, my D could connect you with a current UMich viola student. Go Blue!

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Thanks! I may take you up on that!

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Congrats! We should stay in touch just in case both of our kids end up there.

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I am as usual tardy to the party but I wanted to say HI! and Congrats to all the hard working kiddos out there! I hope everything works out for all of you! I’ve been on the board off and on for several years and I can’t believe my D is about to graduate this spring from NEC (violin)!

She did us all a favor and decided to only apply for NEC for grad school. She toyed with a few ideas but decided that both the chamber opportunities and her amazing private teacher won out over all the others. So, it has been a relatively easy process this year compared to 4 years ago.

She just completed her audition recordings last week (wasn’t required to do a prescreen in the fall since she is a current student) so now we wait with everyone else. I am (not so) secretly very happy to have her staying in Boston, our much loved city, so I am excited!

Here’s wishing the best for all of your students!


Yes! Definitely. I’ll be sure to continue on this board. I’m hooked now! Good luck on the rest of the acceptances!


Hey, all- update here! Son was admitted to Oberlin today (voice)! Received a direct email from the voice department. Yay!


That’s awesome–congrats!! and how great is it that he doesn’t have to wait until March to find out!?

Is that his first big acceptance?

How exciting!! It will be fun to see where he goes. You never know 10 years from now where he (and my D) will be singing!! Love these vocalists…and the instrumentalists!!!

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His very first! He still has one audition left to do.

thank you!


That’s awesome!! Congrats! We sure would love that early acceptance in this house! Happy for you. We are not so patiently waiting on Oberlin. :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

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