Class of 2026 Undergrad/Class of 2024 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

DS, also classical voice and a baritone, got a callback for the second audition at Curtis as well! @Mcecere, good luck to our boys!

DS trimmed his conservatory list to Juilliard, Curtis and NEC (for the dual program with Harvard). NEC is only doing recorded auditions, but I guess we’ll be flying twice to the east coast in March for the other two!

Two other YoungArts classical voice winners in son’s cohort also made it to the second audition at Curtis. BTW, @Baribassmom our boys got to interact during YoungArts week :smile:


This reminds me of 2016 when D was auditioning for undergrad voice. That year, it seemed everyone was a soprano! She met so many nice girls at auditions and I “met” so many voice moms on this board. 6 years later, she is still close friends with some of those girls and I still keep in touch with some of their moms-The classical voice community is small but very supportive. They will run into each other at auditions and over the summers, and in grad school, even if they don’t end up at the same undergrad institution. Good luck to all!


Thank you for starting this post. My D is also a Grad applicant Opera/VP. She’s completing her MusEd and student teaching and auditioning at the same time. She applied to BOCO, Curtis, utKnox, and Eastman. She really wants a focused and intense Conservatory experience. I originally wanted her to apply to more schools, but I now see that 4 was enough. The time, money, and preparation required is at our max.We’re in the mid south and she is determined to go where classical music and opera is thriving (north in her eyes). She’s 21, but I’m a little afraid for her to move out of state and pray she gets into one of these schools. Enough of my rambling. Just wanted to give a proper introduction and ask if anyone knows or has experience with interview Q’s from Eastman? The only Q were prepared for is why did you chose Eastman?


OMG! I have missed this entire thread. My son wants viola and another major (To be determined). He just finished his Oberlin audition and has a Northwestern audition in two weeks.


How’s everyone doing? DS had his Oberlin audition last week and thinks it went well…although then the prof sent him 3 more essay-type questions to answer, so he’s feeling pretty mopey about that :laughing: Next up he needs to submit a video for Blair and then has a virtual interview next week, I think? And then he has district honor band this weekend, too, so it’s going to be a hectic few days.


Oh, dear! Extra essays at this point hardly feel fair. :confused: Sorry about that! Maybe a good sign of interest on the professor’s part? Odd that they weren’t part of the initial music application… Scholarship related?

D is trying to recall ESM interview questions from 2020. It was done in a group format at that point. Her interview came at the end of a LONG day of placement tests and her audition. The format made it feel slightly more comfortable and conversational. EVERYONE was nervous, but all made it through. She recalls that there was a question about role models, and one about how you’d use your social media with a music career. The most memorable question was, ‘What vegetable best respresents you, and why?’ :crazy_face:


Last night, I went to my D’s latest opera. Amazingly running…with a double cast and two swings (M, F), the first time I’ve seen that. The cast is constantly changing up as anyone with a scratchy voice is encouraged to bow out immediately and test. In this way, they have stayed open…and the 3 times weekly covid test staggered has helped too.

At the bow, she was standing next to a girl (now woman) that she met Freshman year in her studio…she was a first year grad student. My husband and I both remarked on how unlikely it would have seemed 11 years ago for them to be together. She was a principal in my D’s first opera (as chorus member Freshman year). 11 yrs later, they are back on stage together…in the same opera. It is a small world.

It’s fun to read about all of the audition experiences. I’m very excited for all of you. It’s such a great ride (except for the upside down parts).


Hope your kids are getting home safely after UMich and other in-person auditions this week, lots of flights getting cancelled.

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What instrument? My son auditioned @ Oberlin on viola and knocked it out of the park, meaning he played everything as well as he possibly could. Oberlin is his first choice school…


clarinet. Oberlin’s his first choice, too. Did your son get extra questions, too, or is it just a special torture for clarinetists?

I don’t know what to make of the extra questions; he already answered plenty (including at least one that was very similar to one of the new ones) on the original app. It came directly from the clarinet professor, so I gather it’s just something he likes to do.

My son plays the viola and was invited to study with the Oberlin teacher after taking a lesson my son requested. Just because he was part-time studying with the Oberlin teacher did not guarantee him a spot. Oberlin is unique, as we have found out on our journey. I think if they are asking for more essays from your son, he is being considered. They want to know more about him. This has been my take-away about the school–the school KNOWS its students.


PS- We are working with a private college counselor. Our counselor was raving about the school well before my son decided this is the teacher he wants to study with–I don’t understand college rankings–I truly, from the bottom of my heart question US News and World Report after my son has taken lessons from quite a few college teachers (All the usual for his instrument are excellent but he expected better from the Ivies) . I have been thoroughly impressed with how my son has been vetted @ Oberlin. Look at the essays as just more vetting! My son will be utterly heartbroken if he is not accepted here.

PPS- From my understanding, each Oberlin teacher vets in a different way…

PPPS- No, my son was not asked to submit additional essays. The teacher knows him, warts and all.

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My daughter did her Oberlin audition also and they did not ask for extra essays. Thank Goodness! LOL Hopefully he’ll get rewarded with an acceptance for that extra work!


And she got her first legit music school acceptance at BoCo on Monday with a really nice scholarship. (She applied EA) She’s going to music school somewhere! Woohoo!! This was the first real acceptance and there’s some good relief that comes from that!


My daughter got accepted to Berklee in Dec, also with nice merit, and had her Oberlin audition (no extra essays).

Good luck to all!


My daughter also a violist. Did not get too far with with lessons at the Ivies she was interested in. Yale apparently no undergraduate teach and Harvard person said no trial lessons unless enrolling at Harvard! what was your son’s experience? She had a fabulous lesson with the Duke teacher.

I wouldn’t expect sample lessons at Harvard since Harvard does not offer lessons to students:

The Music Department faculty do not offer lessons. Students who want to pursue lessons during their time at Harvard find their own teachers, usually drawing from the large pool of music instructors in the Boston area. Lists of local teachers and information can be obtained through the Office for the Arts at Harvard. Lessons are arranged privately between the student and his/her instructor, and are usually considered extra-curricular. Some students have their current instructor recommend teachers in the Boston area. Some find their instructor through the bulletin board in the Music Department or seek recommendations from fellow students.

For Yale undergrads, lessons may be with grad students in the School of Music unless exceptionally talented (we were told years ago, so check current situation).